Thursday, September 1, 2011

Man, What A Twisted Family Tree...!

When reading about this family and the crimes they committed, it's hard to believe they managed to stay free as long as they did!

You have to wonder if the madness ran in the family, or was it just the mother? They were all pretty sick if you ask me.

This type of story makes you sad to know there are people like this on the loose in the world. At the same time, it scares the hell out of me! This is almost as though these folks were straight out of the pages of some work of fiction, and not real people! Unfortunately, that is not the case!

From the good folks at, this story certainly gives us all something to think about!

Sept. 1, 1981:

A teenage boy murders his father

Fifteen-year-old Eric Witte shoots his father, 43-year-old volunteer firefighter Paul Witte, in the family's Indiana home. Although Eric admitted to shooting his father, he claimed that the gun had accidentally gone off when he tripped on a rug. The bullet hit his father, who was lying on a couch across the room, in the head. The shooting was ruled an accident, and Eric was released.

Three years later, Eric's grandmother, Elaine Witte, 74, was killed with a crossbow. A few months after the murder, the entire family was arrested in California for forging Elaine's signature on her Social Security checks. In the subsequent trial, the bizarre story behind the murders came to light.

Eric's mother, Hilma Marie Witte, had tried to kill her husband, Paul, by lacing his food with rat poison and Valium. When this proved unsuccessful, she convinced her son to shoot his father by telling him that Paul was going to divorce her and that they would end up living in the streets. She later persuaded John "Butch" Witte, Eric's younger brother, to kill his grandmother by convincing him that Elaine planned to kick them out of the house. John, who witnessed his father's murder at the age of 11, was 14 when he killed Elaine Witte. At the trial, John stated, "My mom said I could strangle her or use my crossbow. It was up to me."

A few hours after killing his grandmother, John went to court with his mother to inquire about receiving disability benefits from his father's death. When they returned home that night, they began cutting up Elaine's body with a knife and a chainsaw. Marie and her two boys then scattered the dismembered body throughout California.

John and Eric were given 20- and five-year sentences, respectively, and were released in 1996. Hilma Marie Witte received a 90-year sentence.

Now, many of us have some slightly bent branches in our family tree, but I'm pretty sure none of us have anything like this! I know that if I did, I wouldn't admit it!

Just way too many crazy folks in the world, I'm thinking!

Want some fresh coffee? We can sit outside, if you can take the heat!


  1. I'll forego the coffee for awhile; just a bit of nausea after reading this account.

  2. Only thing I can say is I hope that family isn't producing any more kids into this World. Good grief!! My first thought was hang em all.
    Wish someone would follow or track John, the young son, and see how he turns out later in life.

    1. I know Eric and his 3 kids personally. Work with them. Just found out about this today. Explains alot.

    2. Mr. Smith, are you serious about knowing Eric? Want to know more..

    3. The show evil lives here was on last night and featured Eric Witte telling the story of killing his father. But he changed the motive never saying anything about doing it for money .Just that they were victims of awful abuse and they wanted it to stop. That they were hit all the time and mentally abused all the time

    4. I know abuse is a factor, however when you have a family anniliator like the mother. It makes sense. Because you worked those children like a fiddle. And what everyone fails to understand is the human brain is not fully developed until they are around 22 to 25. So this woman manipulated her 2 children for 7 years until the 1st trigger was pulled. T

  3. Very scarry family!! They beat the Adam's Family and the Munsters for sure.

  4. I agree with Sissy - an ugly story that really illustrates the Bad Seed really do exist out there. Just - evil, pure evil in their souls. $$$ is all they cared about.

  5. I know a family like that. Makes your skin crawl just for the fact you knew them. Still makes me sad, for the victim.

    Didn't you get your rain? you can all come an have coffee here on the porch its a nice 66 this morning. Doesn't seem cold at all.

  6. Hey Sissy...
    Does make you a little sick to the stomach, doesn't it?

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Yep, the last thing we need is more of this type on the streets! There is more than enough of their kind running free as it is!

    Come to think about it, I have some in my neighborhood!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey DD...
    Yessir...that they do! Makes the made up monsters all look pretty tame!

    Guess there will always be this type around!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:34...
    Probably more of them around than we want to know about!

    As the old say goes "Be very afraid!"

