Sunday, August 28, 2011

Internet Problems...!

I'm taking a chance and trying to post this before the Internet goes crazy again!

Looks like my Modem is crapping out, so I might not be on the air much longer. I'm hoping to be back on a regular basis come Monday or so.

Sorry, but that means no post today! I'm hoping this gets on the air, but you know how it goes! Equipment failures are the pits!

Later, guys!


  1. I know how it is, my modem is giving me lots of problems!
    I hope everything gets solved!

    Have a great day!

  2. Ain't technology wonderful (when it works)!

  3. Thanks for the head's up. You are such a reliable site that we'd worry if you disappeared. Good luck with the technology demons!

  4. yea, Good luck with it. Get back as soon as you can.

  5. Appreciate you letting us know so we don't worry.

  6. Absence just makes the heart grow fonder!

  7. It's the modem that usually the first to go. Hope you get everything back in order soon.

  8. I know what you mean. I think my lap top is starting a slow death. I cleaned it up, backed up all my photos and deleted all kinds of things but it didn't help at all. It gets slower and slower. good luck getting back up and running

  9. Have a back up if i HAVE to use it, the desk top. When i turn it on, always have to let it do all the updates. Couldn't u find a modem somewhere on Sunday? Will miss ur posts.

  10. Life was so much easier when all we had were type writers! My laptop went belly up a little while ago. Sitting here with a brand new desktop and I think I'm beginning to understand why people who have them love their Mac. I'm still trying to get my video camera hooked up to this thing, and DELL is no help at all. They may make a descent computer, but their customer service sucks big time!
