Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Few Christmas Facts From The Almanac...!

First of all, let me say "Merry Christmas" to one and all!

This sentiment is from me and my roomie C.B.!

You may or may not already know some of these, but I figured I would offer them to you just in case! Never hurts to have a few mundane facts hidden away to throw out if the conversation gets too slow, ya know?

Here is a little bit about the history of Christmas traditions in America, from Christmas trees to greeting cards, that we all know and love today.

Christmas Trees

The first American Christmas tree can be credited to a Hessian soldier by the name of Henrick Roddmore, who was captured at the Battle of Bennington in 1776. He then went to work on the farm of Samuel Denslow in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, where for the next 14 years he put up and decorated Christmas trees in the Denslow family home.

The first Christmas tree retail lot was established in 1851 by a Pennsylvanian named Mark Carr, who hauled tow ox sleds loaded with Christmas trees from the Catskill Mountains to the sidewalks of New York City.

The first president to set up a Christmas tree in the White House was Franklin Pierce, and the first president to establish the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn was Calvin Coolidge.

In 1882, the first tree lights were sold in New York City.

Well, now you are all set for your next round of Trivial Pursuit! Always something interesting in the Old Farmer's Almanac!

Coffee is ready in the kitchen this morning! I have some Clementines to go along with it!


  1. Jim, hello, haven't "spoken" with you for a while! I hope all is well with you. I'm just calling in to wish you Season's Greetings. I hope you have a good day today. I enjoyed your Enya clip yesterday. She's magical! She lives in a castle about a mile from where I live (really) Of course no one ever sees her as she's very reclusive.
    Enjoy the clementines and of course the coffee. Happy 2012, Will.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 25, 2011 at 5:17 AM

    When we were kids our Christmas stocking were filled with tangerines and nuts (A really, really big treat). We would place the peels on the iron plates of the coal stove. I can still smell the aroma of them slowly burning.
    Ah, memories!
    Put a couple of those peels on the stove for me (and enjoy)!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Used to make a fruit compote with Clementine slices, orange, grapefruit, red grapes and a simple sugar Syrup with a touch of Key lime juice. Or mix your favorite fruits
    Enjoy your Day. and Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Merry Christmas My Special One,
    Oh all the memories listed above. Stockings full of fruit and nuts. I don't remember all the stuff stuffed in the ones these days. Fred came to a screeching halt this morning on his way out. What a sniffer he has.
    Have a good day to all who stop here at Mr Hermits today.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your roomie, hope you both have a wonderful and blessed day.

  6. Merry Christmas, from the great white north, where it's snowing on Christmas Day.

    All the best!

  7. Merry Christmas, Uncle Hermit.


  8. Mechanic in IllinoisDecember 25, 2011 at 1:58 PM

    Merry Christmas everyone. My wife and I, son and his girl friend,daughter and her husband,brother-inlaw and his wife,and 2 close family friends had brunch with my 92 year old mother-inlaw at the assisted living where she's at. I think she is going to out live all of us. It was awesome, all breakfast things and roast beef,ham,turkey and all the extras and then a huge dessert bar all for 5 bucks. Guess who had to pickup the tab,but all well its Christmas. Take care everyone.

  9. Mechanic in IllinoisDecember 25, 2011 at 1:58 PM

    Merry Christmas everyone. My wife and I, son and his girl friend,daughter and her husband,brother-inlaw and his wife,and 2 close family friends had brunch with my 92 year old mother-inlaw at the assisted living where she's at. I think she is going to out live all of us. It was awesome, all breakfast things and roast beef,ham,turkey and all the extras and then a huge dessert bar all for 5 bucks. Guess who had to pickup the tab,but all well its Christmas. Take care everyone.
