Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm Pretty Lucky...!

You know, all things considered I'm pretty damned lucky!

I mean, I am still fairly healthy for a guy my age. Other than a few minor problems, I've made it to my present age without having a whole lot to complain about! Heck, I even still have most of my hair! I don't mind if it's mostly gray, in fact, I like it that way!

Anyway, since it's my birthday, I wanted to play one of my all-time favorite songs. I first heard this song in the movie "Pump Up The Volume" and fell in love with it. Something about it just touches me, but then that's what really good music reaches deep down inside you and touches you in a special place and in a special way!

There are a lot of versions of this song, including some by Leonard Cohen who wrote the song...but this group "Concrete Blonde" is one of the best in my opinion!

Listen to the words...!

Now, I have a new computer I'm still getting to know, so that's what I'm going to be doing the rest of the day! I hope that you can find something restful to do, my friends! After all, it is Sunday!

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! I'll turn the music up a little!


  1. Happy Birthday!

    Great song!
    I hope You and Your computer becomes friends fast :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Christer...
    Thanks for the good wishes, my friend.

    I'm enjoying the new(to me)computer a lot! Not really much of a learning curve, as I already was using many of the same programs on my old PC.

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

  3. Happy Birthday Darlin'...enjoy the coffee and relax the day away!

  4. Enjoy your Birthday ,you ole Fart!! :-)

    Now git ya another cuppa and either go outside, or not. Hell it's YOUR DAY, don't let no one talk you into something you don't want to do.

    Glad you got another computer, there is always a learning curve isn't there?

  5. Happy Birthday, Jim ...from me and Yeoldfurt.

    : )

    Glad you are set up with your new to you computer. Enjoy the day. I sure hope someone made you a special cake today. Wish I was there to help you celebrate your birthday but know I am with you in spirit today.
    Coffee on the patio coming up

  7. By the way great song will have to look for the cd :)Like her voice I think we finally have agree on some music LOL

  8. Hey Jess...
    You know I appreciate you coming by this morning!

    Don't worry, relaxing is something I'm pretty good at! Doesn't take a lot of practice for me at all!

    Thanks again for the visit!

    Hey Ben...
    Getting older sure does beat the alternative, that's for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey WWRWH...
    You know that I'm always happy to see you drop by!

    Looks like a pretty nice day here in Texas, so I'm gonna enjoy it while it last!

    Tell the old man "howdy" from the hermit...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    Thanks for the good wishes this morning! If you can't find any of their cds, you can find her group on YouTube!

    Thanks, darlin', for coming by today!

  9. ...Happy Happy,Jim,hope it's a good one Brother...

    ...(raising coffee mug)here's to many more...

  10. Hey Ken...
    Thanks, my friend, for the kind thoughts this morning! Always nice to hear from my friends!

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

  11. HJ, Happy Birthday Bro Enjoy!


  12. Hey China...
    Thanks for the nice thoughts this morning! I sure do appreciate you dropping in!

    You have a great day!

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    Many thanks, my friend! I appreciate it...!

  14. Hey buddy, when you get long in the tooth birthdays are always something special. You made it through another year, and vertical always beats horizontal. Happy birthday. You deserve a birthday present (new computer), even if you did have to buy it yourself.

  15. Hey Bob...
    Always nice to wake up on the right side of the grass!
    Making it through another year is a blessing, I reckon. Lots of acquaintances younger than me didn't manage to make it this year! That's always a sad thing .

    Count your blessings and live each day as though it were the last! Good advice to follow!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  16. Jim, my friend a most happy birthday to ya. A great song ,if you listen carefully, it has so much meaning.
    Love your blog, have enjoyed and learned a lot from it. You're a great guy, keep the faith and keep motoring along, enjoy the journey.

  17. ♫ Happy Birthday to yooo... Happy Birthday to yooo... Happy Birthday dear Hermit Jim... Happy Birthday to you!♫♪

    I love the song, and will definitely check around and see if I can find the cd! Now crank it on up, and pour that coffee!

  18. Happy Birthday!

    Thanks to ye old Furt for the heads up, I have been busy at the girl friends but still manage to catch up here and there.

    I hope you have a good one buddy!

  19. Hey Wayne...
    The journey is by far more important than the destination!

    I do appreciate you taking the time to come by today!

    Hey Kate...
    Fresh coffee, good music, and great friends! What could be better?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Busted...
    I really appreciate you taking time off from your business at the girlfriend's to pay me a visit!

    Nice to see you and the visit is a true pleasure!

    Thank you!

  20. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you---oo, Happy Birthday to you Sweet Hermit Jim! ( now just put your favorite singers voice to the words, because my voice is awful!*wink*
    May your special day be filled with many blessings and much love.

  21. Happy birthday, Uncle Hermit!!!
    Thanks for the music-- quite beautiful! God luck with the new 'toy' ha!


  22. Hey Kelle...
    I'll bet the voice isn't as bad as you think! Besides, it's the thought that counts!

    Your visit is a very special gift for me today and I thank you for it!

    Hey Cyg...
    Thanks for the kind thoughts and for dropping by today! Enjoy your Mom's visit when she comes!

    Have a great day!

  23. And yet another
    Happy Birthday Darlin :)
    Believe it or not, had it written on my calendar as one of those "special days"!
    Enjoy your coffee and new computer!
    Luv Ya,

  24. ((Uncle Hermit))
    Happy Birthday, my friend! Have a truly wonderful day and may all your wishes come true.
    Here's to many more birthdays to come.


  25. Hey, happy belated Birthday sir, my Mom's B-day was Friday. Like you, still going just fine - hope your day went well.

  26. Happy B.D., my Bubba. Hope you like your little present.
    Enjoyed the music.
    Love ya.

  27. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and will enjoy many more!

  28. A late wish for birthday happiness to you. I hope it was a great day! I'm delayed in reading blogs this week. Had to clean house for the family that's coming tonight in an ice storm.
