Friday, November 5, 2010

Completely Out Of Control...!

Does this border on insanity?

This story just goes to show how much the Prez and his gang care about helping our economy! Funny how you only find these stories in foreign news, and never in the American media! I have to thank the people of the Telegraph in the UK for this story!

Barack Obama's Indian delegation 'books 800 rooms in Mumbai'

Barack Obama and his travelling delegation have book at least 800 rooms for the president's trip to Mumbai, according to reports, including the entire Taj Mahal hotel.

By Philip Sherwell, New York
Published: 6:46PM BST 24 Oct 2010

Barack Obama's Indian delegation has booked the entire Taj Mahal hotel. The president, who is scheduled to set off on a twice-postponed Asian tour with his wife Michelle after next week's midterms, has reportedly block-booked all 570 rooms in the Taj Mahal hotel as a security measure.

On top of that, US navy ships will also be deployed, as the president is staying in a hotel by the ocean.

The 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks which claimed at least 173 lives, ended with a siege at the Taj Mahal hotel.

"Obama's contingent is huge," a senior Indian security official told the newspaper. "There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. The President's convoy has 45 cars."

The Economic Times also reported that Mr Obama's delegation is so large that another 300 rooms have reportedly been booked in other luxury Mumbai hotels.

The scale and cost of the visit is certain to provoke criticism from Mr Obama's Republican foes in the US at a time when the country is mired in economic difficulties, with unemployment standing at nearly 10 per cent.

The report also claimed Mrs Obama has been invited to visit Mumbai's red-light district, the largest in the world, to meet prostitutes and hear about their lives.

Gee, I wonder why they think that the American would be upset? Believe me, it's not only the Republican foes that are upset, but everyone else struggling to make ends meet that has a problem with this kind of reckless action!

Shows a total lack of respect, if you ask me! Someone needs to have a serious talk with this fool and try and explain things to him! Not that it would do any good!

This just makes me sick! It really does...!

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Maybe I'll be able to keep mine down!


  1. It does sound as an awful lot of rooms :-) :-) But You must remember that Your President is one of the most important persons in the world and lots of people would love to kill him, no matter who is Your president democrat or republican. So I´m afraid that this is what is needed if Your president is there on official business.

    Have a great day now!

  2. Hey Christer...
    Despite all of that, I don't ever remember a president spending the kind of money that this one does! Of course, none of it comes out of his own pocket!

    Seems like every time we turn around, this guy is off on another trip!

    No wonder I don't understand or like politics...none of it makes any sense to me!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  3. The extra rooms are for his ego.

  4. Hey Catman...
    Now THAT I can believe! How arrogant is this guy?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by!

  5. ...the thoughts these junkets cause me to have are unprintable...

  6. Hey Ken...
    I know what you mean, buddy! I know what you mean!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  7. What they ain't got no Motel 6 over there? Let him fly American Airlines, see if they can get THAT plane on time.

    Waste of OUR MONEY, and besides that we got Whores in the good ole USA , what he have to go see those for?

  8. Can't this guy stay home once in a while? Vacations in Spain, and to New York for a hamburger? Heck, he's got his own chef, plus mom-in-law living with hime who can cook in their private kitchen! This laastest trip is even more outrageous than the rest! 45 Cars??? I think they probably have a few that could be borrowed or rented over there, or better yet, put all the rest of his contingent in rickshaws so they can study the country up close and personal!

    Big Hugs-

  9. Interesting to note that President Truman paid for his trips out of his own pocket. When his term was up he and Bess drove home in their own car with no secret service. Wonder when responsibility for his own (the President's)expenses went out the window. And where did the first ladies get the idea they could redecorate the White House with our money?

  10. Makes me wonder what might be happening that the Pres, Vice Pres,and his loyal subjects all pick up and leave for India. Heck even Hillary is going to be gone out of country. Maybe he's setting up for exile?
    It's truly a joke, Obama and his family vacations, they've taken more vacations on the taxpayers then he's actually worked.

    It will be interesting to see, I seen rumor of something evil this way comes, coming in a matter of a few days to a week. Watching and reserving judgement.
    Blessing for your weekend Hermit,

  11. Good Morning My Special One,
    How nice for them when people are losing there homes and so many families are homeless. This makes me sick.
    I will be needing some coffee after my blood work this morning for sure. better get moving before the headache shows up. :)

  12. I think he knows his days are numbered so he is going to visit all the places in the world...outside of our own country...that he can on taxpayers money!
    Remember, faithful followers, that the Hermit has a bd coming up on the 21st.
    Love ya, Bubba.

  13. Hey Ben...
    Guess that he is trying to get all the vacation he can before he leaves office! Better enjoy it while he can, that's for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    This stuff just totally boggles the mind! Worst yet is the fact that he feels all of this is OK...!

    Guess when you are Prez, you can do what you want! I think this trip is ill-advised, but no one asked me!

    Hope he has a great time on our dime!

    Thanks, Sis, for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Times have definitely changed, haven't they? The fact tat he has to keep adding to his security forces means he is at least a little aware of the possibility of this trip not being a popular one!

    I really appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Kelle...
    Does make you kinda wonder, doesn't it? Almost like he is gearing up for an extended stay somewhere! But then, why would he leave the kids here?

    This whole thing just gives me a headache!

    Nice to know that he has no guilt at all spending this kind of money! Tells us just what kind of person he is, I think!

    Better break out the "snake bite " medicine, I reckon! We may need it, know what I mean?

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    Hope all goes well with your blood work, sweetie! I didn't know you had any scheduled!

    I'll save you some fresh coffee...and I appreciate the visit today!

  14. HJ,I saw where theres a flattop and numerous other ships steaming in that direction too.What a huge waste of money!This dude has no clue! Stay home and focus on America! What a jackass!


  15. Hey Sis...
    Probably right about wanting to get all the traveling in that he can muster!

    Might as well go, 'cause he certainly isn't concerned with things at home!

    Thanks for telling everyone that I'm getting older soon! Thanks also for coming by today!

  16. Hey China...
    The original story I saw said 34 ships in total, but yesterday the big boys at the Pentagon said that figure was totally incorrect! Wouldn't say just how many were going, only that the figures being touted were not correct!

    Why do they feel the need to even say anything at all?

    Something really starting to stink with this whole thing!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hey Ted...
    One thing you can be certain of, my friend! I do NOT or WILL NOT ever watch Fox news, especially if I want an honest and unbiased news report!

    Just my own personal choice, I know, and some folks like 'em! I don't!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  19. I apologize HJ I do make mistakes.

  20. Mechanic in IllinoisNovember 5, 2010 at 11:50 AM

    He's just getting back at the sheeple for voting out all his buddies. I hope he keeps it up because it will be much easier to get rid of him in 2012. Thanks for the great info.

  21. This country might be in better shape if he would stay home and take care of business once in awhile. Heck, he never did really want to be President. The title of Emperor would suit him better.

  22. Hey Mechanic...
    Somehow I don't think that will be a problem come election time! I can't imagine this guy even running again!

    thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Bob...
    At least he can't do as much damage from over there as from here!

    I better not say that or else he'll do something to prove me wrong!

    I do thank you for the visit today!

  23. I hope I,m wrong the way I see it the U.S is about to be srewed by some professional and they have thier own JOHN.GOD helps us!!!!!!!

  24. He just keeps spitting in our faces, doesn't he?
    There's a lot I could say about this man, but I'll just keep my thoughts to myself...

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