Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just A Couple Of Things...!

Found out some interesting things at the V.A. yesterday!

First of all, if you are getting some type of important test done at the eye doctor's and they put a big ol' machine up to your eye...then tell you "don't blink!", you can guarantee that the first thing you'll do is blink! I learned this the hard way, and it took me about 4 tries of looking into a bright light before I could actually do so without blinking!

Secondly, I didn't know that you could actually do an ultra-sound on an eyeball! They did one on my eye because they needed to measure the size, and the way they normally do it is with light! However, the light wouldn't pass through the cataract so they did an ultra-sound! Another thing it's hard to keep your eye opened for...having a tool the size of a pencil placed on your eyeball! Again, I blinked!

Guess I failed the "non blinking' test for the day!

Just one more thing...I sure do appreciate all of the visits and good wishes yesterday while I was off at the V.A.! Sorry I didn't answer everybody. You know that I normally try and answer all the comments, but my eyes were pretty out of focus after I got back! Made it almost impossible to see the keyboard clearly enough to type!

Guess it's like ol' Ben says "Getting old ain't for wimps!" got that one right, Ben!

Thanks again to everybody! Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside while it's cool!


  1. Glad you made it home with your peepers still in your head!

  2. Hey Catman...
    Thanks, Buddy! So am I...!

    Always good to get back home with what you started out with!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. Believe me ....its worth the procedure I was scared as heck about it last year but the things that I didnt know what I was missing out on. The mountains I love were so much more clear.

  4. Believe me ....its worth the procedure I was scared as heck about it last year but the things that I didnt know what I was missing out on. The mountains I love were so much more clear.

  5. ain't modern medicine amazing? I'm not sure I could sit that still while they poked on my eyeball. Well Done Sir!!!

    Thanks for the update, we was all thinking bout ya..

  6. I do believe all the crap you got to go through before the actual procedure is the hard part. Remember, the actual operation lasts less then 7 minutes and nothing but a local numbing is needed.

  7. Hey Smunkey...
    Good to see you back on the blogging board again! We been missing ya!

    I appreciate you coming by today, my friend! Welcome back!

    Hey Ben...
    It is a fun way to spend the day! A challenge for sure, seeing how long you can go without blinking!

    I'm just glad that part is over!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I'm thinking you're right!

    I enjoyed the pictures of your visit to Huntsville State Park! I forget just how close it is sometimes!

    I need to get out more thi Fall!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  8. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 9, 2010 at 10:34 AM

    You know there's a cure for that going blind, they told all us boys that in 6th grade. All kidding aside, I'm glad you're back and I hope all those tests results are good.

  9. When you actually go in for your surgery, do you need a ride?


  10. Well I did know that it´s impossible not to blink when we´re not allowed too :-) :-) But I didn´t know about the ultra sound! Must have been awkward!

    Have a great day now!

  11. Hey Ashley...
    I actually have the surgery on the 20th. Very early in the morning, but that just means I'm through early in the day as well!

    Then back again on the next day...

    I might have to catch a ride with you if that's OK!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    Yeah, that not blinking is a hard thing for sure! Took me several tries, but I finally got it!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  12. Amen! I finally had to get glasses last year and still drag my feet to wear them until my eyes get tired.

    Hope your vision becomes 20/20 after they get rid of that stuff.

    Take care,


  13. Hey Will...
    Hard to change old habits, I guess! I don't think I'll have any trouble, since I can hardly see out of my left eye!

    Good to see you again, my friend! Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    You would think we would have learned by now!

    All the test say that we are good to go on the 20th.

    Thanks for coming by today!

  14. I wish you all kinds of luck with those eyes of yours Jim. When they get done with ya, you'll probably have vision comparable to Steve Austin, or so it may seem anyway.

  15. Hey Hermit...
    I certainly hope you're right! I have a good feeling about it all...!

    Good to hear from you again, buddy! Thanks for coming by today!

  16. Oh, dear, Mister Hermit, sir...perhaps you'll have to have not-blinking lessons from the roomies - cats are dab hands at that.

    Meanwhile, I'm wishing you well...

    Shade and Sweetwater,
