Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do You Believe In Coincidence...?

Whether you do or not, after seeing this you just might!

When I first saw this, I was taken aback by how strange this whole thing is! I'm sure that some of you might have seen this before, but even if you have...you have to admit that it is strange!

Check it out!

1) Fold a NEW $20 bill in half...

2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below

3) Fold the other end, exactly as before

4) Now, simply turn it over...

What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!!



As if that wasn't enough...Here is what you've seen! Firstly The Pentagon on fire...then The Twin Towers. You have to admit that is a lot coincidences, right?

Wait...we aren't done yet! Here is another thing on that $20 bill you may want to know about!

Wow, this kind of stuff makes my head hurt! Guess that's because it forces me to think...and that means that I have to use parts of my brain that normally are dormant!

Maybe we should get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit! We can talk about all the strange things in the world...like cousin Charlie! But that's another story!


  1. I sure hope it´s just a coincident. I wonder what could show if other dollar bills are folded? Perhaps that is something better left alone :-)

    Have a great day now!

  2. now your gonna make me find a 20$ bill just to check it out {have to find the Captains wallet first lol}. Makes my head hurt thinking about all of it, too. Gonna have to share that one with friends!

  3. OK, I tried it, EARLY in the morning,with only one cup of coffee, and it showed basically the same thing. Now what? Will the beer joint of the road still take it as legal tender
    ? :-)

  4. Good Morning My Special One,
    WOW that is wierd and scary too.
    This will take more coffee than I can drink I think.

  5. I have never seen this before.Scary is putting it midly. I,too,am going to share this with friends and then try to maneuver out of my drive to make a coffee run.
    Love you.

  6. Oh my goodness. That is so shocking and disturbing. How can that be possible? Like you, it makes my head hurt too just thinking about it. It also makes my heart hurt thinking about the what-ifs and the lives that were lost.

  7. Hey Christer...
    I'm with you on thinking maybe we should just leave it alone!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Farm Chick...
    Does make you want 5to fold a $20 and check it out! Pretty amazing, for sure!

    Wonder who figures all these things out?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I'm guessing that the guy at the beer joint will still take it, but that's just me!

    Probably won't even slow him down!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Don't worry! If we have to, we can always fortify the coffee!

    I have plenty of coffee made, just in case!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Do you know how to put on tire chains? May need them!

    I'd send you some coffee, but it might take a little longer than your coffee run!

    Good luck and thanks for the visit!

    Hey Rae...
    It is pretty strange...and it is indeed a very sad thing!

    Strange how something like this can be found, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. OK - now that disturbed me. But, for me, even more disturbing is who took the time to figure it out.

  9. Hey Bellen...
    This is a case of someone having way too much time on their hands, I think!

    It is a little unsettling, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. No,

    I do not believe in coincidence. I think there is something, whether you call it God or something else, that tries to get people's attention.

    Whatever "it" is, it seems to have a great sense of humor.

  11. Hey Catman...
    Certainly a lot of signs on the $20, I'd say!

    What ever it is, we should have paid more attention to it! If we could have found it, that is!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend! Too long since I've seen you!

  12. Conspiracy theorists abound! I try to ignore this kind of thing, so my head won't hurt!

  13. Hey Marjie...
    Makes my head hurt as well! Lots to find on some bills, if you look hard enough!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  14. Try it on the new ten! Someone said it showed a coastal city (Miami ) being deluged by a tsunami and an atomic blast

  15. Try it on the new ten! Someone said it showed a coastal city (Miami ) being deluged by a tsunami and an atomic blast
