Saturday, July 24, 2010

Easy Going Saturday...!

No post today, but instead I thought I would leave a little music for you!

I love the harmonica! Always have, always will! I hope you like this piece as well...!

Time for some coffee on the patio, OK?


  1. Hey Catman...
    Sounds pretty good for a change, doesn't it?

    Nothing like a nice little change of pace to slow things down!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  2. ...mornin'Jim,nice change of pace,i like it...gonna need lots of coffee today,hope ya got a backup pot,mine can't seem to keep up with me of these days i'm gonna get me a

  3. Hey Ken...
    Always a back up coffee pot going or close by! Don't want to get caught short, ya know?

    Wish I had a good ol' endless pot like a more thing for the "want list" I guess!

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by today!

  4. Mechanic in IllinoisJuly 24, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    We all need a day off. I'll be ok until someone in the family breaks something. Then it's back to work. Thanks for the great music.

  5. Boats in the gulf can't find any oil to clean up! Hey dude where is my oil? No oil lots of corexit. Easy to see why psychopaths don't want to discuss asphalt volcano, red tar, not oil.

    It is looking like the oil wasn't that big a problem to begin with but the corexit certainly is, poisoned air, poisoned sea food. Unbelievable.

    Here is Eastman's take.

    aangirfan is on this one!

  6. Gary Near Death ValleyJuly 24, 2010 at 1:28 PM

    My father taught me to play the Homer harmonica as a child and I still play it every now and then. Though not good enough for a concert, I enjoy doing some songs and used to play some on those lonely nights in the fire station.

  7. Hey Gary...
    i have always liked to play and hear the harmonica. As a young guy, I would play the harmonicas while my friends played the guitar. Made pretty good music together many times!

    One good thing about it, they were portable! Could take them anywhere!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  8. Thanks, Uncle Hermit :)

    I liked it!


  9. Good Morning My Special One
    I think I lost a day somewhere.
    My dad played and so did an ex It was always fun times when they played.
    Hope your having an enjoyable time off.
    need to down load some pictures today.

  10. I have never been a harmonica fan but that was really plesant and I listened to it twice! Thank you.
