Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America...!

This day should be a good day for all of us.

Many years ago, in 1776, our founding fathers put their heads together and came up with the very cornerstone of all that we are today.

We can listen to all the songs, play all the patriotic music, celebrate with parades and parties...but the true essence of what we are as a country can be summed up best in words. Beautiful written words, long used and well read, that stand for the ideals of what the United States really is! The following is part of an article written by David Patton of the Houston Chronicle. It says more in just a few words than I could ever say!

"The Declaration of Independence is elegantly simple. The guiding principles of the greatest nation on Earth are engrossed on a single piece of parchment only 24 and one-fourth inches by 29 and three-fourths inches. The original is still on display for all the world to see. It is what we stand for. At a time when men were governed by kings without the consent of the majority of the governed, our forefathers chose to recognize that men are born with certain unalienable rights that no government may deny - and 235 years later we reap the fruits of liberty. We are a free people because they backed their genius with their blood."

You can read the complete article right here! It brings it all pretty much in focus!

My friends, let's have some fresh coffee on the patio. We can toast a Happy Birthday to our wonderful country! Happy 4TH, everyone!


  1. Have a fun and safe day Sir Hermit.
    Incase you haven't noticed yet. The link to the article you have is wrong. Correct link is

  2. Yes, it was quite simple and to the point. Too bad we have complicated it beyound repair.

  3. Missed you yesterday.
    Happy 4TH my Special One.
    Hope all enjoy and stay safe.
    Coffee with you is a great start to any day.

  4. Hope Mom isn't too shaken tonight. Enjoy your day.... (is the grill going?).
    Love you. Pass the pot, please.

  5. This day is a time each year that I reflect back over my 77 years .I have seen a lot of changes in my life time ,But the one that stands out the most to me is this country is getting more color blind every year.Freedom as we know it is not free it comes at a price.Would be nice to hang around an other 77 an see what changes are in our future.

  6. And a happy 4th to you too sir. Watch those fire crackers!

  7. Mechanic in IllinoisJuly 4, 2011 at 10:08 AM

    Happy and safe 4th to everyone. We are having our kids(some kids,27&26) and my 92 year young mother-inlaw over for marinaded venison tenderloins on the grill,brats and sweet corn. Did the fireworks last night. Everyone take care.

  8. Hey Ben...
    Thanks for telling me about that dead link! I have corrected it!

    That's what I get for not checking my work better...must be an age thing!

    Have a great day, buddy! Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey DD...
    Like nearly everything else, we seem to want to fix a lot of things that are not broken!

    Too bad the folks in charge don't direct their attention to better use, like working on things that really need help!

    Have a safe day and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad you missed me, but nothing to worry about! Just blogger eating my post!

    You have a great day, sweetie! Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Sis...
    You know, since most fireworks are banned around here, even the neighbors are NOT popping any so far!

    Of course, the beer hasn't started flowing yet!

    Grill is working, but I can throw on an extra steak if you want!

    I appreciate you coming by today, Sis!

    Hey Ted...
    I'll bet you have indeed seen a lot of changes, my friend!

    Not sure if I would want to hang around for that long, especially with the changes I believe are coming!

    I thank yo0u for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 9:39...
    You have a safe one as well!

    I hope it's quiet and safe here in the neighborhood today!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  9. Hey Mechanic...
    Sounds like a good little family get-together!

    Wish my family did more gatherings, but everyone is just too busy any more!

    I really do appreciate you coming by today!

  10. Happy fourth of July!


  11. Hey Christer...
    Thank you, sir! Greatly appreciated!

    Have a great day, and thank you for coming by today!

  12. Belated Happy 4th wishes, HJ. Sorry to have missed that coffee on the patio today, but it was a bit hot and humid here so we settled on iced coffee indoors. I do remember family gatehrings from many years ago, but we don't have them anymore either, so you are not alone in that. Thanks for the "words of wisdom" for today - good anytime.

  13. Hey Beatrice...
    Good to see you again, my friend! Don't worry about missing the coffee this morning!

    I hope your holiday was a good one and I thank you for coming by today!
