Monday, November 8, 2010

Please Give This Guy A Visit...!

Once in a while I get the urge to give some credit where I feel that it's due!

Just a couple of days ago, I started reading a blog for the first time and I was surprised! What surprised me the most is that I haven't visited this particular blog before!

It's well written, entertaining, and full of interesting and useful information! I've spent the last two nights reading all of the past post and it has been a very enjoyable read indeed!

I love to find these guys that are doing everyday what so many of us want to do. They go through the trials and tribulations...then share their experiences with us so we can learn from them!

I've gained a lot of respect for folks like this! Folks that do the work, forge the path, and mark the trail for the rest of us. The main thing about this man's blog is, to me, how honest he is about not only the good, but the bad as well!

I don't often do reviews as you know, but I certainly feel that this is one that I wish I had done a long time ago! Please take the time to go over and give the guy a read! He's good people, as we used to say!

He goes by the name of SixBears and you can find him here! Please do me and yourself a favor and drop by for a visit! I think you'll like what he has to say!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Should be a great day!


  1. Took a visit and will add to list. Thanks, Jim.

  2. I've visited his blog and really enjoy it as well - good perspective. His latest boat buy really sounds very interesting - bet he and his lady will really enjoy it too.

    Thanks for the recommendation HermitJim - have a good day.

  3. Good Morning My Special One,
    I think I started reading his blog once before but must have gotten side tracked. I zoomed thru it this morning just for you. I will go back and read more when I have the time. I am so busy doing what ever:) Today xrays on the left knee getting ready for the new one yippee. Next summer I will be able to do more exploring and to just walk pain free will be a delite.
    A cup of coffee on the patio with you is always the start to a wonderful day.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Practicality your neighbor! I think you'll like him!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Anon 7:32...
    Does look like a good find on the boat, doesn't it? Glad you could go by...seems like a good place to spend a little time!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I didn't know you were having knee trouble!You'll have to keep me filled in more often, my friend!

    Holler at me when you can with all the details!

    You know that I always am glad to see you come by! Thank you!

  5. Yes, a good glog. I have been reading and commenting on it for quite awhile now.

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    Good to see you this morning! I saw where you had already found it!

    I thank you for coming by today!

  7. ...thanx Jim,had been there a while ago,now i locked myself as one of his followers,so it won't happen again...might be worth it for everyone to have a 'plug day'...a day everyone suggests a blog they like,that might be under the radar,so to speak...

  8. Good call Jim,Sixbears is one of my daily reads!


  9. Thanks for visiting this guy and recommending him! And congrats on 1107 posts, Jim; that's no mean feat!

  10. Hey Ken...
    Ya know, having a "plug day" for other blogs isn't a bad idea! So many good blogs out there that we may miss because of time restraints or the like, we need to somehow get the word out!

    I thank you for dropping in today!

    Hey China...
    Interesting place to visit! Gotta figure that anyone that goes wading in the lake with a cold one has got to be worth knowing!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Marjie...
    I appreciate the kind words this morning. Sounds like a lot of post...especially for me!

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by today!

  11. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir, thanks for the heads-up - I'll wander over and have a look!

    Meanwhile, the day's getting better by the minute - Someone's on his way home, just a couple of hours away now. Yippee!!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  12. Hey K...
    Always glad to hear that your day is getting better! We need you to be in a happy frame of mind as much as possible, ya know?

    You take care and thanks for coming by today!

  13. Hi Jim! I'm humbled by the warm review. Thanks for the plug. Hope people find something they can use.

    Peace and Balance.

  14. Hey Sixbears...
    Believe me, it was my pleasure! I've enjoyed going back to the beginning and reading your whole blog.

    You furnish a lot of information for us and I, for one, appreciate it!

    keep up the good work, my friend, and thanks for coming by!
