Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wanna Know What Love Is...?

What is love anyway?

So many answers to that question are around, so I thought I would add my version as well. Probably a little different than what others imagine, but then we all have our own ideas of love, don't we?

Here are just a couple of examples of what I think of when I think of LOVE!

Kinda makes ya smile just a tad, doesn't it? I know it does me...!

You have a great Saturday, my friends! Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit!


  1. :) aww...thanks, Uncle Hermit, those were cute and yes they brought a smile.

    Have a good weekend,

  2. Hey Felinae...
    Always happy to be of service, dear lady! Glad these brought you a smile or two!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  3. Awww! Kids and animals always bring a smile to my face!

    Thanks for sharing these, Hermit Jim!

  4. Brings a whole new meaning to Puppy Love doesn't it?

  5. Hey Kate...
    Anything I can do to brighten your day...makes my day a little better!

    Thanks so much for dropping by today, my friend!

    Hey SciFi Chick...
    Puppy love is the very best kind! Lots more fun than the grown up variety, isn't it?

    I sure am glad you could drop in for a visit !

  6. Well, you did it agin!! You get the Awwww, Ain't that too cute award. :-)
    Have a nice quite day.

  7. Animals & Kids, love is unconditional. We adults could learn a lot.


  8. I am just like those little kids when it comes to my dogs.

  9. Good Morning My Special One
    That brought back lots of memories. When my son was about 3 we had a great dane mix. He was a love and he would lay down and on the porch and my son would use him for a pillow and they would take their afternoon nap. No one could come near that kid.

  10. Hey Ben...
    Glad you liked the pics, buddy! You have a great day, too, buddy!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey AV...
    That we could, my friend! That we could!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sure is easy to become attached to the "special" friends, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Dogs and cat's seem to instinctively know how helpless babies are...and protect them like their own!

    Hey, thanks sweetie, for coming over today!

  11. Hey Country Gal...
    I'm sure glad you liked the pictures, and I appreciate you coming by today!

  12. Just got back from Branson Mo. and Tulsa Ok. Spent last week in Tulsa helping our kids Godparents with their new house. Fixed their roof,plumbing,wired in some lights,and fixed their garge door. Even thou my kids are grown, its worth it to know that my kids would have been taken care of if something happened to my wife and me when they were younger. Thanks for another great lesson.

  13. hey Mechanic...
    Always nice to plan ahead for the unpleasant things in life that may just come about!

    As the saying goes..."when disaster strikes, the time for planning is past!"

    Thanks for stopping by today...and welcome home!

  14. VERY COOL JIM!!!

    Love those pics...

    Common Cents

  15. It does make me smile. I love babies and pets.

  16. Hey Steve...
    Glad you liked them! We all need an "AWWW" moment once in a while!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Marjie...
    Hard not to smile when it comes to babies and pets, isn't it?

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  17. LOVED the pics...and it mirrored my "love" life to a TEE!
    It has been my pets who gave me a very unique deep love whereas humans and even me could not.
    Yep There is different kinds of love...I claim this one for me.

  18. Hi my old friend , many thanks for popping bye the old hovel here in teh Scottish highlands and leaving a lovely comment ,Mel really enjoyed this post LOve rocks ,peace and light

  19. Hi my old friend , many thanks for popping bye the old hovel here in teh Scottish highlands and leaving a lovely comment ,Mel really enjoyed this post LOve rocks ,peace and light
