Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feisty Old Guy, Ain't He...?

I really love these stories about the older folks that stand their ground and tell the bad guys "NO MORE!"

I have a feeling that these guys are going to take a lot of heat when they get to lock-up! Not only was the old man willing to fight back, but he did it while wounded! I love this guy and hope I am just like him when I grow up!

Homeowner held burglary suspect at gunpoint for 8 hours

4:35 PM, Aug. 22, 2011
Written by
Jaclyn O’Malley

An elderly Reno homeowner on Friday shot and wounded two of three burglars in an incident where he held one injured suspect captive during an eight-hour stand-off.

Police said the 72-year-old resident held Robert Marin, 26, — who was armed with a knife — for an additional four hours after he accidentally shot Marin in the wrist.

The homeowner did not have a telephone to report the incident and had to gather his strength to force Marin outside and have a neighbor call police about noon on Friday, detectives said.

The resident told police that Marin hit his gun hand with his walking cane, which caused the gun to go off and strike Marin in the wrist. He then held the man for an additional four hours until he had enough strength to confront him further, according to a police report.

Eight hours earlier, police said the homeowner shot Jonathan Rogers twice in the abdomen, who was found walking near the University of Nevada, Reno. He told police someone randomly shot him as he was walking and police did not learn until later of his alleged involvement in the burglary.

The homeowner had awakened about 3 a.m., Friday after hearing people in his home in the 200 block of Bartlett St., according to a police report. Authorities said the man had possessed a gun as protection from an earlier recent burglary, and confronted the suspects in the hallway with his gun. He fired shots at Rogers, who police said fled the residence with a third suspect, Guy Ruiz, 44.

While detectives said Marin grabbed a knife, the homeowner held him captive with his firearm.

Detectives said the three suspects had planned to burglarize the man and were investigating further.

Police said they found items stolen from the elderly man’s home along the path Rogers walked until a taxi driver found him wounded and bleeding, and called police. Monday, Rogers remained hospitalized. Police said he will be arrested upon his release.

Marin and Ruiz were booked into the Washoe County Jail on suspicion of burglary and robbery with a deadly weapon, which carries a sentencing enhancement because the victim was over 60.

Maybe it's time for some of the younger folks to copy their elders! No more mister nice guy! What say you?

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio.


  1. I'd say little cowards got what they deserved picking on an old guy! Said it before an I'll say it again There should be a special place in hell for those who hurt old folks and children!Glad the old guy is ok!


  2. Old ain't dead! They messed with the wrong guy that time.

  3. Ya got to love a story where "mom and pop" win. Had guns been outlawed, there would an old man lay'n on the floor and 3 criminals walk'n the streets.

  4. Don't mess with the Old Farts!! They don't give a S**t and will kill your worthless Ass!!! :-)

  5. Good for that little old man. Glad he is OK a 2 worthless creeps got what they deserved to bad the 3rd one didn't get it to.
    That needs a cup of coffee to celebrate for sure. Pass the pot please.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Pretty strong of will and body for a guy his age!

    Not that much older than me, actually!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey China...
    On that point I have to agree with you 100% ! No mercy for these guys at all!

    More and more the older folks are standing up and fighting back!

    Hey man...I appreciate the visit!

    Hey Billy Bob...
    Boy, ain't that the truth! I have a feeling that the old guy would have had a gun stashed anyway!

    Thanks for the visit this morning, my friend!

    Hey Ben...
    Maybe the bad guys are slowly getting the message. But then, maybe not! I don't think many of them are very smart!

    I'm glad the old guy hung in there as long as he did! Pretty tough, I'd say!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad to see you this morning, sweetie!

    I'm glad that even wounded, the old man was able to hold them off for so long!

    Gotta be an inspiration there for some!

    Thanks, sweetie, for the visit!

  7. Maybe the police should start a new program called take from the bad and give to the good. Take all the guns they get from bad guys when they arrest them and give them to old farts that can't afford one along of course with a class for the concealled weapon permit.

  8. Hey Bob...
    Ya know, that's not a bad idea! Makes more sense than just destroying all those guns!

    Of course, the class is another good thing to offer, like you said!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

  9. Lived in TX all my life, who needs classes? lol,,,