    Certainly got my attention!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. Hey JoJo...
    Pretty sad for anyone getting on the wrong side of this family!

    We have rain coming down as we speak! Started this morning and is supposed to stay all weekend! That's fine with me!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  8. when I read the heading; I began to immediately began to think about how my mothers husbands sisters daughters husband married my mothers husbands sisters sons wife.

    but I see it isn't THAT kind of twisted family tree.....

    and wile some of my family members HAVE done some really twisted things (lie in court, leave when wife got pregnant) I do not think that any have been THAT twisted.

    its always interesting to read your blog! :)

  9. Hey Kellie...
    I think that many of us have some of those in our family tree, but nothing like the ones in the story!

    I appreciate your kind words today...and the visit as well! Always good to see you!

  10. Wow this is some pretty crazy stuff. It's hard to say based on just that who the real evil ones are. Makes you wonder what the boys' upbringing was like and how long their mother had been putting evil thoughts into their minds. Very sad and scary stuff.

    Also just want to say hello Jim. I've been reading for a month or so now, and trying to read over the posts from the beginning too. Your blog is really interesting and gives me a lot of food for thought.

  11. Me and my brother we actually friends with butch and lived right down the road from them in trail creek. Butch was kinda of an odd person. He was into dungeons and dragons and all that fantasy shit. When we found out about the murder of his grandma, just couldnt believe it, we were both in shock. Especially after staying the night over there after she was murdered

  12. .......These are actually my 2nd cousins once removed. Their father, Paul, was my first cousin 3x removed; his mother Mary (not stepmother) was a sister of my great-grandmother. She died pretty recently, about 2011. Paul lived with my grandpa and his family for a little while when he was young.

    I have never met these cousins. Fortunately.

  13. I think the mother was evil and don't really blame the young teen boys she manipulated. Sick and evil woman using her kids to do her dirty work.

  14. I read in an article that John is deceased. The mother was trying to say that she had letters where John said she was not involved but the judge said that it was heresy as John would not be there to confirm or deny the letters.

  15. Found a post by Eric: Hans Dieter “John David” “Butch” Witte died from complications of diabetes.

  16. My dad and Mr. Whitte were best friends. I grew up with John and Eric was younger. When Mr. Whitte got shot my dad knew it wasn't an accident. This is a really big deal around our house. I remember they had horse trailers on our property and my dad delivered them to their house within 24 hours of Mr. Whitte being shot. He told us we weren't allowed to talk to those boys anymore and he didn't want any of them on our property. It took a while for the police to get to the bottom of it but somehow my dad knew. Mr. Whitte was brutal. The boys were kind of pitiful . I'm sorry to hear one of them died but I hope the other one has found some peace.

  17. I feel sad for Eric and Butch. I pray that Eric has found some peace. I went to Fairhaven with him and our last names start with W so he and I were always assigned next to each other. What I remember is that we were all home, and then school. There was just this foreboding air that we were doomed. Jesus loved all good children & that wasn't us. FCA instilled a fear that we were going straight to hell if we didn't obey our parents, and our young brains believed that. I imagine Eric and I had very similar home life as well, my mother hated my abusive she escaped, by working many hours at the mill; leaving us with with our drunken dad. I remember praying for God to help me and my brothers escape; but that didn't happen. I now don't believe in God. I didn't kill my dad, he did that to himself (drank himself to death) For a time I was sad, but once I became a parent...OMG I was instantly angry. At my mom for turning a blind eye, and my dad for well everything. At FCA, because they put this sense of falseness, in me that I just wasn't a good christian; so this was why bad things happened to me. Now when I think about Eric, I wonder if he would agree. If he were to read this, I would want him to know that I have empathy for him and Butch. I think they did what they were church and school & their parents.I am sorry that as a child there was no-one to tell...NO ONE!!! A kid in the 70's had no voice, at least who cared if you were beat.

    1. I'm sorry for the abuse you endured Anonymous. I agree up to late 80's to early 90's you didn't discuss child abuse. It was the dirty hidden secret kids did not have a voice.
      I hope what you went through has given you strength as a parent & person for others.
      I don't agree with what was done here but These boys were manipulated by their mother from the start. A mother should nurture & protect their children.
      I hope these two boys got help & found peace.

