Monday, February 28, 2011

The Last Of His Kind...!

Looks like one of the last of a dwindling generation is gone.

One can only imagine what stories this man could share with us all. At least he died of natural causes and can finally rest in a more peaceful place!

Last veteran of WWI dies in W. Va. at age 110
© 2011 The Associated Press
Feb. 27, 2011, 11:35PM

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — A spokesman says the nation's last surviving veteran of World War I has died in West Virginia. He was 110.

Biographer and family spokesman David DeJonge said in a statement that Frank Woodruff Buckles died early Sunday of natural causes in his home in Charles Town, W.Va.

Buckles lied about his age to get into uniform at age 16. He served in England and France, working mainly as a driver and a warehouse clerk. He did not see combat.

Buckles also survived being a civilian POW in the Philippines in World War II.

He turned 110 on Feb. 1. He had been advocating for a national memorial honoring veterans of the Great War in Washington, D.C.

More than 4.7 million people joined the U.S. military from 1917-18 for the war.

The truth is, we are getting older and older! Members of our family and circle of friends are getting smaller every day! Time to start the mending of old torn fences in the family, patching up old quarrels, making some over-due peace with those we hold old grudges with.

Time to start living each day as though it were our last! It very well could be, my friends! Look around at all the goings on in the world and you'll realize that!

C'mon, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit!


  1. The world loses a piece of history every time such a person moves along. Often it is a family member and they and their knowledge can never be replaced. I agree, we should take time to get to know people before teir turn comes to move along.

    The coffee is great this morning, the only way I survive Mondays.


  2. Your comments ring so very true, HJ. Keeping up contacts is important, but sometimes difficult when others do not reciprocate. THanks for the coffee today, but having routine blood work done so will have to hold off awhile.

  3. The world losses a piece of history whenever anyone passes. Each person is unique and has seen different things no matter how many other people have looked at the same thing. Each person's memory is one of a kind. Maybe all our files are backed up on that big computer in the sky. . .

  4. I saw that news blurb this morning - wow, 110 is a long life. I heard he passed away at home - much better than dying in a hospital or rest home. God Bless him.

  5. Sadly that's all part of life. Won't you loved to have talked with the gentleman and heard his stories? Sadly My Dad never really talked about his early days nor his time in WWII.WE lose a part of History each time we lose one of those heroes

  6. I would have loved to sit with this man and listen to his stories about life. I loved when my Dad would tell stories of his life and the early days. Some times I sit with my Grandkids and tell them of his life and how hard they had it back then. I wonder if they are taking it all in.
    Love to have some coffee on the patio.
    OBTW It snowed here yesterday morning. what a beautiful site as I came out of the hospital every mountain was covered to the ground with snow.

  7. A sad day for this nation. Too few will note this man's passing, and too few will remark upon his life.

    I hope he knows that some value his contribution, his sacrifice, his honor, loyalty, sense of duty and patriotism.

    May The Lord keep you safe, and close at hand, Mr. Buckles. He needs soldiers like you.

    And thank you, Jim, for letting a few more people know about the passing of not just a common soldier, but an uncommon man.

  8. Hey AV...
    Way too many times, the old folks don't want to talk about themselves much. It's hard for them to go back and remember the hard times, I guess.

    Being there to comfort them is probably the best we can do!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Beatrice...
    I'm not real good about keeping up my contacts either!

    I have family members that have, for reasons unknown to me, decided to break off all contact!

    What can you do? Nothing but hope for the best!

    Hope all goes well in your test today. Believe me, I know how that trip goes!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    When we stopped having 2 or more generations living together, we lost so much of the history that could be passed down!

    We are sure missing out on a lot of history from older members of our family when our visits are kept to one or two a year!

    I appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Anon 7:39...
    A long life, that's for sure! I only hope that he wasn't alone when he passed!

    Dying at home with family around, that would be my choice...I think!

    I do thank you for coming over today!

    Hey Ben...
    Sadly, you are so right! A lot of history is usually lost when one as old as this passes.

    My dad didn't like to talk much about some of his early days either!

    Would have been interesting to hear the stories, I think!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    The past is usually lost on the youth! Too many times, they don't want to hear about it until it's too late! Guess that's the same everywhere!

    Sorry you are still getting snow! Hanging in the 70s everyday here! Looks like our Winter is gone!

    Have a great day, sweetie, and thanks for coming by today!

  9. Hey Catman...
    I fear that a vital part of our history is slowly slipping away at each and every death of our older vets!

    Those stories and tales, often considered boring by many, contain so much information of who we are and where we came from!

    I do hope that more than a few folks remember him fondly, and that his passing will be noted in high places!

    Even with a long life, his passing will be a loss for us all!

    Rest in peace, Sir!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. Sad to hear that. I'd heard there were only a hand full of them left a few years back. I doubt that WWII vets are doing much better. I know of quiet a few who have already gone including my dad. Then of course there was the Korean war vets and then Viet Nam vets. I know a bunch of those who have moved on to.

    Its a shame that so many have fought for this country just to see the politicians turn it in to a 3rd world country because of their greed and stupidity!
