Saturday, April 21, 2012

Anyone Lose A Rocket Launcher...?

I'm thinking that something like this could only happen in Houston.

I'm pretty sure that the garbage collection guys see a lot of really strange things at the curbside, but probably nothing like this. Might just be a first for all of them! Still, this is kinda a scary sort of way!

 Used rocket launcher left for trash pickup causes Kingwood-area scare 

A military-style rocket launcher left on the curb for trash pickup Thursday in the Kingwood area was confiscated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

 “We have it in our custody,” said Gary Orchowski, acting special agent in charge at the ATF’s Houston office. “We’re awaiting word from the U.S. military on whether they want it back or we are going to destroy it.” 

The launcher, about 3 feet long, was dirty and full of cobwebs and spider eggs, Orchowski said. Leaving it out for trash pickup was not illegal, he said. 

“The preliminary examination of it reveals that the rocket launcher was inert and no explosive material has been identified, so it was not classified as a destructive device,” Orchowski said. “There was no violation of the Gun Control Act, the National Firearms Act or any federal explosive laws.” 

 Several ATF agents went to the scene in the 900 block of Marina Drive after a resident called the federal agency, Orchowski said.

"We notified the Houston Police Department bomb squad and the FBI,” he said. 

The bomb squad responded, but Orchowski said, to his knowledge, the FBI did not.

Orchowski said the launcher, which had a military serial number, has been “demilled,” meaning it’s no longer a military item. He said he couldn’t release photos of the device without permission from the military. 

According to The Humble Observer, a neighbor said a trash collection crew would not pick up the launcher. 

It's getting to be that you just never know what to expect in the big city! The only thing that surprises me is that this piece of equipment didn't belong to one of my neighbors!

We'll have to have our coffee in the kitchen this morning because the rain is coming down again!


  1. So they were scared of a hollow tube, were they?

  2. Might be a bit hard to come by rockets for it.

  3. I had a friend who was stopped by the state police because he a big black box in his trailer labled TOW missles. He got an empty case from a surplus store to put his camping gear it. Kept gear nice and dry.

  4. Shoot, I betcha my neighbor Jim Bob and his brothers and cousins could have got that thing back up to snuff .
    Then they'd take some of the left over fireworks and black powder and whup up a real good show on July 4th!! :-)

  5. Why do folks get so worked up over nothing. I can see calling someone to get the thing picked up but the FBI. I could see if it had a missile in it but it was empty. OH well I guess they needed some excitement in their lives.

    More rain! That's a good thing since you all had such a bad drought last year.
    But like I always say coffee with friends is good anywhere its served.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Guess that they were a little concerned!

    Good thing it wasn't a machine gun, they would have really freaked out!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey BBC...
    I'm thinking you're probably right about that!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I guess that in this day and age, anything is possible.However, I don't think the bad guys would leave the original writing on the box.

    Bet your friend had a good laugh over that one!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Your neighbor could probably have built a better one out of coffee cans and duck tape!

    Now I know that all rednecks seem to be able to get an endless supply of black powder! Would make some really good fireworks!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    The rain is certainly welcome, especially when it's slow and gentle!

    Should make for a good garden this year, if I wanted to put one in!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over!

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  8. What, doesn't every one have one of those? Or is it just you and me who don't?
