Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Long Distance "Spin The Bottle"...!

I love it when a story like this comes along, especially in the midst of all the wackiness coming out of Washington!

Never hurts to have a little "feel good" story every once in a while, right? Well, this one from CBS News is just that!

July 28, 2011 9:55 AM

Message in bottle received after decades adrift

In New Hampshire, a message in a bottle traveled thousands of miles over as many as 50 years before finding its way back to the author's daughter - in the mail.

Paula Pierce has lived her life by the ocean. Last week, it delivered a message, as Lauren Leamanczyk of CBS station WBZ in Boston reported for "The Early Show."

"It was like being contacted from the past," Pierce said.

The message was sent in a Coca-Cola bottle and it took decades to find its way back to The Beachcomber Motel -- her family's business in Hampton Beach, N.H.

"It like jumped up off the page at me," she said. "And I was like that's my father's writing. That is my father's writing!"

Sometime between 1960 and 1980, Paula's father put a message in a bottle that reads, "Return to 419 Ocean Boulevard and receive a reward of $150 from Tina, owner of the Beachcomber."

Tina is Paula's mother. She thinks her dad wrote it to tease his business savvy wife. Somehow the bottle made it all the way to the island of Turks and Caicos where Clint Buffington found it. He collects messages in a bottle.

Buffington, who runs the website, told CBS News, "A message from the past like this carries special weight. And I'm just really glad to be part of that I guess."

Traveling direct, it's about 2,000 miles from Hampton Beach to Turks and Caicos, but no one knows how many miles that bottle logged in the 30 to 50 years it spent in the Atlantic Ocean.

Pierce's parents passed away years ago.

"That gave me chills today. I actually started to cry," she said. "I feel like they're sending me a message somehow."

Pierce's father, Leamanczyk remarked, may have meant the message as a practical joke, but instead, he gave his daughter a priceless gift.

I think this is pretty cool! Just imagine how far that bottle has traveled and all the places it's been to! I love it!

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit! Gonna be really hot later, so we better do it soon!


  1. That is pretty cool alright. Very kind of the person ending up with it to contact the people's family who originally sent it.

    My Dad has been deceased since 1997 and I still miss him to this day. At Mom's house, I occasionally come across some of his paperwork, and seeing his handwriting makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  2. A feel good story, for sure. A message from the past and the adventure of that little bottle. Love it.

  3. Hey Anon 5:36...
    Funny how a little writing or a momento can trigger a lot of memories!

    Guess we all have more stored than we realize.

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey DD...
    That little bottle certainly would have a story to tell!

    Traveled a few more miles than even you, buddy!

    Glad you liked the story and glad you came by today!

  4. It is not priceless. It cost $150. LOL

  5. SOO glad u had this today. I had caught just a second of that story on Today, and now i know the whole thing, thx. I, too, think it's facinating, let's ur imagination run wild.

  6. Hey Russell...
    Not too bad if you break it down by years!

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Trouble...
    Just like Paul Harvey used to you know the rest of the story!

    Glad you found it interesting.

    I appreciate you dropping in today!

  7. An interesting ,feel good story. Collecting messages in a bottle...sounds rather interesting, too. I would like to see some of the messages he has found. Probably some interesting bottles with or without messages!!
    Love ya!
