Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gonna Be Gone Today...!...UPDATE!!

Gone to VA today to have the eye surgery. I'll try and post an update later on...but no promises!

Depending how things go tomorrow, I may be able to post again then. That's when the shield is supposed to come off.

Coffee is in the back, so just help your selves, OK? Later, my friends!

Got back from the VA about 2;45 with the surgery all done and shield in place! The shield is more like a see-through eye patch than anything else!

Man...what a difference it makes in the ability to see colors and images more clear! I'm sitting here in semi darkness typing this...and I'm NOT wearing my glasses!

This is great and the folks at the VA even feed me lunch after the operation. That's just how they do things!

They knew that most of the folks there were told not to eat or drink after midnight...and they gave them lunch right after the procedure! A sandwich , coffee, fruit, milk and a graham cracker taste pretty good when you haven't eaten for a while!

I may not even need my glasses after I get the other eye done! How cool would that be?

Many thanks to all that came by and wished me good luck! I do appreciate it!


  1. I hope everything goes well! Drugs! Get good drugs!

  2. Looking forward to a good report, my only concern is that once your eyes are fixed, it changes the way you look at life!! :-)

    See ya later on.

  3. Will be thinking about you in hopes that all goes well.

  4. A quick prayer for a good outcome sir - take care!

  5. Good Morning My Special One,
    I'll be right here waiting for you, All will go well for sure. Heres to brighter look at things.
    Hugs and much Love JoJo

  6. My thoughts are with you. May all go perfectly.

  7. My thoughts are with you. I had both of mine done earlier this year, so know exactly what you will go through.

    Hope you have as good or better success than I had. It is sure worth the trouble. SEE you later.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery:)

  9. We'll be saying a prayer for you today Hermit. May all goes smoothly and the healing begin immediately. HUGS

  10. Good luck with the eye surgery! I'll brew the next pot for you when you come back!

  11. Praying all goes well for you! Hopefully you'll be seeing better in no time. :)

  12. I hope all goes well and we have you back soon!

  13. A quick prayer for a great out come from your surgery and hope to have you back to blogging soon.

  14. glad things went well for you today! pretty cool that you may not need glasses… good luck!

  15. I noticed you mentioned colors. Cataracts are a yellow color which would be like looking through a yellow filter. Yellow and blue make green, so you can't see blues and purples very well, until after the surgery and then, BANG, it hits you. Ain't life beautiful!!

  16. Hey Jim,will say a prayer for ya Bro.I hope it all goes real well.


  17. prayers for quick recovery.

  18. HermitJim, late in reading your blog, but this way I got to also read the update too. So happy to learn that all went well! Take good care of yourself and we all know where the coffee is so can help ourselves awhile.

  19. HermitJim, late in reading your blog, but this way I got to also read the update too. So happy to learn that all went well! Take good care of yourself and we all know where the coffee is so can help ourselves awhile.

  20. Great evening report.. You do know what God charged after he said "Let there be Light" ?
    oh,, just 10 little rules. :-)

    Glad you can see again.. really am.

  21. Yay!!! glad to hear it went good and hope it stays that way! So happy that you are able to have this done.

  22. I was thinkin' about you today, Mister Hermit, sir - glad it went well!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  23. Bubba -
    The look on your face minutes after the surgery was well worth the price of admission! It truly is amazing what can be done today, and your smile and myriad descriptions of how things look now attest to the miracles that God has led us to.

    Thanks for letting me be there. Hope I can be around for the next one,

    Big hugs

  24. Hey Jim,

    You are gonna see things like you havnt seen them in along time. I had my eyes done less than a year ago and I still marvel at the amount of things that I have been missing for so many years.

    Truly happy that it went well and now your eyes are like that of a teenager....errmm well maybe a 20 year old but hell better than they were ...right? lol