    2. This was a very kind comment. I'm so sorry for the things you had to go through, and Eric and Butch as well. I hope you have a happy family of your own.

  18. So interesting the judgements from people, hang em all, ect....

    So many opinions, so few facts.

    All of the people who claim to have known something was wrong did NOTHING.
    All of the people passing judgement have never had try and survive their childhood.
    The shows are named and edited by producers who's goals are viewers not facts.
    You cannot boil 18 years worth of life into an hour and hope to get a full picture.

    And consider this take out your third grade picture and imagine when you were that age, did you have enough strength of character to stand up for or against anything.

  19. I just watched this episode and it moved me, for very personal reasons. I came online wanting to know more about Eric, as I have a grandson who is being manipulated by his narcissistic sociopath father, though intermittent reinforcement, just like these boys were. As a grandmother I have no rights, but want to gain more knowledge so I may be able to help my grandson, as I wish someone would have helped these boys, before it's (was) too late. Anonymous, thank you for your contribution to this blog. I agree, and concur to what Eric stated in the episode; Evil is all around you. This breaks my heart that we live in such a world, and yet, so many of us choose to do nothing. I want to change that. I want to do more. I want to help my grandson as well as open the eyes to so many, who ignore, or don't see what's going on around them. Peace to all of those who are going, and have gone through this. There are many more, than we know. If anyone knows how best to help make a difference, please share. So far, I've only been a voice to let others know. But I want to make more of a difference. It's disheartening, because it seems so many refuse to listen.

  20. Just watched the program about this family. Wow, does my heart bleed for those boys. I do hope they were able to have some sort of decent life after all this. I am so filled with anger for what that woman did to those boys. I cried during that show. Want Eric to know that there are people who care about him and his brother and wish them well. I can't imagine the torment.

  21. To the grandmother with no rights, today is a very different world all it takes is a phone call to get official involvement, and a willingness to testify to what you have seen. The only way to help is to confront the evil around you. So bring the charges and stand your ground. Just make sure that you are reporting facts and not opinions, and have some proof.

  22. My name is Eric, and I have a wife and three children. All of my kids have graduated from school and are gainfully employed. No teen pregnancies, no drop outs, no warrants or arrests, all are aware of my background. My family is a loving productive sharing family. After 11 years of incarceration my chances of remaining out of prison were very small, with over 20 years out I have managed to break the cycles of abuse and criminal behavior. As for (Hans/Butch/John) my brother, he died several years ago due to diabetic complications. My "Mother" is still incarcerated and with any luck will eventually reside in the prison cemetery. As for those who think they know what the motivations were I wish you well, very glad that you know more that the people who were actually involved I can only envy such a gift for judgement.

    1. I just watched this episode and your story really touched me. I would never pretend to have a clue what you went through but I did feel your sincerity and pain and just wanted to wish you well.

    2. Eric,
      You are a brave and strong man. Congratulations on the accomplishments of your three children and on breaking the cycle of abuse. I wish you and your family the best and hope that you continue to heal from your abusive past. I know from experience that it is not easy.
      Take care :)

    3. Eric, from the first words spoken in your interview, I could tell you are a man of intense depth. Your heart bled onto the film. I believed you raised your kids with high morals and lots of love. As someone who 100% understands everything you are feeling revisiting the past, I have also raised my children in a highly loving manner. I don't believe you should be asking yourself, on a yearly basis, the life balancing question of costing the death of your father. You, my love, deserve to stop blaming yourself. Would have, could have, should have are all questions meant to hold you back. Be proud that you raised three beautiful children and the legacy of abuse of manipulation has long ended. Hold your head ip high! I wish so much I could meet you. You are a Survivor and the image of strength in my eyes. With a big hug, I want to thank you for sharing your story. I hope it reaches someone who can relate to their current condition and be able to change it. Always open to a conversation, Carol

    4. Eric, is your ex J.B.? Also known as J.T.? I've tried to message you on facebook, but I haven't gotten a response. It's important... may seem off the wall, but like you said, evil is everywhere, and I'm trying to figure something out...

