Saturday, February 26, 2011

From A Friend In New Zealand...!

With everything else that's going on in the world, especially the middle east, let's not forget about the tragic happenings in New Zealand!

As you know, not long ago I had a friend from New Zealand come for a short visit. Mom and I have been wondering if all was well with her and her family since the quake in her country, and today I finally got an email from her assuring us that, indeed, she was OK!

That was certainly outstanding news for us! There was a lot of information about what's going on there...and I thought I would share her email with everyone. I'm sure she would not mind!

If you could, I would appreciate you including all of the fine folks in New Zealand in your prayers! I'm sure that it would mean a lot to all of them!

Thank you so much for thinking of me.

I am safe in Auckland, which is many miles from the earthquake. I have heard from family & friends in Christchurch, who are ok.

The devastation in Christchurch is just ghastly. New Zealand is welcoming all the international help that is offered. Our national airline, Air New Zealand, is working with civil defence and the NZ Air Force, with many extra flights, to get people out of there, people who don’t need to be there, i.e. tourists and NZers who were visiting there.

The electric company is supplying free bottled gas to households as most electricity is off, so they can boil water and heat food. A RNZ Navy ship is berthed there, cooking in their large ship galleys, to feed masses of people who are displaced from their broken houses.

There is a USA Rescue team of 80 with 10 tonnes of equipment and dogs. LA County Fire dept has joined the SARs. 300 Australian police have just arrived and been sworn in as NZ police, to help our exhausted police. USA and Australia have set up big field hospitals treating the injured. There are over 1000 experts, searchers, doctors, surgeons, plus dogs, from 15 countries, arrived in the last 2 days to help. I am awed by that.

This makes me very proud to be a Kiwi -

Sometimes I get so caught up in the bad news from all over, I forget to be thankful when some good news comes along! This is good news, to find out that so many are helping the victims and that personal friends are all OK!

Sort of helps to make everything seem just a little bit better! God bless all of the people of New Zealand!

Now let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside on the patio. Better enjoy it while we can!


  1. I, too, feel very bad about the tragic events that have hit New Zealand. Christchurch has been hit with the second devastating quake in less than a year. Makes us wonder why such bad things happen to good people. I whole heartedly agree with the above statement: “Sometimes I get so caught up in the bad news from all over, I forget to be thankful when some good news comes along!”

  2. Mechanic in IllinoisFebruary 26, 2011 at 9:17 AM

    I hope the best for the people down under. Thanks for the story and have a great saturday.

  3. Hey Dizzy...
    Having never been through an earthquake, or having to deal with anything worse than a hurricane, I can only imagine the sheer terror and total confusion that comes in the aftermath!

    The worse part, I think, must be the loss of any communications with friends and family!

    We forget sometimes just how lucky we are , here in the States.

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    I guess that all we can do is to hope for the best and give up a prayer for them!

    You have a good Saturday as well, my friend!

  4. Seems like one tragedy after another, all over the world. Is it more than normal lately, or just that in this modern age with the internet, news is almost instantaneous? Always someone around with a cell phone and a computer.

  5. Great post... thanks for putting this up Jim!!

    Common Cents

  6. A couple on the ship are from NZ and they have a nephew who lives in CC. Although he lost his house he is okay. They are still waiting to hear from a niece. My thoughts and prayers are with all the Kiwis.

  7. Christchurch is my home city. I have family that live there; I am grateful that all have reported in and are okay, except for my sister's house which was damamged in the Sept quake and destroyed in this one. Seeing the photos of a city that I loved, although abandoned for Brazil, in such a devasting condition has saddened me immensely. In the words of a friend, "Christchurch will never be Christchurch again."


  8. I remember her visiting you and so happy she is safe. My heart and prayers have been going to New Zealand.

  9. Well at least that is some good news.

  10. Hello Jim, and others ....
    Thank you so very much for your prayers and thoughts. It's still very much a recovery effort, still many 100s of people sifting through the rubble and ruined buildings. The death toll continues to rise, now 155 with 200+ still missing, so that toll will surely rise.

    I do very much appreciate your support.

    Auckland, New Zealand
