Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Texas Cowboy To The Rescue...!

Man, there are just so many things that could be said about this story from the Houston Chronicle, it boggles the mind!

Instead of stating the obvious, I'll let you decide what punchline to use with this article! You have to admit, it is pretty cool!

Texas cowboy helps New Yorker by roping runaway steer
Associated Press
May 17, 2011, 12:28PM

GALWAY, N.Y. — It took a Texan to rope a runaway steer in an upstate New York field, but the cowboy lost some skin in the process.

Greg Way tells the Daily Gazette of Schenectady that he was unloading a pair of recently bought steers at his farm in rural Saratoga County earlier this month when the cattle bolted and escaped.

One of the steers was back within a couple days, but his 700-pound companion remained on the lam for a week.

Last Saturday, John West took a break from his horse training duties in Saratoga Springs to lend a hand capturing the wayward steer. The 44-year-old Texan mounted a horse and eventually roped the steer, but was pulled from his saddle and dragged along the ground for a spell.

West, whose hometown wasn’t available, suffered only minor scrapes and scratches.

A story like this is one that sort of captures the imagination. I can just imagine how the truth will eventually be stretched in the retelling until it resembles the elastic waistband of Aunt Sadie's drawers! Ya far from the original that it almost is unrecognizable?

Anyway, I found it to be an interesting story, if for no other reason than to show that even a Texas cowboy is willing to lend a hand to someone in need...even a New York Yankee!

Coffee on the patio this morning! Everyone's invited...even if you're from New York!


  1. You always come up with the most interesting stories. I always knew Texans were special. Even you.

  2. Bubba -

    Thanks fot a fun way to start the day. Having once been married to a d--- Yankee, I can fully appreciate this story, even if they did not appreciate me! Great story - from a great state! Thanks again!

  3. Agree that you do manage to find interesting stories!! Yeaaaaa Texas cowboys! Like Baby Sis, I too was married to a yankee then lived in Chicago to boot but even though slow, I learned (I think).
    Love you.

  4. What, was he away from Texas long enough to forget what the saddle horn was for?

  5. Good morning,
    A Texan in Yankee country,,? Been there and done that. I just have to tell this story. Several years ago, I was in Rhode Island for an extended stay. One afternoon, my host asked me how I liked it there on the East Coast. I told him it was nice, but there sure were a lot of Yankees. Well, he gave me the fisheye and replied, "Uh-huh, and I ARE one." Okay, he was right, but I'll never forget the look he gave me. Oh, can I get a warm up please?

  6. Cool story, good guy. Glad he wasn't hurt to bad for his good deed.
    Pass the pot please it sure will feel good going down around here.

  7. Hey Momlady...
    I thank you for that! (I think)

    Kinda fun living in a state that can laugh at itself!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Makes you wonder just what was wrong with those folks, not being more appreciative!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey B...
    Guess you both had a lapse of judgement for a bit!

    Bet you are glad you are NOT in Chicago now!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I was wondering just what he did to get pulled off the saddle myself!

    Just happy he got the critter!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Michael...
    Wonder why most yankees don't like being called yankees?

    Just something to think about, I guess!

    My friend, I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Starting to go back up to the 90s real soon here! Want me to send you some?

    At least in your area, it's cool enough to cuddle!

    That's why we have AC units here, I guess!

    Thanks,sweetie, for coming over today!

  8. Couldn't have been much of a cowboy, gettin drug off his horse. Wonder if he hurt himself when he went over the saddle horn?

  9. Hey Bob...
    Maybe he was trying to "cow surf?"

    Can't see how an experienced roper would get pulled off unless he underestimated the power of the bull!

    Guess he was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  10. lol DD beat me to it, u dont get pulled off doing it right. Typical Texan tho, giving a helping hand.

  11. Hey Trouble...
    Would have liked to have been there to see what happened! Might have been funny, since no one was hurt!

    Guess at least he was trying!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

  12. Jim as someone approaching antiquehood I set here appreciating the internet more an more.I'm more thankful than ever for living on the so called grid an watching people trying to rough it.It amuses me because along time ago I lived that life not by choice.You have some good reads thank you.

  13. They say reason Texas wound up with all the Yankees is because California had first choice

  14. Hey Ted...
    I really appreciate you saying those nice things this morning! Hopefully you'll continue to find something worthwhile here!

    Thanks for coming by as well!

  15. Several years ago a local feed lot agreed to take in a small herd of buffalo. Apparently they were more used to wide open spaces, and went walk about. A group of local cowboys was called in to rope and round them up. I wasn’t there, but I heard it was quite a rodeo. Those critters had no respect for fences at all. They would plow through them like they weren’t there! They were eventually gathered up, loaded on trucks, and taken elsewhere.

  16. From race horse training to steer roping, the cowboy is a handy man to have around!

  17. Hey Bob...
    I have a feeling that the Bison just go where they want to, ignoring anything in their way! Having seen them up close, I can certainly understand that!

    I'm sure that the stock yard was glad to get rid of them!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Marjie...
    Couldn't hurt to know a couple on a first name basis! Never know when you might need one!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  18. His "hometown wasn't available?" What the heck does THAT mean? It was busy talking on the other another town?
