Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Almost Hate To Say This...!

Tomorrow we have a family get-together.

We have one every year about this celebrate my late father's birthday. One day a year that members of the family can get together and visit, talk, and generally catch up on things.

I hate to say it, but there will be a few family members that won't show up. Some that won't show very seldom do. Family doesn't seem to matter to them anymore, if it ever did.

But that's their decision and they will have to live with it. The main thing I keep thinking about is that my Mother is getting on up in age, and who knows how many more of these reunions she will be around for!

You would think that out of respect to her, they would show up. But respect has become a thing of the past for some, as has manners and common courtesy. Slowly we are loosing touch with family and old friends. With the passing of our contacts, a lot of the oral history and stories of the family is lost and gone forever!

However, I'll be here as always. Don't know if that's a good thing or bad, but I'll be here regardless.

Since tomorrow is a holiday and there will be some folks here, I'm gonna take the day off. I hope everyone has a good Labor Day celebration! Be safe, no matter what you do...OK?

C'mon, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit!


  1. Family means a lot. I can't make our family reunion every year, since it is held in Pennsylvania, but did make it this last summer. Enjoy yourself and make sure you get the older members to tell the old stories.

  2. I see the lack of respect and the lack of caring in most families these days, including my own. It's just a sign of the times we live in, I fear. This is the age of ME.

  3. Yep, think all us ole farts can relate to the lack of "family" we all grew up with. Our family/families haven't had whole family get together in several years. Of course at funerals someone or the other always says " We need to get together again some day soon" This year it was cousin Sandy and her brother Joe, so I made sure they had everyone's contact info to let us know when and where. Not a word since.

  4. Mechanic in IllinoisSeptember 4, 2011 at 8:29 AM

    We are also going to have a family cook out on monday. Grilled deer brats,steak, corn on the cob etc. The free food keeps my kids coming. Have a great holiday everyone.

  5. No theres no more family caring. they fight amongst each other and no one talks to this one or that one. Well shame on them all. Whether they will ever regret it or not I don't know. But SHAME on the ALL.
    I hope you enjoy the day anyway.
    I will join you in a pot of coffee this morning.

  6. Have a good day tomorrow and say howdy to Nanny for me.

  7. That's just a sad situation i think we have all found. Really hard to adjust to it, for me, anyway. YOU have a good time tomorrow.

  8. Hey DD...
    Living in another state is a good reason not to be able to go, but I'm glad you got to make this last one!

    I always enjoy hearing the old stories, although a lot of them I've h3eard many times before!

    Have a great day, and thanks fo4r coming by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    It's really sad, isn't it? I would think that families would start to clan up a bit during these times, but I guess not!

    Oh well, no use dwelling on it!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Ben...
    Guess that family just isn't as important to some as it used to be!

    That's a shame!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Your free food sounds better than my free food! Maybe I'll come to your house!

    It does help to feed them good, doesn't it?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    It's sad to see the family unit fall apart and even sadder to have them always squabbling back and forth. Been that way for a long time, I reckon!

    Have a great day, sweetie, and thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I hope you have a great day as well and I'll pass on your "howdy" to Mom!

    Enjoy the holiday, and thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Trouble...
    Yep, I reckon that all families have to go through this. It's sad, but just a fact of modern life, I guess.

    I have fresh coffee and good food, so I'm good to go!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  9. Now you have me missing my Mom... She is 250 miles away and I am home with Chucky dog while Tramp 1 is gone bow hunting so I can't take off and head to visit her. But we do talk on the phone several times a week. Enjoy your time with your Mom!!

  10. Have fun tomorrow! You must have a nicer family than mine!

  11. I hope you all have a wonderful visit with the family.


  12. It is really sad what has happened to "the family" in recent years. It just doesn't mean what it used to. Yes, a person would think that with the trying times we all are going through that family would pull together. Not in these times though; it is all about "me". I have found that some of my friends are closer to me than my own family - very sad but true. Enjoy your time with your Mother and your family.

  13. Have a good labor day Jim, even if everyone don't show up to the family function. Gotta say though, there are alot of times where I actually hope certain ones don't show, but always do.

  14. After my mother in law died near christmas 2000 that was totally it for my husbands side of the family..They dislike each other so much the brothers and two sisters, we live in another state but one would think we lived on Mars, in our home in a week 33 years, never heard from my husbands brother until his life partner died in 2000 and such a nice brother, it is not right that siblings never see each other..We have taken to seeing the brother who lost the love of his life..he is alone and now old, he gets a kick out of me, I e-mail him daily I am his sister in law and I send things to him, birthday card, holiday cards and goodies with the cards, no one in his family sees him much, it is shameful but the family was way fractured before my Mother in Law dad or husband around and they had to scramble for a living all of them, I am married to the oldest child he was and is the most responsible..but it is side are all outlaws and into crap, they were 1/2 siblings I never lived around, so it is just my hubby our daughter and me and friends I got to choose..have a wonderful time, enjoy labor day..ciao mjs from washington state!

  15. Sorry we missed it - I hope y'all had a fine time.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
