Saturday, January 8, 2011

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...!

Well, where do I start this tale?

As you know, I took Mom to the hospital ER Tuesday, where we spent about 8 hours waiting on a room. They decided not to admit her and sent us back home after all that time!

Wednesday things started off pretty good with Mom seeming to be getting better! But by the late afternoon and on into the evening...she was in constant pain and really popping pain pills. The worst thing for her was not being able to get any sleep, because by the late evening she was coughing really bad and, of course, that caused the pain in her back and ribs to escalate!

Thursday morning, with some help from my niece (who is a nurse) and one of Mom's friends, we managed to get Mom back to the ER again, thanks to a call from one of Mom's past doctors. Baby Sis talked to him several times on the phone, and he called the hospital to arrange for a room. About 9 hours later, after a wide range of more test, we finally got Mom into a room and settled in.

I made sure she was OK and then drove the short distance back home, getting there about 12:15 in the morning! Fed the animals, checked Mom's house and mail, brought in the mail for my neighbor, and managed to get some sleep.

Back to the hospital Friday to check on Mom and found that Baby Sis had beat me there. We talked to Mom's doctors and found out that she has pneumonia and pleurisy! The doctor said that she would be there for a while and set no date for her release. It could be at least 3 days and up to 10 days! It all depends on how long it takes to clear up the pneumonia, which is my main concern.

So anyway, that's the update. Mom is finally getting some rest, her coughing is much better, she's in a place that can deal with her pain much better than I can, and I hope that with all these issues getting treated in order...she will be back on the road to recovery soon!

It may take a while, but she is 84 and folks just don't heal that fast at her age!
That's all I had today. I just wanted to bring you up to date after all the kind words to her after finding out she was ill. I appreciated that very much...and so did she, believe me.

Now, I sure could use some fresh coffee! How about you?


  1. Good luck. Your mom is lucky to have family that takes care of her. Imagine if she didn't?

  2. Good Morning My Special One.
    If hospitals didnt worry so much about the insurance companies she would have had better care the first time around and not have suffered so bad. But at least now she is being taken care and getting rest. I know you did everything in your power to do the best job. Get some much needed rest in between visits and know I am praying for her recovery. Call me if you need me.

  3. I´m glad they let her stay! Pneumonia at that age is serious.

    I hope for a speedy recovery!

  4. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom. Hope she will be back home in no time.

  5. Oh Hermit, I feel for you and pray your mom will recover soon and be home. Now please don't neglect taking care of yourself too! Treesong

  6. Hey Jim, for once I can say I know exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling. My Mom is 87, she has been in and out of the hospital several times since last May with pnemonia, pleurisy, and very low, "17" blood sugar. Hang in there! My Mom is now back to normal, normal for an 87 year old with copd, arthritus and several other things that is. That feeling of total helplessness will pass, there is or will be a light at the end of the tunnel. It is very scary when someone this age gets pneumonia, but now days with all the powerful antiobiotics, there is a very good likely hood that it will be cured and she will be back home soon.

  7. Just catching up on my reading,Sorry to hear about your Mom being sick we will say prayers for her! Take care of your self,sometimes we get so caught up helping others and I know Moms are at the top of the list Love mine,that we can let ourselves go worrying over them. Good luck to both of ya Jim!


  8. Please let her know that there are a lot of people wishing her well, including the Georgia family. Take care of yourself, too.

  9. Fresh coffee? I think it is time that you let us all grab some takeout coffee somewhere for a couple of days and get yourself some much deserved rest. It is good that your dear Mom is finally being treated at the hospital.

  10. I just asked the Big Guy to take care of you all.

    Get some rest fella.

  11. ....keeping you and your mom in my prayers--take care of yourself too!

  12. Prayers for you and your mom, HJ. You need to get good rest while she's at the hospital. Take care of yourself too because what would she do with out you?

  13. I'm glad you were able to get your Mom admitted to the hospital. They are better able to monitor the pneumonia and pleurisy. I really sympathize with her because I know how painful it can be. Prayers for her speedy recovery.

  14. Praying for your mom, your sisters and of course you. As WHRWH said take care of yourself, because your Mom is going to need you.

    Hugs and blessing for your days of running to and fro the hospital.

  15. So sorry for this turn of events, but like Sixbears said above, its good she has a great support system like you and your sister. Try not too worry - if she is in the hospital,she is surrounded by people who have the knowledge and tools to see to her recovery.

    Hope she feels better soon.

  16. Pneumonia's no joke. Good thing your niece had some pull to get your mother admitted.

    Kinda reminds me of the time when I was 16, went to the ER with a fever and back pain and got sent home with orders to take aspirin. 2 days later they admitted me and found a kidney abscess. Gotta wonder about ERs, sometimes.

  17. Thank you for taking the time to update us all. God Bless your Mom, you and your family during this time!

  18. I hope she gets well soon Jim. I'll be thinkin' about y'all...

  19. Jim,
    Have been praying for your Mom since I read your post yesterday. I sincerely hope things are improving and you get some rest too!

  20. HJ, just catching up on reading post and sorry to learn about your mom. Good to know that she is being taken care of and getting some rest and hope you do as well. It's no fun being sick at ANY age. Best to both of you.

  21. Prayers for all of you.
    Candle lit.
    May your mom have a speedy and full recovery.Take care of yourself too.


  22. I've had pneumonia. Can't say it was a pleasurable experience. Prayers for your mom's well being and recovery, Jim.

    Y'all take care.

  23. I guess the good news is, they seem to know what the problem is, and she is in the hospital where they can look after things and get her on the road to recovery. Hoping all goes real well for you all. Thanks for the update Jim.
