Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let's Play The Memory Game...!

When you get to be my age, there are so many things that bring back memories from long's hard to keep up with them!

That's why, every so often, I feel the need to play this song or one like it. Not only is the music good, but the pictures sure do bring back a flood of olden times!

Sometimes I forget just how many wonderful things I've had in my past! Let me share this with you, just in case you feel like this from time to time!

How about we get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit, my friends? We can talk over old memories!


  1. Nice one Jim. As for tonsils, I lost mine when I was about 5 in 1947. Removing them was all the rage then!
    I hope all is well with you,

  2. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    That was fun. Thanks for bringing a smile and chuckle to the start of my day. I would love to sit in your kitchen and have a cup and talk about the good ole' days. :)

  3. Loved it Jim, great post!! You know, I had my tonsils out in the doctors office. He used raw either. Not a lot of fun but things were a lot simpler way back then. Thanks for the memories.

  4. Had mine out about the age of 4 I guess. Mother used to tell the story that I was so mad after the surgery I won't talk to anyone for a couple of days. Said it was the quietest I have ever been,

  5. Wow, do I ever remember! That Tru Ade bottle - several I have - found under the old store building.

    Seams in nylons were an aggravation. Several new pairs here from mother, snuggled in tissue. Nylons don't compute with muddy boots. Where has all the time gone?

  6. Although I admit I don't recall many of those things mentioned in the song, I still enjoy that song and the pictures helped me a lot*wink*

    I'm what you'd probably refer to as a young pup, I'm only 45 yrs old*wink*

    Thanks for sharing this, started my day off GREAT!

  7. Hey Will...
    Never had my tonsils out or any of that! I do remember most of the other things, though!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Do you remember many of these things? Being just a young thing, you probably don't!

    Always a pleasure, sweetie, to share a cup with you in the kitchen!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Wow...raw either! Times have indeed changed, huh?

    Like you say, different times!

    I appreciate the visit this morning, buddy!

    Hey Ben...
    Did they feed ya lots of ice cream? I heard that was supposed to make things all better!

    Heck having to be that quiet for that long, huh?

    Thanks for dropping in, my friend!

    Hey Sissy...
    It passes faster and faster all the time, doesn't it?

    I can only imagine just what a pain the seams must have been! Not to mention the garters!

    I really appreciate the visit this morning!

  8. Hey Kellie...
    Wow! You are just a youngster, aren't ya?

    That's OK...we love ya anyway!

    Yeah, the Statler Brothers are hard to beat! Many good groups from that time, that's for sure!

    Certainly am glad you could drop by today!

  9. I remember when I had my tonsils taken out my parents told me I could have all the ice cream and jello I wanted, because that's all I would be able to eat for a couple of days.

    Here's something I still remember from when they started dropping the ether. I was told to count backwards from 10. Somewhere down the line I realized I had missed several numbers and was half awake. I remember hoping they would wait until I was completely asleep before they started cutting. LOL.

  10. Hey Bob...
    Funny what sticks in our minds, isn't it? I've never been under the ether as far as I remember.

    Almost wish I would have had it done, because I really like ice cream! That's pretty bad, isn't it?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  11. ...thanx Jim...for a lot of things...

  12. Hey Ken...
    You're quite welcome, my friend! It's always my pleasure!

    Thanks for stopping by today!
