Monday, February 6, 2012

If I Could Get This Comfortable...!

I'll bet that every cat owner has said that very thing at least once or twice, after seeing how their cats nap!

Some of the positions these graceful animals can put their bodies into defies logic! Many are so contorted, you almost have to go check the cat's pulse to make sure they are still alive! Others are just downright cute or laugh-out-loud funny!

I'm putting a few pictures here from the article The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions that I found on BuzzFeed. You really should pop in to their site and go through all the pictures and the captions that go with them! Bet it makes you laugh out loud! If you don't have a big grin after might want to check YOUR pulse!

Are you grinning yet? My sides still hurt from laughing as hard as I did. I haven't enjoyed a group of pictures as much as these in a very long time!

Maybe because I have a cat and I see something similar to this everyday! Ya think?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning! The rest of our Winter is here for a couple more days!


  1. I took a look at the pics and they made me laugh out loud too. Cats are so funny sometimes. Thanks for sharing these!

  2. Yawp, our kittys contort themselves pretty well into funny shapes too, those are funny pictures.

  3. We have 3 tomcats. They all have their favorite place to sleep. But they all go sit at the sliding glass door to watch the world go by.

  4. Thanks for the laugh. Those are some of the funniest pictures I have seen in a long time.

  5. Don't you wish you could get as comfortable as your cat does? :-)

    BTW, I plagiarized your page for use today.. Thanks.

  6. A cat gets in those positions because they meant to. Hilarious.

  7. Number 3 looked really weird LOL Its amazing the way they can twist like they do. Thanks for sharing these photos with us.
    Yes the temp have dropped here to. Pass the pot please need a warm up.

  8. When I had cats, I started to think that maybe they were double jointed or just had bendable bones. Couln't believe some of the postitions they could get into and seem to be comfortable.

  9. I love watching my cat and all his positions. We had a persian once that on hot days made her self comfortable in the bathroom sink. another place she liked was inside empty beer cartons....

  10. Hey Sunshine...
    You just never know what they are going to do next! Guess that's why they are so entertaining!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:07...
    I sometimes almost hurt when I look at them stretched out!

    Hey, thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Sometimes they can really be creatures of habit, without a doubt!

    Seems to be a favorite hobby of cats...watching the world through a window or door.

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm really glad you enjoyed them! Nothing wrong with an early morning grin!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Ben...
    If I could do that for 30 minutes a day, I would always be rested!

    Always feel free to use anything on here that you want, buddy! Sharing is good!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey John...
    At times they do look like a train wreck!

    Hurts me to even look at them sometimes!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    Think that ol' Fred can get in a position like that?

    Guess the groundhog was right, huh?

    Stay warm, sweetie, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Dizzy...
    No doubt that they do look broken at times!

    Part of what makes them so entertaining!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    Hey Glock Mom...
    My very first cat used to sleep in the sink. Under the bed covers was another favorite place for her!

    I sure do appreciate the visit this fine morning!

  11. I miss having kitties around, I used to live in a house full of them, and you don't get to see the real deal of kitty behavior until they are completely used to being around you... aka you are owned. :)

