Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So Here's The Scoop...!

Ever had this happen to you?

You leave a room, turning off the lights as you go. A few minutes later, you go back in and the lights have turned themselves on again! Not only that, but the television does some strange things also!

The AC unit stopped cooling, but the fans still worked. I went out and checked the meter...but no reading at all. Keep in mind this is a state of the art digital meter. No reading at all means only one thing to me and that is electrical trouble! No power, no reading!

A call to the city power folks at Center Point Energy and they sent a very grouchy ill tempered repairman, who immediately pulled the meter, set it on the ground, and proclaimed the problem was ours! Then...he left!

A family friend helped me change out the meter socket after we relocated it. What had happened is that the house has settled so much, the electrical wires from the transformer had pulled right out of the terminal in the socket!

Since this is a permit area, we didn't cut or replace the wiring, but by relocating the new socket, we were able to use the same wiring!

Another call to the power company and they said "no problem...we'll send a repairman right out! He should be there in between 2 and 4 hours!" At midnight, still no repairman!

I had ran an heavy duty extension cord across the driveway to the neighbor's house (with his permission) so that I could at least put a couple of fans in Mom's house. The next morning, another call was made to the power company to come out and replace the meter. A rep said "no problem...we'll have someone right out. They should be there in 2 to 4 hours!" My Mom demanded to speak to the boss, and got the same story without an explanation as to why they had not shown up the night before! However, this time they added a slight twist! "If we find that there has been any rewiring done, then he won't hook it up!"

Guess who finally showed up! Mr. personality himself! Same attitude! He came out, looked at the repair work and said "This is a sorry ass repair job! I'm going to hook it up because the old lady needs it, but this is a sorry repair job!"

His opinion really was important to me! My feelings were hurt and I nearly cried that he didn't like our repairs! ( you believe that, right?) Finally, the sorry excuse for an example of sunshine men had it hooked up and left! AC was working again, freezer was working, fridge was working...time for a well deserved nap, ya know?

That about brings us up to date! Sorry for not having a post until late yesterday, but my PC doesn't work well without power! Ya know?

Now we can get some fresh coffee and sit outside. Or we can stay inside and enjoy the AC! It's up to you!


  1. Hey, some folks would gripe if you shot 'em with a BRAND-NEW gun! That guy must be a thoroughly unhappy soul.

  2. They are a lovely and pleasant to deal with over here :-) :-) :-) But they would most probably have helped to repair the problem to be honest.

    I do hope this will hold now so You don´t have to go through this again.

    Have a great day!

  3. A surly power company rep is the reason we have a fair bit of solar electric. My wife complained about the service and they said there's nothing we can do about it.

    Oh yeah . . . 8 solar panels later combined with a big push for energy efficiency, and the power company called to see why our power usage had dropped so low.

  4. Bubba -

    Glad all is well again, and cool. I, among many others, wondered what had happened until I called. Can't believe things have gotten that bad with the settling, again.

    And with this heat, that's just what the "old lady" needed, and you too, huh? Or, as she said, it was good practice for the next hurricane....

    Big hugs -

  5. Letz just stay inside today, the sun rays really sting! Glad you got your electricity woes behind you - dealing with city and school employees demands a sense of humor!

  6. So sorry to hear of your troubles. I had a similar situation when I lived in PA. I gave up and pulled my own meter, so I could put in a new breaker box to replace the old fuse box. When done I replaced the meter and called them to come and put their seal back on it. Got a tongue lashing but got the job done my way. Here in Texas I am one of the lucky ones who have the co-op SHECO. They give quick service response with a smile.

  7. Why is it that "service employees" are always irritable, rude and grouchy? What ever happened to "service with a smile" Glad "mom" is back up and running with power.

  8. Jim,since you usually give a heads up when you're gonna be gone had me wondering.Jim,that fellas attitude is part of whats wrong with our country.Glad you and your Mom are Ok!

