Sunday, September 11, 2011

What Else Can Be Said...?

Nothing I could say would even begin to do justice to the loss of 10 years ago.

America as we used to know it ceased to exist! It will never be the same again, unless we forget the terrible events of that long ago day.

I started to post some nice music video, or try and write a heartfelt post about the anniversary...but what is left to say? How can music portray what we all feel? Nothing I could do would even begin to be enough!

Instead, I'm going to stay at home and pray for the families of the heroes lost that day. I'm going to pray for the families of the survivors, that they will always have the strength to enjoy life without guilt. They were spared for a reason, and should feel no guilt in that!

I can only hope that we never forget the past and that we learn from it.



  1. Hey Sel...
    Happy that you understand and that you could come by today!

  2. I think too much has been said already, if you know what I mean. May God bless the deserving.

  3. Morning Hermit Jim, Put me down as one who will never forget. Take a look at my short tribute if you have time.

  4. Hey Gorges...
    Thank you, my friend! Thanks, also , for coming by today!

    Hey HoboJoe...
    I'll certainly do that, sir!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I appreciate that, sweetie!

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Hey Ben...
    Thank you, my friend!

    Thanks, also, for coming by today!

  5. I thought the 2nd world war would be the war that ended all wars. How wrong can you be.As long as you have people that has no respect for the other person you will have wars.That my friend is just the gospel truth.My thoughs go back to Pearl
    Harbor ,Normandy,D Day ,VJ day (WHY)can't we learn?

  6. United We Stand, that's how we remember. You're with us or you're against us. Period. If you're aginst us be perpared to face the music.
