Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gotta Watch Those Pork Rinds...!

Being from Texas, it stands to reason that I like pork rinds...or pork skins, as I call 'em.

Most truck drivers seem to like 'em because they are a good snack to enjoy while driving down the road. Most of the time, that is!

Sometimes, it's better not to have anything at this story shows!

Trucker chokes on pork rind, jackknifes rig

Associated Press
July 13, 2010, 7:50AM

BLAINE, Wash. — A Washington State Patrol trooper says the driver of a FedEx tractor-trailer rig choked on some spicy pork rinds, lost control of his truck on an interstate and jackknifed it before coming to a stop in a muddy ditch.

From the Bellingham Herald: Trooper Keith Leary says Edward Sutherland was driving his rig southbound from Blaine near the Canadian border Monday when he began choking and veered from the southbound lanes across the median into northbound lanes of Interstate 5.

The trooper says the truck didn't hit any vehicles. Leary says the 42-year-old driver suffered minor injuries and will be cited for driving with wheels off the roadway.

Now I can't help but wonder what the guy was using to wash the snack down with. Don't suppose it could have been whatever was being used to wash the pork skins down that might have contributed to the jack knife, ya reckon?

Just wondering!

Now, my friends, how about some fresh coffee on the patio? Sorry, no pork skins today!


  1. Right up there with Chitlins in my book....something I won't have to worry about. But thanks for the warning!

  2. I have never eaten a pork rind nor do I believe I ever will. I'm sure it's quite tasty and crispy, etc. but, um, no thank you.

  3. Good Morning My Special One
    Now I know how much you love those things but what does your Dr. think about them. :) I can see someone choking on those. Better stick with something not so crumbly.
    I can bring some fresh ground coffee to the patio any body bake?

  4. Hey Catman...
    Never have tried chitlins, but I do like the pork skins. Lots of folks don't care for them, though!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    That's alright, lady! I'll eat your share for ya...just cause I'm a nice guy!

    I appreciate the visit this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    How can the doctors NOT like 'em for their patients? No calories, no salt, and all natural!

    Guess it's all a matter of taste!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  5. Mechanic in IllinoisJuly 18, 2010 at 10:00 AM

    You might be a redneck if you eat pork rinds for dessert. Thanks for another great lesson.

  6. Mechanic... pork rinds,routinely used as snack while traveling,funny thing is the dern things have choked me too,on a few

    ...anyone else see something wrong with the "cited for driving with wheels off roadway" thingy ???(is better than DUI,i guess)

  7. I love pork rinds. :)

    Catman gets just a wee bit grossed out that I eat them. LOL! They can sure make a person thirsty though.

    Have a good day!

  8. Tried pork rinds a couple of times, but not my favorite snack choice. Instead, give me those crunchy cheese snacks - you know the ones that leave your hands and mouth orange looking! And I know too much of those are NOT a good thing, but boy do they taste good every now and then. WOnder if anyone has ever gone off-road eating them?

  9. Hey Mechanic...
    I thought that everyone did that! Especially with ice cream!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ken...
    I guess everyone that has eaten them before has chocked more than once!

    That citation does seem to read a little funny. I didn't know this was a ticketable offence!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Felinae...
    Seems strange that you would like them and Catman wouldn't!

    Maybe it's just one of those differences that make things more fun!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  10. They can be a cotton-mouth causer!
    And, y'might have a point about the beverage of washdown; you'd be dead on if it were pickled eggs he horked on...

  11. Hey Beatrice...
    Unfortunately, I like all the stuff that seems to be bad for me! Isn't that always the case?

    Why can't I really like something that is good for me? one of life's mysteries, I reckon!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  12. Hey Cyg...
    Gotta love those pickled eggs as well! guess all those things go good with the right beverage, but I think that some of them might be at least partially responsible for the wheels off the roadway!

    wouldn't be the first time, would it?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. Now is 9:03PM,, just checked your blog and it says that you updated 10 minutes ago.. That can't be right.. What up?

  14. Hey Ben...
    I was pre-posting and the dates got screwed up...but I think I fixed it.

    Never know what Blogger is going to do!

  15. Well coffee is not going to go with it. ;)

  16. Hey Namenlos...
    I'm thinking that a cold beverage would probably be better!

    At least, that would be my choice.

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!
