Thursday, November 24, 2011

Have A Great Day...!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day with friends and family!

However you chose to celebrate this day, try and find the time to give thanks in whatever fashion you see fit!

Believe it or not...we all have so much to be thankful for. It may be hard to see at times, but our reasons for being thankful are all around us. Trust me on this one, my friends!

One of the things I'm most thankful for this holiday is all my friends that I get to visit with almost every day! That means you, ya know?

In case I haven't said it lately, Thank You All for coming by!

Coffee on the patio this morning! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you! It's always good to a take the time to count our blessings.

  2. Thanks Hermit, good idea to count our blessings on occasion, but I can't count that high. :-)

    Wishing you have a nice quite day with family .

  3. Mechanic in IllinoisNovember 24, 2011 at 8:08 AM

    I hope we all have a better day then the turkeys. We're celebrating with my mother inlaw who is 92. Me,my wife,my two kids,my son inlaw, my brother inlaw,and a few friends are having buffet at the assisted living place where she lives. I think she is going to out live all of us. Later we are going to my son's house for deep fried wild turkey that my son harvested this fall with his bow. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  4. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving, and I know I have more blessing than I can count. The problem is I don't think I deserve them.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving my Special One.
    Thank for all your friendship, I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog all those many years ago.
    I am ready to sit on yor patio for awhile and have a cup of Thanks with you.

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    Right you are! Always a good time indeed!

    Hope you and the family have a blessed day, my friend!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Ben...
    I doubt if any of us could, buddy!

    I do hope that you have a very good day, my friend!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Wow! Celebrating 92 is a good thing!

    That home harvested turkey sounds like a feast, for sure!

    Have a great one, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey DD...
    I think you probably deserve them, buddy!

    We all have our share and probably a little more to boot!

    I really do that you for the visit!

  7. Hey JoJo...
    Been a long time, hasn't it?

    Like the saying goes...old friends are the best friends!

    Sweetie, I appreciate you coming by each and every day!

  8. I've spent time here with all my blogger friends, saying Have a Great Day!
    Now, it's time to go to my bro's house, lots of family there.

  9. Happy Thanks Giving!


  10. Happy Thanksgiving!!


  11. Hey Trouble...
    Family is all important, especially on a day like Thanksgiving!

    Have a great one, and thanks to you for coming by today!

    Hey Ken...
    Back at ya, Brother! I hope you have a good one!

    Many thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Christer...
    I really appreciate you taking the time to come over today!

    Thank you for the blessings and for the visit!

    Hey Felinae...
    My pretty little friend! Always good to see you!

    I do hope you and the family have a wonderful day today...and I thank you for coming by!

  12. Good song, touching pictures, good post. Happy Thanksgiving!
