Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Thought About Getting Old...!

I ran across this little gem at Linkstorm, and wanted to share it with you.

I'm not saying that you are getting older, but some of the things in this article fit me to a TEE! See if you don't find a little bit of truth here!

Getting older

Not as soon as you become a legal adult, but some time in the late 20s or early 30s, it starts happening little by little. Those little reminders that you’re no longer a spring chicken— slowly your hair starts getting thinner, knees start to hurt just a little, you start grunting every now and again when you stand up out of a chair.

And it’s not just the physical. It’s one day waking up and realizing that people in their early 20s are nostalgic for shit that came out when you were in high school or college. It’s realizing that suddenly all new music sucks and that you have no idea what teenagers are talking about. You’re not only getting physically old, but you’re slowly, day by day, becoming more and more uncool and out of the loop. Before you know it, you’re Andy Rooney, bitching about gas prices, pop music and “these damn kids today”. F**k getting old.

I find that this piece fits me pretty well. In fact, I think I've said something very similar a time or two right here!

Fresh coffee on the patio. It's really cool out today!


  1. Yeah, that ties in with, "If I'd known that I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself!"

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)October 19, 2011 at 4:31 AM

    So true! The bones creak when I walk and it takes so much longer to do everything, but oh, what a ride it's been! Life hasn't been easy, but I wouldn't trade it with anybody. I've have my family, friends, health and a well deserved retirement. As for today's kids..they'll learn - just like we had to. But we DID have better music!
    Enjoying that cup of coffee - cake is all gone - gonna make apple pie today - I'll save a slice slice for 'ya!

  3. True and wise words today sir. I would fall back to the ole saying " I'm not as good as I once was. But I'm as good once as I ever was"

    BUT I don't think I could back that up anymore. :-)

    Considering the alternative, I choose ( if I have a choice) to continue to get older.

  4. So true! And I find myself wondering what happened - when did I get "old".

  5. I may have to grow old but that doesn't mean I have to "grow up".

    Every once in a while when I look in the mirror I think "what the hell happened?"

  6. Everyone wants to live forever but nobody wants to get old.

  7. Old age is a frame of mind and a deteriorating body. . .

  8. The secret is to hang out with people older than you, cause they call you kid. LOL
    And now I have new knees and can walk just as fast if not faster than they do. Simple

  9. Watched 2 teens go over to the juke box in a pizza hut one day, thot, oooo nooo, turn it off. Could NOT believe what they picked,,old 70s-80s R&R!!! Turn it UP,,,lololol

  10. All the complaining we do about growing older is a hell of a lot better than the alternative (as far we know).


  11. When do we start getting old? When I hit 50 I thought I was still half way tough. When I hit 60 I realized it's all down hill from here. When I hit 70 I really felt it. 73 now and have all the aches and pains that go with it. What happened to those Golden Years they used to tell us about?

  12. your post caused me to remember this video of an owl. Tried emailing it but can't find your address. Hope some of your readers can see this owl's flight also. I was simply amazed watching it....the feather movement!

    copy/paste: full screen is better.
