Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Now Ain't That Sweet...?

What a mess this must have been!

I know one thing...I don't want to be in that clean-up crew! I think after trying to clean up this many bees, I would lose my taste for honey! I sure hope these guys had some sting proof clothing!

Truck spills 14 million bees on Idaho highway

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

(07-12) 07:21 PDT Island Park, Idaho (AP) --

Cleanup crews in Idaho have finished clearing honey and an estimated 14 million bees that got loose after a delivery truck overturned on a highway.

Fremont County Sheriff deputies say several workers were stung during the first few hours of the cleanup Sunday.

And some observers told The Post-Register about seeing a strange black cloud and roaring noise above the spill area before realizing it was a massive swarm of bees.

Authorities say a truck was hauling the bees from California to North Dakota when the driver veered off the shoulder, tipping more than 400 hive boxes and honey.

Crews worked all day Monday before removing all the honey from the roadway, though deputies say a significant amount of bees were still buzzing.

I guess this is what you might call a "sticky situation!" Sorry, but I just couldn't resist that one!

Would you like some fresh coffee on the patio? We almost had some rain yesterday! Almost!


  1. I feel sorry for the driver bet he was pushing to get the load through.
    and i wanted to give you a little bit of a thought to ponder and maybe a laugh to get you through the lack of rain.

    When i was young my father told me women are like a fine wine, so then i asked my father does that make us men like the moldy cheese?

  2. Sounds like those clean up crews
    were Busy as Bees .

    (Sorry, It was just so obvious)

    But I can only imagine what a sticky situation the clean up must have been .

  3. You never know what you're going to come across on a US highway.

    Angry bees: talk about road rage.

  4. Hey Mike...
    I can only imagine what the poor driver was thinking!

    Imagine not being able to get out of your car because of bees! 14 million bees!

    What a mess to clean up!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I know...there are just s9o many puns that come to mind, it's hard not to use one!

    You take care, buddy, and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey SixBears...
    It's almost getting to the point of being an adventure to go anywhere!

    Nothing but surprises out there!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

  5. Honey is the only food that does not spoil! True facts from

  6. Also, when it turns to sugar, u can heat it one time back to original, and it won't ever go to sugar again. I'm sure a fire dept washed it off the hwy. Today's Austin paper has pic of huge truck turned over, and sand all across the hwy.

  7. That's one place I'm glad I'm not. I am not a big fan of bees.

    I keep trying to send some of my rain to you - honest - but the sky doesn't cooperate. We had 9" in June instead of our normal 5"! It's never all even, is it?

  8. Hey Anon 10:27...
    I know...that's pretty cool, I think! I keep some in my food supplies all the time!

    Love the stuff!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Trouble...
    Sure seems like a huge waste of honey and bees, doesn't it?

    I would have liked to see a picture of the spill!

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Marjie...
    Well, I certainly appreciate the effort, my friend!

    9 inches is a fair amount of rain in a single month! Thanks for thinking of us!

    I really appreciate you coming over today!

  9. Dang, those bees worked hard making all that honey. No wonder someone got stung. I would be mad, too.

  10. Hey Jim!Must of been a honey of an accident! Yeah I couldn't resist.


  11. Hey DD...
    I think the sound of the bees alone would have been enough to scare me!

    Hope you don't run into something like this on your trip!

    Be safe and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey China...
    Good to see you again, my friend! Hard not to add a pun or two to this story, isn't it?

    So glad you had time to drop in for a visit! Don't be a stranger now, OK?
