Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let's Lighten Up A Bit...!

Well, now that Christmas is over and things are starting to slow down a tad, I figured we could use a little "slow down" music!

I don't know of many songs that fit the bill any better than this! So...grab a cup, tap your foot, and let's relax for a little!

Hope this helps to put you in the mood to slack off a bit. After all, life's too short to always be rushing around! Thus, let's do just like they song says and "Don't worry, and be happy!"

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee to help with the slow down process! I have some left over cookies! (How did THAT happen?)


  1. Man I always loved that song!!! So simplistic, but so true. In fact my whole life I have tried to live by the creedo of "If you can do something about your problem, do it, If not,, Don't worry about it"

  2. Good Morning My Special One,
    I always loved that song. Makes me smile and do a little chair dance. LOL
    How can you still have some cookies left? Well I'm sure we can fix that this morning with coffee.
    I made sure everyone took home lots of food yesterday including all the goodies. Today I think I will go visit some shut ins and take it easy the rest of the day.

  3. Hey Ben...
    I think that a good dose of simple would do us all a bit of good at this point, don't you?

    I think that's a good way to go through life, like you said!

    Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Hard to NOT like a song with such a good beat and simple message! Makes you smile, doesn't it?

    Some problems won't go away, but all we can do is to make the best of them and continue on!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  4. That is good advise for all of us. Some people make too big a thing out of small problems that we can't do a thing about. Just want you to know that my white hair didn't come from too much worry.

  5. Hey Dizzy...
    An old saying comes to mind..."don't sweat the small stuff"!

    Most of my gray hair comes from too much partying when I was young, I think! At least, that sounds good!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  6. After the kids went off to bed around midnight, my dearly beloved and I stayed up to watch 2 netflix, and then I slept for 10 hours. So, today, I epitomize this song!

    Dang, those cookies look good!

  7. Hey Marjie...
    Good that you and the hubby get to spend some close time together in a qu8iet setting!

    Of course, the cookies and extra sleeping in are nice too!

    Have a great day, and thanks for coming by today!

  8. Ja Mon! When I get that sailboat...
