Monday, November 21, 2011

My Birthday Special...!

Yes, today is my birthday!

In keeping with my ancient tradition (which I started this year) I decided to have something very special! Instead of the traditional cake and candles, which I couldn't afford anyway because of the cost of such a staggering number, I found this obscene recipe for a new hot chocolate that is just too decadent to not try!

Besides, because it's my birthday I'm entitled, right?

The process was simple. The results were spectacular. The hot chocolate was richly chocolaty, but retained a distinctly doughnut flavor. The hot chocolate also was wonderfully thick, thanks to the thickening properties of the flour in the doughnut. If you prefer a thinner hot chocolate, follow the recipe as directed, then thin with additional milk at the end.

It also is important to use a cake-style doughnut (not yeast-raised), such as a chocolate or old fashioned.

We used glazed or sugar-coated doughnuts with great results.

And for a wonderful variation, make the recipe as directed, then thin it with a bit of strong hot coffee. After all, coffee and doughnuts pair so well.

Written by
J.M. Hirsch


2 C. whole milk
1 glazed or sugar coated chocolate doughnut
½ C. semisweet chocolate chips
Pinch salt
In a blender, combine the milk and doughnut. Puree until very smooth. This could take a minute or longer.
Transfer the mixture to a medium saucepan. Whisking constantly, heat over medium until it thickens, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the chocolate chips and salt, whisking until the chocolate has melted and the cocoa is smooth. Serve immediately.

You can find the main article right here!

Now, my friends, let's have some coffee out on the patio! I have some spare donuts to share!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my hero! Have fun for all of us.

  2. Hey Barney...
    Thanks! I appreciate that! I'll certainly try, although you are our main "too much fun" seeker!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Hope it's the best birthday in years!

  4. Hey Gorges...
    Thanks! I always feel blessed to make it to another one!

    Guess any day we wake up with our feet on the right side of the grass is a good one, right?

    Many thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)November 21, 2011 at 5:01 AM

    Happy, happy birthday!

    May your blessings be extra enjoyable on this, your very special day! :0)

  6. Happy Birthday, HJ!

    I'll pass on the coffee the aroma, but never acquired a taste for drinking the stuff. But in honor of your birthday, I'll have a doughnut and a mug of that doughnut hot chocolate! Sounds wonderful!

    : )

  7. Happy Birthday,,,Again!! :-)

    Have what ever you want on YOUR Birthday and Enjoy the Day as YOU see fit.
    IF I was a sweet eater I'd dang sure try that concoction.

    Happy Birthday Sir!! Don't give up on having them, one a year.

  8. Happy birthday! I'll stick to coffee though, too much dairy for me in the chocolate.

  9. What a wonderfully decadent idea! It sounds like lots of fun. I hope the rest of your special day is just as sweet and rewarding as that cup of hot chocolate. Many happy returns of this your natal day.

  10. Happy Birthday HermitJim, Mom's B-Day was this past Saturday. I hope you have a great day. And thanks for the recipe, sounds REALLY good!

  11. Happy Birthday, Bubba! Part of Mom's present was part of your present as well, right?

    Hope things get back to "normal" really soon, although that's not quite likely given the coming week, then holidays ~ so for your BIG day, I wish you much solitude and quiet, and a 6 pack of chocolate donuts!

    Big hugs and much love -

  12. Happy Birthday Jim, and many, many more. Go ahead and splurg, you deserve it. It isn't every day that you reach the ripe old age of 39.

  13. Wishing you a peaceful birth day. Ain't life grand?

  14. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day. Enjoy your Chocolate Doughnut Hot Chocolate.

  15. Happy Birthday My Very Special One,
    I hope your day is filled with happiness and wonderful thoughts. I hope for many more years for you to reach all your dreams.

  16. Hey Phyllis...
    Thanks for the kind wishes this morning...and for coming by for a cup!

    Hey HB...
    Coffee is one of those things that smells good, even to those that don't drink it!

