Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Small Taste Of George Carlin...!

It does have a few words in it that are NOT suited for younger ears, but there is a lot of truth in this video.

That was the beauty of what ol' George said...he had a way of telling the truth most of the time, and all the while making us smile at what he said. Without a doubt, the man was a genuine wordsmith!

You just have to get past the strong language to see and understand what he was saying!

Like him or not, you will have to agree that he was a comic genius! Unsurpassed in what he did...and mostly what he did was make us smile, sometimes at ourselves!

Coffee on the patio this morning. You have a great day, OK?


  1. I loved him, loved his humor, loved his insight, loved his delivery, rented every video Netflix ever had on him and read all his books, he wrote beautifully as well and also as amusingly. Thanks for this!

  2. Well, you did it again.. make me snort coffee through my nose!! :_)

    BTW, what happen to all your followers? I noticed over there on the right left side it says. "There are no followers yet.
    Be the first! "
    What's going on with blogger lately?

  3. I have many of his albums (yeah, LPs), he had a great way to seeing the ordinary and making it extraordinarily funny.

    You have a great day too HermitJim.

  4. He told it like it is in a way that made you laugh.

  5. Good Morning My Friend,
    thanks for the video. George was the best. Even if he got dirty is was still very funny. They were just words that made it all the more funny.
    Coffee on the patio sounds great it sure has warmed up.

  6. Hey Katie...
    I grin even thinking about his different pieces! Certainly had a way of putting things that nearly everyone could associate with!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I can't keep up with everything that Blogger is going through anymore. Seems like I lose a couple of followers each week!

    I figured it was just because my blog was losing it's amusement factor, ya know?

    Sorry about making you spew your coffee this morning!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:17...
    Thanks for hanging on to the LPs! Going to be museum pieces one of these days!

    We sure have come a long way over the years...from vinyl recordings to YouTube and digital!

    No matter the medium, he is still funny!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    That he did, my friend, that he did! Not many of his kind around!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    He had a way that even made fun of the words we use! He did make us laugh at ourselves at times, and that's a good thing!

    Glad to see you getting better, sweetie! Thanks for coming by today!

  7. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 10, 2011 at 11:02 AM

    Neat video. Keep'em coming and have a great Thursday.

  8. Hey Mechanic...
    Glad you liked it, my friend! Ol' George was always good for a grin or two!

    Need more people like him again.

    Thanks for the visit!

  9. Good video clip Jim. I laughed so hard that I am trying to write this through teared eyes and a holding a sore belly. He was great.

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    Hard to hear him do this without laughing!

    I guess he spent most of his life entertaining people, and he was pretty good at it!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  11. Hey Marjie...
    As do we all that appreciated his humor!

    Thanks so much for the visit today, my friend!