    5. Eric. Speaking as someone that who's mom was with an abusive husband for years(stepdad). We all endured mental, physical and in my sibling amd mom sexual abuse. I only wish I was a little older and stronger. And able to do something. Those years caused Long lasting effects on us all. It took me becoming a father to change the cycle. I still have nightmares. My sibling still struggles. So does my mom. I tank the man that helped us escape. And the friends and family that helped us along the way everytime he found us. Terrorized us. I heard as a teen that he passed(of natural causes). Which explained why we hadn't been harassed in so long. I'm glad you found peace. And grew into a better man than your father. Better human than your mother. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. He is now at peace as well. I wish you and your family all bvb the best.

    6. I worked at the Indian Womans Prison for 2 yrs 1995/1996 before transferring to an adult Male facility. The cottage I worked on was where Marie witte was housed. I feel bad for her children. As she was still trying to manipulate people in prison. Seems like all she did was bitch and moan and groan,poor me etc. I hope and pray Eric and his family are happy, eric keep looking forward, never back.....

    7. Eric...Jeannie here. I have tried making contact over the years. You quit responding on Facebook. I have a 2nd phone being used, dedicated for a high school memorial page. Call it if you want contact. It's not left on... I check messages.. Leave a message with how to contact you. I no longer use 1forgottenfamily@gmail

    8. Eric it's Jeannie. Been a while since we had contact. If you want contact I have a cell phone that I get messages on that is only used for a memorial page for my classmates. 256.960.9181. No matter who calls it they get a message. Let me know how to contact you.

    9. I am so happy you created a loving family. I wish only good things for you for the rest of your days. I'm sorry you lost your brother and your dad.

  23. Eric I don't know what to say. I just watched the program that you were on. I'm sorry. I was watching it with my husband and All I could say was I wish I could write to that man and he asked Why and I said Just to say I was sorry for what he had to endure. And I am, sorry. I hope you are doing well. Debi~*

  24. I just watched this episode of Evil Lives Here. I believe him. He's paid the price (way more than he should have, in my opinion). I hate that he grew up in that kind of environment and it's a tragedy that it was compounded by such a lengthy prison sentence. Even after what he's endured, his big heart still shows in his eyes. I'm sorry for what was done to you on so many levels and I'm amazed at what you've managed to accomplish in spite of it all. Best wishes to you and your family, Eric.

  25. I grew up in Beverly Shores, IN. When I was 3 years old (and my Brother 4) our babysitter was Marie Witte (just a year or so before Eric was born). To this day I remember her force feeding me vegetable soup until I threw up, because I refused to eat it for lunch. Then she was mad I threw up. When my Mother came to pick us up, my Brother immediately told her what happened. Words were exchanged, as my Parents told her several times, if I am not hungry do not make it an issue. My Father knew Paul well, as they were on the Fire Department together and the conversation about her abuse of me continued. I remember Paul in a different light, with his sled dogs and care for them. He once saw me have a bicycle accident (I was 7) while out with my German Shepherd and put me, my dog and my bike in his truck and drove me home. The other thing I remember is Marie never apologized to me or my Parents. My Dad said Paul's death was no accident, and sorry to have know for years that Eric was coerced into murdering his Father. Butch left the world from medical complications, but I am sure the burden he carried of murdering his Grandmother weighed heavy on him. Eric, I am glad you have made your life positive and have broken the emotional and physiological cycle of abuse. Marie Witte is a vial human and I doubt if anyone will miss when she dies in prison. I do keep an eye out on her inmate status and if she is ever comes up for parole - I will do my best to be there to make sure she stays exactly where she belongs.

  26. Hello this is Eric again, for those who wish to contact me text or call to 517-231-0147
    I dont know if I will have the answers your looking for but I am willing to assist if I can

  27. Eric, I found this article about you and Butch just a few moments ago. I have tried several times to track you guys down, but never seemed to have any luck with it. I was so sorry to hear about Hans. We were buds at Westville and hung together most of the time until I left in "89." I'm very sorry for your loss. Butch would tell me things. He would relive the events that brought you both to prison. I'm sorry for that as well. Such abuse. He had an infectious laugh/snicker. And he was always trying to look on the positive side of things. What most people don't understand was, he was a good person with a good heart. He just got led the wrong direction. As did you.
    But I am glad to hear that you are doing well and have a loving family. It's wonderful that you came through all that and could still establish a stable life. I'm so glad that you can experience the joys life has to offer. If I can help just reply to this message and I'll do what I can. Will also text the number you listed and see if it's still yours. Blessings!
