Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Morning Memories...!

I know that for many of us, Saturday mornings used to mean cartoons!

No cartoons this morning, but I reached way back into the past to come up with some special memories this Saturday.

These guys were a favorite of just about everyone back in the day. Even now, they do make some cool sounds! Just my humble opinion, of course! Trust me on this...!

And just for good more! "cause I like it!

This song has always been a good one, and it translates to today's world just fine...all the way from the '50's!

Ya gotta just LOVE YouTube!

C'mon, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio! Nice and cool this morning...!


  1. I have a vague memory of this group. I think they were rather popular over here too, at least in my family :-)

    A great start of my saturday morning :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Ahhh... the memories! Sweet stuff, this... and thanks for sharing!
    Have a great day my friend, and keep that coffee coming. : )

  3. Dang Hermit, we could spend all day listing to these "old" songs. Seems like just yesterday doesn't it?

    BTW, if you want to hear the original albums, bring you turn table and come on up, I got em!!!

  4. They were my favs way back when. Used to know almost all their songs by heart.

  5. ...mornin'Jim,yep,with that title i sure was expectin' some cartoons...good music is always a close second tho...

  6. Hey Christer...
    Many pleasant memories associated with the Kingston Trio! I love there music still today!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Katie...
    Makes ya want to hold hands or something, doesn't it?

    Lordy, how I miss some of the things from around then!

    Must be an old thing, huh?

    Thanks, girl, for dropping by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Boy, what a day well spent that would be! Imagine just sitting around, listening to all the oldies and drinking coffee!

    I appreciate you coming over today, buddy!

    Hey Momlady...
    Nice to know that one of my favorite ladies remembers this group! Just one more reason why I love ya!

    Thanks so much for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Ken...
    We haven't done the cartoon thing in quite a while, have we? I'm getting to the point that I need some "Tom and Jerry" or maybe some "Road runner" to out-do the news stuff!

    I really appreciate you coming by , buddy! Thank you!

  7. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 23, 2010 at 10:17 AM

    Neat songs, have a good saturday.

  8. When I was in college, way back when, they had a TV show called "hootanany" (I believe that is how it was spelled). They had folk music stars perform on college campases around the country, and I was lucky enough to be there to se the Kingston Trio.

  9. Hey Mechanic...
    Glad you liked them, my friend! You have a great Saturday as well...and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I remember the show very well! Used to watch it all the time!

    Lots of good music back in those day! Wonder where it all went?

    Many thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  10. I've never heard of them before, but I like them. I had to play that "green back dollar" song over a few times. They must have been pretty popular in there day, I'm guessing.

  11. Hey Hermit...
    They may have been before your time...or not as popular in Canada! Thjey were a really good group!

    I sure do thank you for coming by today!
