Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gonna Be Late Today...! Again...!

I'm taking a little time off this morning to get ready...just in case!

Just kidding! I actually have some errands to do so I'll be later than usual getting a post done, OK?

See ya in a bit...providing you are still around when the RAPTURE comes!

Have some fresh coffee while you're waiting, OK?


  1. I'm pretty sure I'll be here when ya get back. :)

  2. Go out and have some fun with your day...leave suits and outfits of old clothing on sidewalks and lawns around 6pm...

  3. Yea, guess all us heathens will be here waiting till you get back. :-)

  4. Well, I sorta hope it DOESN'T happen today. That would give Mr. Camping and his followers more time to learn what the Bible REALLY teaches.

  5. Guess what i had to have for supper last nite???,,,FRIED cat fish. with all the trimmings, including peach cobbler with ice cream! Local eatery has it on Friday nites. I get the child's plate.

  6. Ok, pass the coffee! I'm still here. Now, is that good? Or bad?

  7. Hope you are having a good day off. Miss you but the coffee was still good.
