Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wally World Is Dangerous For The Elderly...!

One of the most wonderful things about this time of year, is the fact that so many of the local scum and low-lifes leave their hidey-holes and come out!

Here is just one example of what I'm talking about!

Woman arrested after pushing 100-year-old Wal-Mart greeter

By Ryan Haggerty of the Journal Sentinel

Nov. 29, 2010

A 100-year-old woman who works as a greeter at a Milwaukee Wal-Mart said Monday she is bruised and sore but otherwise OK after a customer pushed her during a dispute Sunday.

In fact, Lois Speelman said she plans to return to work Thursday.

"I'm just stiff and sore," she said in a telephone interview from her Greenfield home. "I'll deal with that."

Speelman was working at the Wal-Mart at 3355 S. 27th St. when a 37-year-old woman pushed her after apparently becoming upset that Speelman was trying to verify that the woman had paid for water bottles that were inside her shopping cart, Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz said Monday.

The woman was arrested, and the Milwaukee County district attorney's office is reviewing the case, Schwartz said.

Speelman said she didn't want to discuss details of Sunday's incident until the investigation is complete, but she said she was simply doing her job by making sure the customer had paid for her items when she was attacked.

"That's our job," Speelman said. "That's what we're up there in front for, to watch people going and coming."

Speelman said she usually works with a partner, but her partner was performing another task when the incident occurred.

Speelman said she hit her head and was taken by ambulance to Wheaton Franciscan-St. Francis Hospital, where she underwent a CT scan and was released.

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said in a voice mail that the customer's actions were "appalling" but did not return a call seeking more information about the incident.

Speelman celebrated her 100th birthday at the store in August. She has been widowed twice and started her job as a greeter at the store when she was 90. She retired at age 95 but returned two years later, after her only living son died.

Speelman said she works five days a week. A spokeswoman for the store said at the time of her birthday that her co-workers are like family.

Speelman said Monday that her employers treat her well but that she works because she needs the money. She also said she's had previous run-ins with customers.

"You get a lot of customers who are not out to hurt you, but they always give you a bad time," she said.

You know, this story has a couple of very sad side stories with it! Here is a lady that only works because, at 100, she needs the money! While just trying to earn a few extra bucks, she is ill-treated by some female gorilla that probably has no business running around loose without a keeper!

I'm just wondering if this person is maybe a representative of a government agency...say the TSA, or the FDA, or the HSA, or some other group of power hungry, muscle flexing, old lady shoving, Wally-World shopping bozos. Who knows?

I say we should get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen. I really don't feel like dealing with these a**holes today, ya know?


  1. I find it sad how lonely that lady must be; lost her only son... and all. She sounds like the only "family" she has are her co-workers and it's sad she isn't safe in her "home" (wally world) with her family. and yeah, super sad she NEEDS money, she should be taken care of at her age.... I want to adopt her!!! and hear her stories!!!


  2. Hey Kellie...
    I know exactly what you mean! When I read this story, I almost cried that this lady seemed to be almost all alone, except for the group at her work!

    I wanted to bring her home to my house for the holidays!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. I love stopping by, ya got great coffee! lol!

    The conversation ain't bad either.


  4. Hey Kellie....
    I really appreciate the visits from my friends...and the conversations are always the best!

    Coffee and friends and good is good!

  5. What´s wrong with some people??? The old lady was just doing her job (which by the way is sad that she has to have since she is 100 years old).

    -15F here this morning but thankfully no wind at all.

    Have a great day!

  6. Too bad it wasn't in Texas. I don't know what the statutes are in that state but in Texas, if the victim is elderly, both the charge and the punishment are enhanced. Greatly increases the fine and sentence options and minimizes the possibility for a judge or jury to reduce either.

    I hope they throw the book at the woman who did this. She should be made to spend a day walking back and forth in front of the Walmart wearing one of those double signs that you hang over your shoulders that says "I'm a bully. I shoved a 100 year old lady down at Walmart." Too much public humiliation? Too good for her if you ask me.

