Thursday, February 2, 2012

A New Prepper Comes Onboard...!

After all the effort we spend trying to tell folks about the whole picture in Prepping, so many times we find the talk falling on deaf ears!

However, sometimes events all mesh together to make perfect sense of the whole concept. I'm pretty sure that's what happened in the case of Baby Sis and her hubby!

Here is a guest post written by her explaining what lead her and her family in this direction!

My Big Brother, Hermit Jim, asked me a few weeks back if I would be interested in doing a guest blog. Now, I was an English major in college, and much preferred essay tests over multiple choice, but blogging??? I’m a reader – not a writer.

Lately though , I’ve become more interested in prepping, or at least considering the possibilities. Yes, Bubba has shown me his ideas, and I’ve experienced multiple tastings of his wares, but the expediency of being self-sufficient just sorta just hit me in the face in the last few weeks. Partly because of the current economic atmosphere, partly a book I’m considering buying, and a good bit from a movie I recently saw…………………Contagion, with Matt Damon and Gwenyth Paltrow, came up and slapped me, and was quite an awakening for hubby, too. Shows how a minor event, close to home, could easily become a world-wide disaster, and the chaos that could result. Very interesting, and thought provoking.

I’m looking at several different books for some guidance in my little corner of the woods. The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide seems to be what I might need to start, as I’m the stay-home-in-my-comfort-zone type, not the run-for-the-hills type. Unlike Bubba, I like living in the city, and am quite comfortable here, along with my trees and golf course views. During Hurricane Ike, we were without power for 15 days and nights, in some hot and humid gulf coast conditions. We were lucky enough to bunk on the fan-cooled floor of neighbors who had a generator, and spent days at our own home, or I went back to my A/C office as soon as the water receded. But, I cannot count on those neighbors again, nor do I want to. So, I am looking to take care of me and mine.

Thanks to some of the Hermit’s followers – Daily Good, Daughter of Texas, and Unsheltered Life (Where Do I Begin?). Gave me good thought fodder, and Food Storage & Survival – I’ll be watching for the Nat Geo special, thanks for the heads-up!

Enough of my ramblings and thought sharing. I’m open to suggestions and advice (why do we often listen to strangers rather than those we know and love?). Thanks for your attention, and Big Hugs to Bubba for the opportunity.
See you at Hermit Jim’s house, behind Mom’s –

Baby Sis

My thanks go out to Baby Sis for sharing her thoughts with us, and for taking the time to actually read the blogs of some of my followers! Good folks, all!

Coffee on the patio this morning! Supposed to go back up to the high 70's today again!


  1. Hey Jim,

    Hard work pays off! Glad you've got some family coming around!

    Congrats Baby Sis on joining "us".

  2. Hey Catman...
    Good to see you again, buddy!

    She has always had a pretty well stocked pantry, so she's well on the way! Let's face it...we are all still trying to learn new ways of caring for ourselves and family!

    Thanks to you, my friend, for coming by today!

  3. I happy for you, Hermit Jim. It is so much easier to do this prepping thing when your family is onboard.
    I had a time convincing my daughter. My son on the other hand is all gung ho on the idea, especially since I named him head of Defence. lol. He is all into guns and such.
    My daughter is all about food storage. We are even having a garden plowed soon, so we can get the seeds in the ground! We are starting on gathering jars,lids, and are looking for a pressure canner. We may never see a time when we will have to use these things, but we will be prepared, "just in case".

  4. Welcome aboard the prepping train
    i was taught by my grandfather and father we dont prep for just disaster we prep for life, the good the bad and the in differant
    jobs come and go, the wind blows the rain falls change is in the very air we breath nothing is guaranteed in this life so we prep as best we can.

  5. Hey Tea...
    The support you get from family can make a big difference in any form of prepping!

    I know I don't mention it very often, but when talking to Mom and showing her things she can do I always try and get her to think of the worse case scenario.

    Like insurance...better to have preps and not need them, than to need them and not have them!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Michael...
    To me it's only common sense to be ready for the unexpected!

    Most of my country kin have been doing this for years! They don't call it prepping...they call it living!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. Great Post. Glad Baby Sis is on board with you now. When I got back last fall I discovered the generator wasn't working on the MH that will be fixed next week. Got to keep these things working.
    Looks like it will be a beautiful day all around coffee on the patio will be much enjoyed.

  7. Welcome Baby Sis :)

    It's good to have you join us. Your big brother, Uncle Hermit, as I call him, has a ton of great followers and some good reads on his blog roll. I'd just look to them for any information you might need.

    He also has some really good information and advice himself, but I'm sure you knew that already. :)

    Welcome once again

  8. Hey JoJo...
    You need to get that genny fixed, for sure! It could be you'll need it one of these days!

    I'm sure glad you could drop by today, sweetie!

    Hey Felinae...
    It's always a pleasure to see you again!

    Nice thoughts from you this morning, my friend, and I sure do appreciate it! I'm always glad when you can drop by!

  9. OMG,,i just cleaned out all my OLD stuff from my pantry, and now the talk is KEEPING stuff? hahahaha,,,NO THX. You wouldn't believe what we had to throw away (food stuffs) after our Mom passed. Who was gonna eat green beans canned 30 years ago?,,Stuff like that.

  10. Yay for your sister! It's so nice to have someone to collaborate with in your preps and even better when they're family. Good things ahead for her. :)

  11. Hey Trouble...
    First rule of proper what you eat and eat what you store!

    I always label my canned goods with the date purchased on the top and use the oldest first! Most store bought canned goods are good longer than you think!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Angela...
    Good to see you again! Right you are about having someone to talk things over with and bounce ideas off of!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  12. Welcome aboard Sis. It's worth the ride...

  13. Hey Craig...
    It sure is! No doubt about it!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  14. ...welcome to our motley crew Baby Sis,what took ya so

    ...our ranks swell Jim,good work on the additions...
