Friday, March 23, 2012

Food Fact Friday...!

Most of you have seen me write about the fact that I'm fond of food!

I really enjoy finding out some interesting facts about anything and everything, so I thought I would sort of combine the two! After all, we should all know something about the food we eat, right?


The nutmeg tree is the only tree that provides two spices: nutmeg (the one we are all familiar with) and the lesser known mace. Mace was very popular in the 18th century as a flavor additive to meat products and is an essential ingredient in the traditionally made French white sauce, where the mace is steeped with an onion in hot milk before being added to a mixture of flour and butter to produce béchamel sauce – the French “mother” sauce. Pictured above the nutmeg is the brown seed and the mace is the red outer layer.

See? Notice how I managed to find out something about a spice often used in the baking of some pies? Think that is a coincidence? I wonder about that myself!

Coffee on the patio this morning. Gonna be a beautiful Spring morning!


  1. Nutmeg in peach cobbler! - My favorite spice. You are quite the teacher. I used to be quite the cook. Used mace in a cookie...I think. Didn't know the two were kin. Isn't it fun to learn new things each day. I love it - keeps our mind, I think... HaHa. I forget also! Such a battle.

  2. Coriander seed for cookies produces Cilantro for salsa. Two completely different tastes. I bet the tree/bush has a third name. Ah, a subject for study today.

  3. I didn't know that mace was made with it but I know that if you take enough nutmeg that it'll take you on an interesting high.

    After it makes you throw up your guts and wish you were dead.

  4. Very interesting piece today. I love it when I learn something new.

  5. Learn something new everyday, I had never heard of Mace before much less that it came from the same tree as nutmeg.

    Enjoy your coffee it is a beautiful day.

  6. Never heard of mace before either. Thanks, always learning new things with you.
    Yes it is going to be another beautiful day.

    Off for follow on eye and then the 4th Avenue Spring Fair.

  7. Hey Carolyn...
    Always fun to find out something new. I try and do that every day!

    Spices and where to use them would be a good thing to know, just in case! Would make a great trading item!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    My thoughts exactly!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey BBC...
    Some of these spices can do double duty if you are crazy enough to try them out!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I always enjoy it when I can share something new!

    Most of this stuff I didn't know until I started researching!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey MsBelinda...
    I have used mace before, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was on.

    Always something new at the hermit's!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over!

    Hey JoJo...
    Hope the follow up on the eye goes well!

    You take care and enjoy the nice weather!

    Thanks for the visit, sweetie!

  8. Thx, i had never seen the raw ingredients.

  9. Hey Trouble...
    Always interesting to see some things in their raw form, right?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  10. Any excuse for pie time is a good excuse.

  11. Hey Sixbears...
    You certainly got that right! I agree 100%!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  12. HJ, I have both of these spices in mt spice collection, although the nutmeg is used more often. It's added to oatmeal along with cinnamon at least once or twice a week. And, of course, is a must have for baking, especially in pumpkin pie.

  13. Thx, i had never seen the raw ingredients.
