Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Gift From My Cat...!

Do you remember when, not to long ago, I showed you a present from my cat?

In case you have forgotten, here is a picture to jog your memory!

Now, as any of you with cats around the house know, they are notorious for bringing little gifts to the humans that feed them. I don't know if the reason is to show off their hunting skills or just to follow nature's urges!

Anyway, last night C.B. brought me another little present. Pretty nice for a Siamese tom, don't you think? At least this one he left outside and didn't bring into my room!

What was it, you asked? Well, instead of just telling you about it, I better show you! Ready...?

In case you don't know, this is a fully grown opossum, Or as we call it here in Texas...a 'POSSUM! Whatever you call it, I don't ever remember hearing of a cat catching one before!

I'm thinking that in a survival situation, this cat of mine might be handy to have around! If he could bring down a possum, he can be in charge of putting meat on the table!

Making the best of each and every team member's talents, right? That's what it's going to take!

Coffee on the patio this morning. We have some nasty weather coming in later!


  1. Impressive! That's quite the catch. My cat brought home a live snake once. That was loads of fun. She was so proud.

  2. Once one of my cats brought a live chipmunk into the house. What a merry chase that turned into! I think they do things like that because they think we're stupid and don't know how to hunt.

  3. Wow, if that was full grown it probably out weighed your cat. Very impressive. Could I borrow you cat for awhile? Clean out all the possims around here.

  4. Wow, Bubba! Ol CB is quite a fella - possums can be really mean, except for the baby one you used to carry around in your shirt pocket......

    Sure it's dead and not just "playing possum"? My dogs bit the tail off one once, but it just sat on the fence and hissed at them ~ tough critters!

    Have a quiet and restful weekend - you deserve it!

    Big hugs -

  5. Dang, your cat is quite the hunter alright, I'm surprised she tackled that by herself. Even moving it to your porch would have been quite a chore, dragging it like that.

  6. YUCK!
    Are you sure she didn't find it on the side of the road already dead?
    If CJ did the job then I am impressed.

    We aready have the bad weather. The winds are gone but the rain is pretty steady it should clear up late evening but maybe hit again tomorrow.
    So lets get that cup filled and enjoy the patio while we can. OH and please. :)

  7. Hey Sixbears...
    Sometimes I think they do it just to show off!

    Pretty big possum though! I was impressed!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I know that you got plenty of exercise chasing that chipmunk!

    Nothing like a surprise like that to liven up the day!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Heu Dizzy...
    That critter had to weigh about 6 or 8 pounds! It was heavy!

    Just don't see many of these things in our neighborhood, except when they are dead!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I was certainly surprised! I started to take it into Mom's sewing group to show them, but that might have caused a panic!

    I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend, but you know what they say about the best laid plans...!

    You have a great day and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:39...
    Yep, ol' C.B. surprises me from time to time!

    He started out a runt, but as he gets older he seems to be putting on a lot of muscle! He is pretty fast, too!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    If this critter would have been in the street, some of the neighbors would have picked it up!

    I found this one in my backyard, out by the drainage ditch. Wasn't even stiff yet which means a fresh kill!

    Looked like C.B. was trying to get it to the front door, but that thing was heavy!

    Oh well, on to another adventure!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  8. for a housecat to kill a possum is quite a trick--unless it was sick to start with. how is your kitty,s distemper shot???

  9. One i had that looked exactly like urs, ran in once with a gopher. Of course, she lost it playing. Days later, the OTHER one showed me where it was, under my couch. Finally, got it out.

  10. OOPS I called him CJ sorry about that. Must be all this shut in the house thing. :)

  11. Wow! an Opossum, that is very impressive kill, indeed. Good Job CB!!

  12. That's quite a mouth full for a house cat.

  13. My cats only invite possums FOR dinner...I may need to borrow YOUR cat someday....

  14. Give that kitty a big hug and an extra treat,Ferocious hunter that he is!

    Our Might Hunter is confined to the house only. Sometimes makes daring escapes, but is always recaptured.

    That doesn't stop Brave Hunter from threatening squirrels, gophers, chip monks, birds, rabbits and deer, dogs, other cats or whatever dares wander through the castle grounds. All threats done through various windows. But they are not empty threats, they are sincere warnings of doom to the intruder.

  15. I used to have a Siamese cat, whose eyes WERE crossed. But, she was a hunter-KILLER! She brought me ground squirrels, rabbits, mice, RATS, birds...yes...ALL on my front porch! YIKES! But, a possum? Isn't it bigger than your cat?

  16. My cat is a little hunter/warrior too. He brings home a rat almost every other day and then leaves it at my door. He'll sit and cry until you come out and acknowledge his gift. Sometimes he can't wait and will eat most of it first, and leave you an internal organ and the tail and feet. He brought a possum a few weeks ago too!