    Ps Ya know I always wanted to be a moutain man,my boys just laugh they say Dude no computer,no mt dew,no A/c...


  9. Glad you are back up and running.
    Your service guy is a typical example of the lost of "customer service" in this day and age. No one has any pride in their work any more.

    Stay cool, Got my coffee in side so far this morning, just don't wannta fool with the outside temps .

  10. Hey Gorges...
    I think you're right! The sad part is that this guy probably has been this way so long, he doesn't know any other way!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Christer...
    I guess it takes all kinds to make up this old world! All I can say is I'm glad I don't have to deal with someone like that every day!

    Glad you could come over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Maybe if we all did something like that, we could get their attention! Then again, maybe not!

    I'm thinking I'm going to do like old Ben says and get me a generator! I could furnish Mom's place and mine enough to have some fans and a few lights...if this ever happened again.

    We may still get a storm or two this year, so it sounds better and better all the time!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Good practice for biting your tongue and NOT fighting with the repairman! Something like this really points out the holes in all your emergency plans, for sure!

    Even makes a non-believer like Mom pay more attention to the importance of having some workable back up!

    I'm just glad it's over and also glad you came over today!

    Hey Anon 7:27...
    Always a good way to test your patience as well! Not my favorite thing to do, having to deal with his kind and not say anything!

    Inside it is, my friend! Hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey DD...
    I figured the best thing was to let him be mad and talk bad about me, as long as he put in the meter and left!

    Glad you don't have to deal with these guys any more!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  11. Sorry for all that trouble in all that heat. I would have called and demanded to speak with a supervisor, if that didn't work I would have called the local news and believe me they would have loved to run a story about it.
    I won't take crap from these people anymore and I know here in the Valley's of AZ. its a law to get out there and take care of the problem in high temps.And refering to your mom as the old lady should get that rag fired.
    stay cool

  12. Hey Linda...
    I think that service as we once knew it, is gone forever!

    Another reason to fondly remember the old days, I guess!

    I sure am glad you could come over today!

    Hey China...
    Sounds like the kids know the old man pretty well!

    Have to admit, this type of thing is very good practice for doing without! A learning experience, you might say!

    I really am glad you came by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Boy, I can certainly understand that! Hot doesn't even come close to how it's been this year!

    The one thing that bothers me the most, is the lack of stormy weather! Usually we have some bad thunder storms this time of year...ya know, the kind with lots of noise and rain?

    Just hope we don't get it all at once!

    Thanks for coming over, buddy! Always good to see you!

  13. Hey JoJo...
    I couldn't agree with you more!

    I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying anything and for me, that ain't easy!

    Lucky for this guy, it was Mom's place and she needed the power very badly! If it had been just me, words would have been shared, if you know what I mean!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  14. Mechanic in IllinoisAugust 17, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    Jim, first call the utility company and ask for the president of the company's address and phone number and file a presidential complaint. Then ask for the state's commerce commission's address and phone number and file a complaint with them. Then call the local newpaper a put your story in the paper. Next contact AARP Magazine and put your story in the outrage column. If all this doesn't get you answers and action we're all in trouble. I retired from a utility and they were always scared of anything like this. Have a great Wednesday.

  15. I find it very interesting that the repair persons are the most incompetent rude things they can find, however the ones that figure how to raise your rates are just the opposite !

  16. I would like to give him an out and say his attitude is from the heat...but yesterday my mom and I had a flat on I-45 and called AAA. The man was there in about five minutes changed the tire with a smile and escorted us to our turn off. So people CAN be decent even with jobs in the heat. They just have to CHOOSE to be that kind of person. A big thanks to Bosone Automotive.

  17. Here, the electrical repair men are the same ones that rewired my house when i bought it, moonlighting. Never heard any complaints about any electric or water people. Lucky here. And, if someone had done me that way, u can bet i would've complained to the highest level. Don't mess with TEXANS! I took DDs comment,,tongue in cheek? lololol