  7. What "WomanWhoRunsWithHorses" said,, in Texas that bully that abused the greeter would be in jail. If a vigilante group didn't get to her first!!

    We can only hope that the legal system does it's job and that the Shopper serves some serious time.

    And what's wrong with Wisconsin that the ole lady can't get any assistance so she doesn't have to work to eat?

  8. I think I want to move to Texas!!

  9. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    What a horrible person, I bet she was on drugs and stole the stinkin water to boot. She should be publicly humiliated and then sent to prison for a few years how dare she push and old person. Uck this is sickening.
    Pass the pot please.

  10. Hey Christer...
    I cannot imagine just what this person was thinking, but her punishment cannot be severe enough!

    It is indeed sad that this woman has to work at her age! Doesn't say a lot for our society, does it?

    You stay warm, my friend ! Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sometimes that's all we can do, it seems!

    I can only hope that is this person lives to an old age, that she gets just a taste of what true loneliness feels like!

    Sad, really sad!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey WWRWH...
    No punishment can be too great! These people have NO feelings at all! Certainly no heart!

    Makes you ashamed to say they are the same species!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Ben...
    Doesn't speak well for the system if this old lady "has" to work! Doing it because she wants is one thing, but having to...sad!

    Sure makes me mad!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Kellie...
    Come on down...we would love to have ya for a neighbor!

    I know I would!

    Hey JoJo...
    What can you say about some people? No hope for them, I think!

    Hey, sweetie, thanks for coming by today!

  11. Jo-Jo, no offense or incitement intended. But please do not automatically assume the alleged criminal was "on drugs;" having worked with people who are most definitely using a vast array of stupid drugs, I'm always amazed at how close their behaviour mimics that of the self-righteous, self-absorbed, 'me first,' educated, and well situated middle class. Please do not read this as, in any sense, a defense of the behaviour (I'd probably punch her lights out) but rather an observation that a**hole actions aren't restricted to addicts...

  12. Some people have no respect...

  13. Hey F...
    There is certainly enough of this kind of behavior to go around...and it seems at times like it's spreading!

    Wonder if it's a generic thing?

    Whatever the cause, someone needs to stop it cold, or at least try and slow it down!

    Glad you could come by for a cup this morning!

    Hey Rick...
    Boy, how true is that? No respect for the older generation at all!

    I sure am glad you could come by for a visit today!

  14. Jim,
    Glad to stop by, come by my place any time.

    What I find interesting is I am ten years younger than this lady and I can't even imagine treating anyone this way! I mean its like pushing around my great-grandmother. Who does that?

  15. HJ, anyone who shops at walmart knows you may get checked on the way out,maybe not every time but most.Why would you put your hands on another? Esp an older lady!To bad the lady didn't have pepper spray or a taser.Just goes to show ya who we share this world with! And I agree with the others it is a damn shame a 100 yr old must work because she needs the money,thats possibly sadder than the incident.Funny how the most advanced country in the world has the least respect for there elders!Like Kellie I love hearing stories from older folks!


  16. Hey China...
    I hear ya on the respect thing! Even if she had some pepper spray or a taser...she probably had way too much class to use them on a customer!

    I hate the fact that the elderly have to work at that age, just because of NOT having someone to watch out for them!

    I appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

  17. HermitJim, it really is sad to read these types of stores anytime, but especially bad at this time of year. Shame on that younger woman - bet she wouldn't push her own mother or grandmother around. But some people think they can disrespect others. Hope that Wal-Mart goes out of its way to help this very dedicated employee.

  18. It is terrible what the perp in this story did, no excuse for getting physical...

    That said... Once you go through the checkout line and have paid, those items belong to you, NOT THE STORE, and you do not have the legal OR MORAL obligation to stand there and be "inspected" to see if you are a thief......

    The way to handle such is to just keep walking, ignore the greater, and take YOUR PROPERTY out the door without stopping, not to get in an argument and push someone, regardless of how old or young they are.....
