Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Staying True To Yourself...!

If we would admit it, most of us have had to make some really hard choices while staying true to ourselves at the same time!

I remember something that John Wayne said about doing what needs to be done..."Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway."

This is as good example of that as anything I have ever seen!

Oct 12, 1945:
Conscientious objector wins Medal of Honor

Private First Class Desmond T. Doss of Lynchburg, Virginia, is presented the Congressional Medal of Honor for outstanding bravery as a medical corpsman, the first conscientious objector in American history to receive the nation's highest military award.

When called on by his country to fight in World War II, Doss, a dedicated pacifist, registered as a conscientious objector. Eventually sent to the Pacific theater of war as a medical corpsman, Doss voluntarily put his life in the utmost peril during the bloody battle for Okinawa, saving dozens of lives well beyond the call of duty.

Without using a weapon, without violating his own standards, without selling out...this man stepped up and did what needed to be done. He was aware of the danger, was not acting in anger, and not doing what he did for any other reason other than the fact that it needed to be done!

That, in my opinion, makes him a true hero!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside on the patio.


  1. The word hero is often misplaced these days Jim. I can guarantee you that every soldier that knew Private First Class Desmond T Doss, called him Doc. Every good combat medic that has ever lived, or died, goes by that name. It's a matter of respect. Over 1,300 Doc's were killed in Vietnam, 15 got the Medal. And a whole lot more should have. When you're talking about Combat Medics... hero is just about right. In most cases, it's the very definition of the word.

  2. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 12, 2011 at 7:01 AM

    Those that are awarded the Medal should be exept for life from paying taxes. They have paid the price and should be recognized for this. Thanks for the story and have a great Wednesday.

  3. That is very couragous, I have never heard of this man, but he's certainly earned my respect. Thanks for bringing this to our attention HermitJim.

  4. That's the sort o hero kids should learn about. He stayed true to himself and did great things in a bad situation.

  5. Hey Joe...
    Certainly falls into that category as far as I'm concerned!

    I know that all fighting men have the deepest respect for the field medics, as well they should. No telling just how many lives they saved over the years!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    That would seem to be the very least we could do!

    To me, all our troops that are out there defending our basic freedoms fall into the hero category!

    God bless them, one and all!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Anon 7:34...
    It certainly is my pleasure to find and bring stories like this to the attention of all that are interested.

    I appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Right you are about the need being there to teach about folks like this.

    This man and the others like him are very good examples of what true courage is all about!

    I really appreciate you coming over today!

  6. A very positive story, a true hero in every sense of the word.

  7. Hey DD...
    That he is, my friend! That he is!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. Great post this morning Jim.
    There are so many hero's who were never recognized in all the wars. I hope we always remember them in our hearts.

    Heading out in the morning. Talk at you Friday.

  9. Seems that we have been choosing objectors of serving in the military because of wealth for our leaders lately.
    I think that another standard of men need step up to the plate for politics other than just being rich.
