Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Favorite Sunday Song...!

I think that there are so many reasons why I like this song, that I would be hard pressed to explain them all!

Let's just say that today, this is my mood...and let it go at that, OK?

No need for me to say anything when Kris can sing it so much better!

How about some fresh coffee on the patio? I'll play the song again!


  1. Play it again!

    I haven't ever experienced the level of addiction that the character in Kris's song is talking about, but I can sympathize just a bit. It's been 64 hours since I had a smoke and the plan is never again. :D

  2. Play it again!

    I haven't ever experienced the level of addiction that the character in Kris's song is talking about, but I can sympathize just a bit. It's been 64 hours since I had a smoke and the plan is never again. :D

  3. Guess I prefer Johnny Cash on that song, but Kris is okay, too.

  4. Hey Jimmycrackedcorn...
    It's gotta be tough to have an addiction like the one that shows in Kris's face and in his songs!

    Good luck on giving up the smokes!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorge...
    The man has a way of writing some great songs! I think Willie and all the boys...even Johnny Cash have done some of Kris's songs!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming over this morning!

  5. Man thats great! This is my favorite version.


  6. Reading the title of your post, this is the song that I thought of instantly. And so it was. Great minds run together! Its a favorite of mine too - any day of the week.Sunday morning is coming down great at my place; sun,sun and more sun. Come on over; full pot brewing and a fresh loaf of sourdough bread; jam too. We can relax on the deck and watch the creek flowing by and the squirrels leaping through the trees. Thank goodness that most recent storm has passed on.

  7. Hey China...
    Been a lot of different versions of this song, but very few can sing it like Johnny and Kris!

    Willie Nelson has a good version of it as well!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Sissy...
    Very true what you say about great minds!

    Sitting on your deck watching the creek and the squirrels sounds like a great way to spend the morning to me!

    Fresh coffee on the porch, the company of friends, and the inner peace that comes from being in the country...what better way to pass the time?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over this morning!
