Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Sad Is This...?

Parting with our pets is hard enough, but something like this makes it even harder!

I'm not sure what my reaction would be, but doing what's right is never really easy! I sure don't want to have to make the choice this guy has to make. It would be hard on everyone, especially the family!

No matter how you try and explain it to the just know they are NOT going to understand. That makes a difficult decision even harder, without a doubt!

Family dog put to sleep, wakes up hours later

By: Tom Wait

Matt Olivarez had to do what every animal owner dreads – he had to put his dog to sleep. Now he may have to do it all over again.

Last Saturday, Matt took his 10-year-old Rottweiler, Mia, to the vet. Mia has spinal problems and is barely able to walk. Matt’s vet recommended the family dog be put down because nothing could be done to ease her pain.

Matt says he watched as his beloved Mia was given two shots. Moments later Mia closed her eyes and it appeared she was gone. Matt says the vet declared her deceased.

Because Mia is so important to his wife and two young children, Matt brought the dog home so the family could give her a burial. But the next morning Matt went into the garage where he put Mia’s body and she was awake.

Now Matt is faced with a gut-wrenching decision – does he go back to the vet and put the dog down again.

"What if I would have buried my dog alive? What if I would have cremated her and burned her alive? How do I explain to my kids I have to kill Mia twice?" said Olivarez.

Action News contacted the vet’s office where the procedure was performed. We were told there would be no comment until it could be verified that it was Mia that survived the shots.

Life is full of really hard decisions, and this is just one of them! Luckily, this is one that not all of us will be forced to make! That is something that we can be thankful for, I think!!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit! That isn't a hard decision at least!


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm not sure I would be able to put the dog down twice. :(

    I feel for that family. I would not want to be in their position and I hope that I never am.

    Have a good day, :)

  2. Hey Felinae...
    Terrible thing, this! I hope that I, or any of my friends, ever have to make this choice!

    Really a sad thing!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Hey Catman...
    Almost like the poor dog wasn't meant to go yet! I don't know that I could put him down again, certainly with the same doctor!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  4. What a heartbreaking thing to happen....the very thought of that makes me sick a little...poor family...and poor dog.

  5. Just going thru this myself of late was hard enough...but having this happen too, well I would not know if I could have handled much more.

  6. ...hey Jim,long time no type...

    ...this would be a bummer,poor kids...

  7. Hey Colorado Lady...
    Sad if he is suffering, glad if he isn't. How could you make the determination?

    Just have to pray a lot and see what the outcome would be.

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Diane-Sage...
    Sorry you had to go through the whole heart breaking thing, but glad you didn't have to do it again like this family.

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  8. Hey Ken...
    Good to see you again, brother! Been wondering where you got off to!

    This would definitely bum me out, so I can only imagine what the kids would have to go through. What a sad job for the father!

    Hey, man...thanks for coming by today!

  9. That is so weird, I've never heard of that happening before. That is a hard decision, but if the animal were suffering before and still is, I think I would choose to do the humane thing.

  10. That is so weird, I've never heard of that happening before. That is a hard decision, but if the animal were suffering before and still is, I think I would choose to do the humane thing.

  11. Man!!! What a horrible experience that must have been. Not sure how one handles that at all.

  12. How horrible for that family! Makes me think about our beloved Keeshond that we had put to sleep 5 yrs. ago and brought her home to bury her here on the farm she so loved.
    Of course the vet clinic isn't going to sy they messed up, rather turn it around so as to question the family The world now a days is so filled with incompetence it's maddening!
    I truly feel for this family, dealing with the shock of their beloved pet coming back to life and having to go through the emotions of putting her down again and the doubt and worry of knowing it is final. :o(

  13. The vet won't make a comment until it verifies that it's Mia? What the hell other dog would it be? Jeeesh!

  14. I cried all through your story. My dog, my friend, my close companion for about 19 years, my secretary, my joy - is laying here beside me dying

  15. Hey Anon 7:06...
    You're right about it being a matter of how much pain the dog is in!

    You can't let him suffer, but hard to trust the very folks that pronounced him dead before!

    Man, I'm glad it's not me making the decision!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Quite a story. isn't it? Like you, I'm not sure just how I would handle this!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Kelle...
    That would be one of the hardest parts...wondering if the dog was really dead when you buried him!

    Tough decision for sure!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Does make you wonder, doesn't it? Glad I don't have to make it!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I'm so sorry to hear about your long time friend! It's always hard when they get sick. Being a member of the family makes it so sad to not be able to help!

    I certainly hope that all the pain of your friend and you ends softly soon!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

  16. How terrible!
    I had to do the same thing with my old friend weeks ago, for just the same reason.
    I´m not sure I would be able to do it a second time, I think I´d rather carry her around then,


  17. Hey Christer...
    I knew that you had to carry this out with your dear pet a while back. I'm sorry that happened, but I'm so glad that you didn't have to do it again!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

  18. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 13, 2010 at 11:44 AM

    We need to put that vet to sleep. Its about time these so called professionals are held accountable. Thanks for the great information.

  19. Hey Mechanic...
    Something needs to be done, that's for sure!

    I wouldn't have any confidence in this vet! I could never go back to him...!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

  20. That would be hard to handle. I hope I'm never faced with it.

  21. Wow. That would be hard to deal with...
