Saturday, March 31, 2012

Would You Eat This Fruit...?

I'll admit that I've eaten some pretty strange foods in my life, but nothing like this!

Just reading the description made me wonder why anyone would even consider this as food! I guess if you are hungry enough, you'll eat anything. However, up to this point, I haven't been that hungry! What about you?


The Durian is a large fruit that is highly revered throughout Asia and is native to Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is well known as the king of the fruits and can become up to 30cm long with an average mass of 1 to 2 kg. The flesh, inside the spiny outer peel, releases a very pungent smell (sometimes likened to that of a rotting corpse) that can even penetrate through the skin, causing the fruit to be banned from many public transport systems. The inside flesh can be either pale yellow or red, depending on the species. The smell released can either evoke feelings of intense appreciation by local people, or an intense disgust for people that are not familiar with the fruit. The smell has been described as a combination of turpentine, gym socks and rotten onions. Surprisingly the taste of the fruit makes a complete contrast from the smell, and the taste has been described by naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace as “a rich custard highly flavored with almonds”. The fruit can be eaten in various levels of ripeness and even the seeds can be eaten when cooked.

I guess I shouldn't be so judgemental about what some folks like, but I'm not eating anything that smells like a corpse! Call me picky, but that's the way I feel!

Coffee on the patio this morning. We can watch the handyman clean the gutters! didn't think I was going to do it, did ya?


  1. HJ,
    I ate the Durian while in the Philippines. The descriptions posted here, and elsewhere really don't do the fruits attributes justice (it can be worse). I really enjoyed the flavor/texture once I got it past my nose. The description told to me by family was: "Tastes like heaven; Smells like Hell". I always recommend at least trying it once. Damn; I just sounded like my parents...

    John in Alaska

  2. I ate some last week. The other half is from Malaysia. I eat all kinds of crazy stuff. I love it!!! from fish heads to durian to jelly fish. dont live inside your own little world. Live it up,,, the S is about to hit the F and there aint nuthin you can do about it sep prep. : )_ MOPrepper

  3. If you've ever eaten at a fast food place, you've probably eaten worse.

    I think I'd use a clothespin for my nose.

  4. Guess it all depends on where you were raised and how brave you are about trying something new. For me, no thank you.

  5. Hi Jim! It always makes me wonder,who was the first person to try and eat something like this! Looking at it and smelling it I would not think food! Ya know? We have people from all over the world where I work some of there food smells wonderful,some as my assistant says smells like boiling garbage! But to each his own!


  6. Hey John...
    Being raised up around a lot of country folks, I've been tricked into trying things I really didn't want to eat! Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

    I reckon if I were hungry enough, I would try it. Hope I'm never tha5t hungry!

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey MOPrepper...
    Probably a lot of i5t is in how it's prepared and presented!

    Times are coming where we might all have to change the way we look at food!

    Like you say, I should learn to be more opened minded about some things!

    Hey, thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Just one more reason I don't eat at fast food places very much!

    I got plenty of clothespins, just in case!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I think you're right about that! Guess I'm way too picky!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey China...
    Smell has such a big part in taste, I'm not sure if I could get around it, ya know?

    I do hear ya on the different foods and their smells at work! I can remember when I worked in retail, some folks brought their lunch and you really didn't want to know what they were eating!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  7. Well smelling dead rotting things has never been appealing so I don't think trying to eat it would be a happening for me.

    I'm glad your not cleaning out the gutters and hired someone. Don't need to be climbing on latters anymore.

  8. Think I'll pass on that one. Thanks,but no thanks!
    I've often wondered who was the first person to eat a raw oyster? Must have been real hungry!!

  9. Hey JoJo...
    I would probably be able to eat it, if I forced myself! I really don't want to, though.

    Me and ladders don't mingle much anymore! Hard on the knees!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I've wondered about the oyster thing myself! Whoever it was, was much braver than I!

    Don't blame you for passing! Me too!

    hanks, buddy, for dropping in!

  10. I agree just give me (two eggs) over easy with bacon

  11. I am always willing to taste new things, but as I get older I m not quite as willing.

  12. Dang it!! I been thinking about you having someone clean your gutters all day now and trying to decide if I should attempt it from the ladder of find me a guy..

    I just hope your happy!

  13. I've actually held one in my hand at the supermarket, but I wasn't brave enough to try it. And I didn't even smell anything; my guess is it was not ripe.

  14. To find out if a food is safe to eat give it to the village idiot first, in that case, my brother.

  15. Hey Ted...
    Now that is a dish I can get behind 100%!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I hear ya on that! I'm not quite as brave as I once was, as far as food goes!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Ben...
    I figured I was better off on the ground acting as supervisor, ya know?

    A lot safer from that standpoint!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    Hey John...
    I've never seen one in person and I'm not sure I want to!

    Still, it might be something to share with an enemy!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey BBC...
    Unfortunately I don't have a brother! I do, however, have some neighbors I would gladly share with!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  16. I think I'll pass! Cabin pics for ya over at my place...

  17. Hey Craig...
    I can't blame ya for passing on this one, buddy!

    I appreciate the pics. On my way to see them now!

    Thanks for coming over!
