Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Need Me A Little Bugs Bunny...!

Ol' Bugs has been around for a very long time!

Probably one of the most imitated cartoon characters there ever was! At least his way of talking! One thing about Bugs...he just never seems to age! You notice that?

Come to think about it, I can't think of a single cartoon character appearing older! Must be something in the water!

Seems like all the 'toons had their favorite food! Too bad it was often each other!

Sometimes the silliest things are funny! Considering when these things were made, they really aren't bad! Better, in fact, than some of the crap made today!

Coffee on the patio this morning. I have some peanut putter cream cookies!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)March 18, 2012 at 6:50 AM

    Thanks for the cartoons! Hard to believe they are so old!
    Peanut butter cookies....yum!

  2. Can't make Sunday morning with out my Cartoons :-)


  3. Love my old school cartoons.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    They certainly don't make 'em like they used to!

    Hard to beat a good peanut butter cookie, isn't it?

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

    Hey Ben...
    Does kinda start the day off with a good feeling, doesn't it?

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    In some things, old school is certainly the way to go!

    I appreciate you coming over this morning!

  5. Thanks for the cartoons. You know I just love me some Looney Tunes
    peanut butter cream? do you make them or are they bought. never heard of cream ones. Sounds awfully good.

  6. Hey JoJo...
    I'm afraid that these came from the Dollar Store, but they aren't bad for store bought!

    What could be better for an early morning snack...cookies, coffee, and cartoons?

    Of course, the company is great also!

    Thanks for the visit, sweetie!

  7. Loved those cartoons, both made me laugh out loud.

  8. Hey Trouble...
    You mean that you can't see them, or what?

    Seems like most folks can see them.

    Maybe you just didn't think they were funny! Not sure what you were trying to say!

    Thanks for coming by!

  9. hey Dizzy...
    Glad I could brighten your morning just a tad! That's what I'm here for!

    Sure do thank you for coming by today!

  10. Yes, there is a cartoon with an old bugs being chased by Elmer, both in wheelchairs.

  11. Hey Ken...
    Thanks for telling me! I'll have to see if I can find one like that!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  12. I never watched much toons as a kid, or as an adult, I've never had a TV around all that much. Oh well had a couple of race cars and other interesting things to do.