    Funny how that works, huh?

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Ben...
    I don't mind having another one, because the alternative isn't very pleasant!

    I really appreciate you coming over this morning, my friend!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That is a lot of milk in this concoction, but this time I'll make an exception!

    I'm not a big milk drinker (except chocolate) but HOT CHOCOLATE...ther3e I'll make an exception!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Trailshome...
    It does sound good, doesn't it? Normally I wouldn't try something like this, but how can you go wrong with anything chocolate?

    Besides, coffee and donuts are almost a food group!

    Many thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Anon 7:26...
    Seems to be a LOT of us Scorpio's around! Guess that's a good sign, right?

    Tell your Mom belated Happy Birthday from me!

    Have a great day, and thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    I really appreciate you dropping by and thanks for the nice thoughts!

    You have a great day and a safe trip this turkey day!

    Hey DD...
    Guess I am trying to catch up to you!

    Hope you get your job finished in time for the feast on Thursday!

    Have a nice day and thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Peaceful is good! And yes! Life is certainly good!

    You have a nice one...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Linda...
    Sounds pretty fattening when you say it out loud, doesn't it?

    I really do appreciate you coming by this morning!

  17. Hey Phelan...
    Thank you, my homesteading friend! I do hope you have a good day today!

    Thanks so much for dropping by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    One more milestone reached in the journey of life!

    Have a wonderful day, sweetie, and thanks for coming by for a cup!

  18. Mechanic in IllinoisNovember 21, 2011 at 9:40 AM

    Happy Birthday! Great recipe. I'm going to add it to my cookbook. It's firearm deer season up here in Communist Illinois. My son and I harvested six big does. Have a great birthday.

  19. Hey Mechanic...
    Sounds like the makings of some good ol' deer sausage to me!

    Come to think of it, I haven't had any homemade sausage in a long time!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  20. Wow, another one in Nov. You and almost half the bloggers are having BDs this month, including me. That is amazing.
    Happy Birthday!!!

  21. Hey Trouble...
    Guess that November is a popular month for birthdays!

    Maybe we should have a big party in November for all of us that are getting some age on us!

    I sure do thank you for coming by today!

  22. Happy Birthday Hermit Jim.....Your chocolate treat sounds yummy. Enjoy!

  23. Hey Mamma Bear...
    How can you go wrong with anything chocolate?

    I certainly don't need the extra calories, but...

    Thanks for coming by today!

  24. Happy Birthday, Uncle Hermit, may your day be as bright and special as you are. Enjoy your day, my friend.


  25. Couldn't let this Special Day pass me by.
    Yep, I remembered it was your Birthday today!

    So nice to have you around after all these years Jim, hehe

    Hope you have a wonderful day and night and it continues on forever!

    Hugs and Kisses,
    from your Colorado Cupcake,
    Judy / blondie hehe

  26. Happy Birthday Jim! Too late for chocolate so I'll just tip my beer in your honor. Salute!

  27. ...Happy Birthday Brother,sorry so late,but it is before midnite,so i'm good(right?)

    God Bless You with many more...

  28. I have just found your blog, and am enjoying it very much. So I guess I'm the one that got the present on your birthday lol. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  29. Hey Felinae...
    Thanks so much for the very kind words!

    Good to see you again, Lady! Been way too long!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Blondie...
    My dear, dear friend! Probably my oldest friend on the internet!

    Hard to believe that it's been as long as it has!

    It sure was nice of you to remember me at this time of the year, my Colorado Cupcake!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Craig...
    I sure do appreciate the beer in my honor! Means a lot to me!

    Thanks for the toast for me today, buddy!

    Hey Ken...
    My friend, it's been way too long between visits!

    Always good to have you drop by, anytime of the day! Thanks!

    Hey Gipsiwriter...
    Always good to have a new friend join us at the patio table!

    Hope you won't be a stranger! Thanks for dropping in today!
