Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Solar Water Purification...!

Hopefully you'll never have to use something like this, but you just never know.

With all the important things we gather for a "just in case" situation, the most important of all is INFORMATION!

As the old saying goes "Knowledge is power!" If nothing else, maybe you could mentally file this away for future use!

How Do I Use Solar Power to Purify Water?
by Jessica Blue, Demand Media

Choose a clear plastic bottle and remove all labels for a simple water-purification method.

Even when it looks clear, water can carry hordes of microscopic germs — bacteria and viruses that can wreak havoc on your body. Drinking water is normally sanitized at treatment plants before it enters the home, but if you're camping or drinking water from a rural well, for example, you're not drawing water from the typical water purification infrastructure. You can still protect your gut, though, with a simple water-purification method. This approach is similar to boiling water, though it is more effective because along with heat it uses a spectrum of UV-A light that kills many pathogenic microorganisms . However, it does not fully clean very muddy water or water that contains toxic chemical pollutants.

Items you will need:

Plastic bottle with recycling code 1 (PET/PETE)
Piece of clean cloth, such as an old T-shirt
Cup or bucket

Step 1:
Wash and dry a plastic bottle and remove all labels. The bottle should be clear to let in as much light as possible.

Step 2:
Choose a relatively clear section of water if you are gathering water from a stream. Mud and other floating matter can detract from this method's effectiveness.

Step 3:
Remove the bottle cap and place the neck of the funnel into the mouth of the bottle. Stretch the cloth across the funnel and tie or hold it in place. The cloth filters particulate matter from the water.

Step 4:
Scoop up some water with a cup or bucket and pour it slowly over the cloth into the funnel.

Step 5:
Stop filling the bottle when it is 75 percent full. Replace the cap.

Step 6:
Shake the bottle vigorously for about 20 seconds.

Step 7:
Place the bottle horizontally on a flat surface like a rock or a rooftop. Ideally, the surface should be dark or reflective. Corrugated tin roofs work best, but any surface works as long as it receives direct sunlight.

Step 8:
Let the bottle sit for at least 6 hours. If the sunlight is indirect or the sky is cloudy, let the bottle sit for 24 hours.

Like I say, you may never need this, but better safe than sorry! Know what I mean?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain last night made it wet on the patio.


  1. I don't know if I'd trust that or not. I suppose it might be better than nothing, though.

  2. Wife used to do a similar thing for water for some of her indoor plants. Fill an open top container with tap water and just let it sit for a few days. The water would release it's added in chemicals and end up with better water or some of the picky plants.

  3. I've heard of this method,but it takes sun, which I haven't seen in days, and it has to be warm enough so the water doesn't freeze solid.

    That being said, you are right that it's good to have another tool in the survival toolbox.

    Right now, I've got plenty of wood for boiling water, and a good water filter, but I travel all over the place.

    Thanks for the info.

  4. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 21, 2011 at 7:16 AM

    Thanks for the info - every little bit helps - you never know when it might come in handy. A lot of us cannot pay extra for a water purification system, so it's good to know what might work in an emergency!

  5. Thanks for the useful post.

    George: The method works but has limitations. The sun's UV light will kill viruses and bacteria if the water is clear enough and the container is in the sun long enough. That being said, the procedure will have no effect on chemical contamination. Still, the process is free, easy and much better than nothing.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    I only meant for this to be of use in an emergency situation, ya know?

    Hopefully this is something none of us will ever have to fall back on, but forewarned is fore armed!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Funny how so many folks do that same thing!

    Guess that many times the women folk are smarter than some of us men folk! But we already knew that, right?

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    It may be that having the knowledge to use if needed is all important.

    Hope it never comes to that!

    Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Making do with whatever is available is going to be very important someday, at least in my mind!

    The know how is all important, and is something no one can take away from you!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Anon 9:25...
    Gotta make the best of whatever is available, don't we?

    Let's face it. In an emergency situation, most of the rules will go right out of the window!

    Still, staying healthy will always be a concern!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  7. I think the thickness of container also makes a difference. Iirc, I think they recommended a 4" maximum depth container, so that adaquete UV gets through to do the work.

    All kinds of tricks using the sun. A couple of months ago, those same bottles using water, a bit of bleach and installed through your shanty roof - free light bulb!

    Or the empty tire, glazing panel and plywood sized large enough to cover both hub openings - solar oven!

    Some neat stuff and doings, that is for sure.
