Friday, October 29, 2010

What Can You Do...?

Some folks are just beyond help!

In spite of people trying to help them, they just want to fight and yell and carry on! I'm afraid that I would have to say "OK, you're on your own!", but that's only because I sometimes feel that stupid can,t be fixed!

Not that I don't feel for the guy, but let's face it...if you are yelling at and cussing out the folks trying to repair the damage to your private parts, then you are in fact beyond any help I might be!

Too much chlorine in the gene pool, folks! Or not enough...!

Police try to help man with crotch cut

By Staff Reports - Athens Banner-Herald

Published Sunday, October 24, 2010

A 52-year-old Athens man took a trip to the emergency room for some delicate stitches before heading to jail late Friday evening, according to an Athens-Clarke police report.

Officers responding to a domestic disturbance at an apartment near Georgia Square Mall around 10:45 p.m. heard a man threaten to kill someone, then beg for help. In a bedroom, they found him lying in a pool of blood and covered by a blanket, with a large laceration to his scrotum. The man first told police that a woman kicked him, then that he slipped, and finally something unintelligible about a broken screen door in another room, police said.

The officers called for an ambulance, but also learned the man is wanted for felony probation violation.

When paramedics arrived, the man told them he had a "big problem down there," but refused treatment and asked, "Is this really necessary?" according to the report.

He became so combative, an officer had to handcuff him and take him to the hospital in the back of his patrol car. At the hospital, the officer struggled to get the man to the registration desk because he dragged his feet to stop his wheelchair from rolling, police said.

He shouted profanities in the waiting room, but once the man was in a room, he cursed at the female nurses so badly, the hospital had to assign a male nurse to deal with him, an officer reported. He also spit in the face of another police officer who arrived to relieve the first officer.

The man was charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass (for breaking the door), simple battery on a police officer (for spitting) and probation violation.

Let me just say here and now, that if I ever am found with a large cut anywhere on my person, especially around my private parts...feel free to give me any and all the help you can find! I promise that I won't yell or cuss at you...and certainly won't be stupid enough to spit at someone trying to keep me from bleeding to death.

You can guarantee that if I was wanted for felony parole violation, I wouldn't be spitting at the police for this! Like I said, stupid can't be fixed!

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! We can hope we never need help of this nature, if you know what I mean!


  1. Good grief, Reading that just made me shutter!!!

    Like you I would want all the help I could get and NOW!!! Supper glue comes to mind in an emergency !!

  2. We do not need so many prisons. we already have cemeteries.

  3. Good Morning My Special One,
    Well your right he got what he deserved. Crack come to mind here or some other nasty drug. Let him bleed to death we don't need to support anymore criminals.
    Coffee on the the patio sounds nice and calm to me.

  4. Now I know why I don't get any newspapers.

  5. Hey Ben...
    Hard to understand how someone could be this stupid, isn't it?

    Scary days, buddy! Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Vlad...
    Probably have more room in them, too!

    Does make you wonder sometimes!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    It's hard to try and help someone like this! I guess that if they want to bleed to death, that's their right! Not me!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I don't take the paper either! All of this stuff is on line, just for the reading!

    Some of this stuff just boggles the mind!

    I appreciate the visit today, my friend!

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 29, 2010 at 9:16 AM

    I'd pour straight alcohol on that wound, that would slow him down. Thanks for the great story and remember you can't fix stupid.

  7. They simply should have let him bleed to death, as he clearly didn't want their help. And the world would have been slightly better off for it.

  8. Hey Mechanic...
    That hurts me to even think about! Don't know if it would slow him down, or cause him to dance around even more!

    Just glad it's not me!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anne...
    Sure glad to see you this morning! Hope you have plenty of wood cut and stacked, just in case the cold weather comes on in a tad early!

    I really appreciate you dropping by today!

  9. I dunno. If you're dumb enough to cause yourself that kind of injury, and then double dumb enough to refuse treatment, don't you kinda deserve to lose your scrotum?

  10. Hey Marjie...
    I'm thinking it was done to him by someone else...probably who ever he threatened to kill!

    Either way, to refuse help and act a fool at the hospital seems like it calls for saying good-by to the scrotum, IMHO! And believe me, that's not easy to say!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  11. maybe his 'brains' fell out of the cut, thus causing him to not be able to think properly = stupidity.


  12. Hey Kellie...
    It does seem at times that many of these guys now days do most of their thinking with equipment in that area!

    Don't know if he was using any brains at all at this time! Maybe they did fall out, who knows?

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  13. I'm thinking the best part of this story is missing. How did he come by that cut in the first place? LMAO!

  14. Hey Bob...
    It does sort of make you wonder, doesn't it? That would be an interesting thing to know!

    Thanks, man, for coming by today!

  15. gosh...i'd a been worried that, with said cuts, all extraneous activity would cause something to pop outa place what couldn't be popped back in...

  16. Hey Cygnus...
    I certainly don't want to be running around with an open cut located around that area! Like you say, something important might be lost or damaged further!

    I like my stuff pretty much right where it's at!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  17. Jim, I happen to live in Athens, on the other side of town from where that happened. This gives you a better understanding of why I want to leave here ;)

    *sips her coffee*

  18. Well.... ya gotta admit he had balls anyway.
    I think they need to "up" the chlorine in that particular gene pool.
    But then again, maybe they 'should' have let him refuse treatment... because without a scrotum, we could save on the chlorine.

  19. Hey Abby...
    I can certainly understand it, believe me! Living in the city is not fun, and as soon as I'm able3...I plan to be gone myself!

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Katie...
    Good thing he has an iron constitution! Anyone refusing treatment to save the "important" stuff is stronger willed than I!

    Many thanks, my friend, for coming by today!
