Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Gotta Be Kidding Me...!

I've seen some silly laws in my time, but this one is probably the strangest one yet, considering that it is a present day ordinance!

When is mankind going to get it into their head that they cannot legislate Mother Nature in order to make Her act the way they want? That very idea seems more than just a little arrogant to me!

This story just underlines the complete ignorance of some governing boards to me.

Town limits when roosters, hens can hook up

Apr. 27, 2011 10:06 AM
Associated Press

HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP, N.J. - A New Jersey town has adopted an ordinance that regulates when chickens and roosters can hook up in backyard henhouses.

Roosters must show they're disease-free and they better not crow about their conquests.

Hopewell Township residents can have up to a half-dozen hens on half-acre lots. Roosters would be allowed only 10 days a year for fertilization purposes.

Mature roosters are not allowed because they're too noisy. Any roosters that crow too long can be banned from the property for two years.

Mayor Jim Burd told The Times of Trenton the ordinance is a compromise between today's lifestyle and the township's agricultural history.

I wonder if the roosters understand that they can't make any noise? I wonder if their instincts tell them that they face a two year ban if they get too rowdy? I wonder if Mother Nature is going to tell them they need to reset their biological clocks, so that all the natural urges to mate fall within the guidelines set by the township?

I wonder most of all if Mother Nature really gives a damn what the township says? My guess is "not on your life"!

Enough of this silliness! Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside.


  1. Roosters crow at daylight. Most city folk won't like that.

    Dirt Dobber

  2. All I can say about Hopewell is it used to be a beautiful place and I thought farm and garden's. So did it turn into such a well developed town that the roosters bother people now? I guess after being gone for 36 yrs things can change. And didn't they ever hear Don't fool with mother nature
    Oh well lets have some coffee and enjoy the company

  3. Illustrates how disconnected they are from our country's roots. Everyone used to have chickens and yes, roosters.

    They are going to do what roosters do.

    Makes one want to tip a little single malt into the coffee.

  4. Yuppie scum bastards ! Their day be coming soon...

  5. I can see it now, the homeowners hire lawyers and the only winners in this will be the lawyers.
    But I like fried chicken personally! :-)

  6. Whats next - limits on when the tide can come in? Sheesh, get a life or a brain for crying out loud . . .

    Our government at work.

  7. Oh, wait until they ban "snoring" because it is too loud and keeps people awake. Let's get real here folks. Why are these idiots trying to regulate everything just because it offends 1 or 2 people? What about the majority?

  8. My roosters crow all the flippin' time. 2am, WAKE UP!!! Was that the wind? Crow like your life depended on it.

    Plus my hens like to announce to the world that they are laying.

    But I guess there will now be a lucrative stud service just on the outskirts of town. 10 days isn't bad though, because once tapped a hen is fertile for up to 3 weeks.

    Still a bit silly. Happy medium I guess.

  9. Hey Dirt Dobber...
    Yeah, Mother Nature does seem to work by Her own time clock! Not much we can do about it but live with it!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Seems to me that trying to regulate something like this is going way overboard!

    Still, I guess that someone will always try!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  10. Hey Sixbears...
    Like sitting back and watching a comedy! It would be funny if it weren't so sad!

    Right you are about some folks forgetting all about our roots!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping in today!

    Hey Spud...
    Bet those same guys are the ones that want to tax the sun and air!

    Crazy...just crazy!

    Your visit is greatly appreciated this morning!

    Hey Ben...
    Always a winning proposition for the lawyers!

    Wonder what's next on the agenda?

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Anon 7:21...
    One can only guess what they want to control next!

    Scary when you think about it!

    I thank you for your visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    I reckon it's all about the power! That seems to be the main thing in today's climate!

    I wonder if any of the towns folk are fighting this?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Phelan...
    Does seem a bit over the edge, doesn't it?

    Do they really think they can get co-operation from the animals? Does make you wonder!

    Hey girl, I appreciate you coming by!

  11. lmaooooo,,,,personally, i love chickens. All u have to do is just sit n watch them a while, to make u feel good. Im naming my sis's. One is ms clean, one eye, stripes, little bit. n always, mr rooster.

  12. Hey Trouble...
    Good cheap way to get some entertainment! Never a dull moment around a bunch of chickens!

    Not to mention, the eggs are great!

    I really appreciate the visit today!

  13. This type of over regulation should be remembered and brought forth just before election time! Remember the old saying "Politicians are like diapers. They both need to be changed on a regular basis, and for the same reason."
    Pass the coffee!

  14. Hey Ian...
    Guess the folks in that township can be glad they don't have any more pressing matters to worry about...but the love life of their chickens!

    Probably some will be job hunting after the next election! Who knows?

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

  15. And we pay people to dream up these laws, regulations, or whatever you want to call them! A typical example of why I refuse to live in a town, let alone a city.

  16. Hey Bob...
    Don't know who is crazier...the folks that make the laws, or those of us that allow them to do so!

    Guess they think they are earning their money like this!

    I don't blame you for staying in the country!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  17. Much the same laws in cities about this over here too. I love the sound of a rooster any time of day but city folks are a bit strange :-)

    Have a great day!

  18. Um, did they mention the no noise before 8AM that most towns in New Jersey dictate? Man, those politicians have less common sense than my dog!

  19. Hey Christer...
    I guess that city folks are the same, no matter what country they are in.

    I like the sound of a rooster myself. Just part of being in the country, I guess!

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Marjie...
    That's just crazy! How do you NOT make noise before 8AM?

    No common sense is certainly correct!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  20. There is a damn rooster about 5 or 6 houses down from where I live that starts crowing about 5:30 a.m. each morning and continues into the afternoon. This is in the city.

  21. This is a clear demonstration of how banal society has become. I can't believe the intolerance of people who don't like some noises, at least a roosetr isn't blasting out rap music at 5:30am.

