Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another "Only In Texas" Story...!

It's a very good thing that Texans have a good sense of humor, because it seems we spend a lot of time laughing at ourselves!

With all the serious things going on in the crazy world around us, it's refreshing to read a story containing a little humor. That's not to say the lady in this story isn't sore and bruised, but I know you can see the underlining humor in this least, I certainly hope so!

Woman allegedly beaten with frozen armadillo

This Texas critter turned into a weapon in a parking lot throwdown near Dallas. (Chronicle file)

Only in Texas: Dallas police are on the lookout for a man who could face assault charges for throwing a frozen armadillo at a 57-year-old woman near Dallas.

The woman, My Fox Dallas-Fort Worth reports, met the man in a parking lot to purchase the armadillo carcass, which she planned to eat.

During a fight over its price, he hit her with the animal in the leg and the chest, leaving bruises on her body.

According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas law prohibits the sale of live armadillos, but a few Texans still go after their meat.

Those people who eat armadillo meat will find that thorough cooking should make the meat noninfectious (of mycobacterial leprosy). However, the greatest hazard of being infected (if any) may be encountered during cleaning and dressing of the animals.

….Eating armadillos is not widespread in Texas today, although it has been popular among south-of-the-border residents for more than a hundred years. Many Texans, especially during the depression years of the 1930s, dined on the “Hoover Hog,” referring to the armadillo as “poor man's pork!"

I've known folks to fight over some crazy things before, but to see them fight over a frozen armadillo...that's going just a little too close to the edge, even for me!

Pretty strange, folks, pretty strange!

How about some fresh coffee on the patio? Pretty warm already, but we'll tough it out!


  1. Another case of the media being incorrect. "Hoover hog" was possum, the armadillo was a "shelled chicken". Not that I've had any that is ---- LOL.

  2. Heard it called "possum on the half shell" I've eat it, not bad if you cook it right to get the grease out of it. Haven't had any 'dillo in years.

    Opossum ( big rats!!) Ain't worth eatin. Just trust me on this. :-)

  3. Possum (they say) is excellent IF it's prepared properly. I've even heard of folks keeping them on a corn diet for a week to "flush their system" of nasty stuff they've eaten priviously.

  4. I've actually heard them called "rats on the half shell," but not from people who eat them.

    Only in TX. Haven't heard of the frozen armadillo problem anywhere else. Takes all kinds, I guess.

    Now where did I put that strong coffee???

  5. I guess frozen armidillo can be a dangerous critter. . .

  6. Nice story, people can be wierd don't you think.
    Weather here is still to hot should reach 92 today getting my running done early so I can hide in the house. But I will stop by for some coffee

  7. According to where you lived and what wild life was available, Hoover Hog could be anything from armadillo, jack rabbit or 'possum.
    My granpappy tole me he had eaten "polecat" on occasion when the other delicacies were unavailable.

  8. Back '76 while out getting the hunting camp ready at Junction Texas, one of our guys brought his three sons out. They went and got dinner !!! That's one of three they caught by hand!!
    Yes we ate it.

  9. Anyone else remember that movie scene from that early 80's Willy Nelson movie 'BARBAROSA', young kid feeding a wounded Nelson character, it was a pretty good movie. One of my favorite modern Old West flicks.

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