Thursday, September 22, 2011

Older Doesn't Always Mean Wiser...!

Most of the time getting older means getting wiser! After all, the older person has had a lot of time to learn and remember!

However, there are always exceptions to that rule! I think this story proves that very thing!

Man wins dumpling eating contest, then dies

ReutersBy Olzhas Auyezov, editing by Paul Casciato

KIEV (Reuters) - A 77-year-old Ukrainian man won a jar full of sour cream for coming first in a dumpling eating contest and then promptly died, local media reported on Wednesday.

Ivan Mendel ate 10 dumplings in half a minute to win first place and a one-liter jar of sour cream in the contest held in the town of Tokmak in the southeastern Zaporizhya region on September 18, Fakty I Kommentarii newspaper said.

Shortly afterwards, Mendel became unwell and died, according to local news websites.

Dumplings, called "vareniki" in the former Soviet republic, are a staple of Ukrainian cuisine and are often stuffed with a range of fillings from mushrooms to cherries.

(Reporting By Olzhas Auyezov, editing by Paul Casciato)

Now the really good news about this story...the old guy won! The really bad news...he died! Guess he didn't remember his momma's advice about gobbling down your food! Probably should have listened better!

Coffee on the patio! Sorry, no dumplings left this morning!


  1. Well, at least he went out in a blaze of.........dumplings.

  2. What, no dumplings left? Did you eat them all yourself?. . . I often wonder why those eating contest participants you see on TV don’t die of a ruptured stomach or esophagus or . . .

  3. I KNEW dumplings weren't any good for you . Just a ball of semi raw dough!
    And he only won "sour" cream? Don't they have any that hadn't turned bad?

  4. Well, if they were stuffed with mushrooms, that might be the cause!!
    I really enjoy your blog....very informative.

  5. You come up with the most interesting things. hhaha Great way to start the day, coffee and your posts.
    Yea I agree to die just for a jar of sour cream.

  6. Ain't nuttin better an' a bowl of home brew chicken an' dumpl'ns. Now I done ate me up a bunch of them dumpl'ns what old Ben is talk'n bout an' I got to say, someone don't know how to cook southern dumpl'ns.

  7. Hey Gorges...
    Worse ways to go, I reckon! Compared to some, a blaze of...dumplings doesn't sound too bad!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Like I said, worse ways to go!

    Hey, you have a great day and thanks for the visit!

    Hey DD...
    One thing about it, you don''t see very many fat contestants in these contest!

    Wonder why that is?

    Thanks, Dizzy, for the visit today!

    Hey Ben...
    How can you tell when sour cream has gone bad?

    Beats me!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey SFwalk...
    Wonder if the fact he ate them all in 30 seconds had anything to do with it?

    Just a thought!

    I appreciate you dropping in today!

    Hey JoJo...
    You know me, sweetie! Always looking for something to make you smile!

    I'm glad you could come over this morning!

  8. Hey Billy Bob...
    I'll own up to a real fondness for chicken and dumplings as well! Especially with lots of black pepper!

    Man, now I'm getting hungry for a big batch!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  9. I'm with Dizzy-Dick. I've often wondered how people can stuff themselves like that and not do some serious damage to their innards.

  10. Hey Bob...
    Does look as though cramming in all that food in a short amount of time would mess things up, doesn't it?

    Bet they go through a LOT of Tums!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

  11. Talk about a good news/bad news story.

    If you are going to be old and foolish, there are better ways to go.
