Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Was Stuck In My Head...!

You know how it is when you get a song stuck in your head and it just just keeps going around and around?

I've found the only way I can rid myself of this song is to play it over and over again. I don't minds that in this case, because I've always loved this song from the first time I heard it!

I know some of you will remember it, or at the very least, will remember ol' Slim!

Now that I got that song out of my system, I decided to put another old song by Slim on, so the rest of you older folks probably will remember this one as well!

There ya go, my friends! I hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane! I know I did!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside. I'll leave the stereo on so we can enjoy the music, OK?


  1. I've always liked Slim Whitman, but his name will never be the one that first comes to mind when I hear "Mockingbird Hill."

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Let me guess. I'm thinking you might like the version by Burl Ives!

    Some of the older songs were great, that's for sure!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. You know, when I first hear ole Slim I wasn't impressed. But now I got to admit he was pretty good at what he did. Reading his bio, looks like he was a bigger hit in the UK than here.

  4. Hey Ben...
    He was big in the UK as well as here in the states. That was the case with so many singers from that time!

    Guys like Slim belong to a different class than some of the others!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  5. Thanks for the musical interlude. Goes well with my morning coffee. It made me smile.

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    That always makes me feel god to bring a smile to someone! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. I loved that 2nd one, that man had such a beautiful voice.

  8. I always liked Slim Whitmans voice he did have a range.Sever years ago I had noticed that he was not around also Brenda Lee an Boxcar Willie..unknowing to me at the time they were in Europe making a big name for themselves over there.Good memories

  9. I see I'm repeating some of your statemens .From now own I'll read before I comment

  10. Thanks a lot ! Up to several months that song kept popping into my mind at random times, now just when I have pretty much forgotten about it, here it comes again. What I would like to know is why don't we have anyone that sings like that today. there must be someone out there. Definitely none of them top heavy things that wear skirts that the belt barely covers. And I don't mean Dolly !

  11. Thanks for the memories. Isn't funny how songs bring back memories of the time when they were heard. I like those songs. Miss the "Good Old Days".

  12. I had never heard if him before. But I have heard the song, it was by someone else and I don't remember who. maybe if I listen to it a few more times I will remember.
    Still having trouble with broadband.

  13. Thank you for some bittersweet memories. Mocking bird hill has been in my mind for several months now.

    As well as memories of my beloved Aunt Bonnie. Aunt Bonnie was a character. Pithy, wise, A tiny woman who could throw lightening bolts or cook up a mess of whatever, and it was the best you ever ate.

    Aunt Bonnie's favorite song was Mocking Bird Hill. She had an agreement with my ex husband. Whichever of them died first, the other would go to the cemetery later, and sing Mocking Bird Hill for the deceased.

    They swore, spit, and shook hands over that promise.

    My Aunt Bonnie died, my ex never kept his side of the promise. My ex died, and later, I stood crying in my back yard and sang Mocking Bird Hill for my Aunt Bonnie.

    I did love that tiny little warrior woman.

    Wherever you are, Aunt Bonnie, I still miss you, and still sing Mocking Bird Hill for you.

    Annie Mouse
