Saturday, January 7, 2012

Always A Movie Lover...!

Growing up one of the real treats for me was getting to go to the movies!

I was always happy when we went to a family reunion in Georgetown because the movies there were so much cheaper than here in Houston. Not only that, but we were allowed to walk! That would never happen in the big city, believe me!

Only drawback was that they had the serials, and I never got to see more than one episode...BUMMER! Still, the movies were a really fun time for me, and still are when I can catch a good one on the oldies channel! I'll bet many of you know exactly what I mean!

C'mon...admit it! I know there must have been at least one old movie that you loved as a kid, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Supposed to be in the 70's again today! Not too bad for the middle of Winter!


  1. I loved going to the cinema! The matinés on the weekend was so cheap so we could go every week :-) But we never had those cartoons or series as You had, only the main film.

    But we had the commercials! Now days we hate them but back then we didn't have that on tv so it was rather fun to watch those too :-) If anyone came late and walked in to the cinema after the commercials had started they'd better be quiet otherwise everyone would get angry :-) :-) :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Christer...
    Always good to see you!

    It's always interesting to find out about the differences in our movies here in the states and those in other countries!

    So many of our customs are very similar. Always good to learn!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. I only lived one place that I could get to the theater but sure do remember the Buck Rogers series. And the World News headlines!!

    With the expansion of the internet a lot of those ole serials are available to watch now. Course you'll have to make your own popcorn. :-)

  4. Bowery Boys and Ma and Pa Kettle. Saturday nites--Stores were open late. Mom would shop and visit, Dad went to the pool hall, us kids went to the movies. 10 cents then. When they went to 25 cents we thought it was terrible!

  5. The wizard of oz, ma and pa kettle,and there were more... Never got to go see the movies,mostly tv.

    Blessings Jane

  6. Jerry Lewis in Scared Stiff, Ma and Pa Kettle, and of course all the old cow-boy shoot-m-ups, with Roy Rodgers, Gene Aurty, etc.

  7. I remember the cowboys and a few others. I never did like going to the movies. I used to take my kids to see something silly they wanted to see but didn't like going. I love watching at home, pause walk around go to the rest room. Thats for me, or watching them on the old movie channel.

    The weather has been improving and its wonderful. I'll sit with you on the patio.

  8. Jim my son in laws family is from Georgetown,did you know any Everett.Also our home here is built from limestone out of that quarry there.

  9. You HAVE to watch the old ones if you insist on any decency. About the only thing new that we can watch anymore are kids’ cartoons, and even some of them bare a bit trashy.

  10. Tarzan was the serial here on Sat afternoons. Shoot em ups shown a lot.

  11. The Wizard of Oz, we watched it every year it was played as kids. The first movie I remember going to see was Old Yeller, probably because I cried and cried when he had to shot his dog. But my all time favorite is The African Queen. Every time Hubby upgrades his movie equipment he has to find me a copy in that format.


    Captain America

  13. I remember the movies with my brother they had a talent contest after the movies, gave candy to all the kids in the audience and the winners got tickets for upcoming movies and money for the brand new MacDonalds down the street..for twenty five cents we watched a long serial the movie and the talent contest, candy we were there a good long while, walked to the place and from the place..oh, my no one does that anymore do they, happy times, happy land then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Bridge on the River Kwai, I love that movie. Any WW II movie (especially Mr. Roberts). And Jaws! : )
