Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter...!

Please don't let the real meaning of Easter get lost in the glamour and commercialism of the day!

Everyone should be reflective, thankful, and respectful today and every day. If you pray, today would certainly be an excellent time to do that. All I'm asking is that we should reflect on all the good things in our lives, and put aside the least for one single day!

Speaking of good things, why don't we have some fresh coffee on the patio this morning. Looks to be a glorious day!

Happy Easter, Everyone...!


  1. May God bless you this Resurrection Day, Jim!

  2. Have a Happy Easter!
    Our big easter day was yesterday on easter eve. I have no idea why we have easter eve (or christmas eve for that matter) as the big day in this country :-)


  3. happy passover tooo, easter today is wonderous and lovely, too bad commercial enterprises have made it out to be the single most next to valentines days candy selling day, heard that this week..why can't everyday be a holiday to people, when most of america is trying to get jobs, food, shelter why make just one day a day to stop and reflect and ponder one's relationship to the Lord???????????????????????????????I don't get that, just like christmas and thanksgiving why can't each day be a celebration of the many blessings most people have from the Lord???????? We volunteer daily and see what hunger and homelessness and domestic violence can have on human beings, why not be nice each day to all human, canine, feline and all other inhabitants of this great land the USA..just saying, love you blog, read it early each day, get a big kick out of your thoughts! Ciao....

  4. Easter is a bunch of nonsense, if jesus wants anything it's a blow job. I'm hooking up to the 5th wheel and going camping.

  5. BBC you must be one unhappy person
    I wish you a good day.

    For the rest of you and My Mr. Hermit,

    Have a wonderful Holiday.

  6. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)April 8, 2012 at 9:17 AM

    So true!
    Have a Happy Easter!
    I made bunny cupcakes - will go great with your coffee!

  7. Happy Easter Jim! Peace to you and yours.

    And BBC, I really don't see the point in comments like that on a site where you know the people obviously observe Easter and similar holidays. Be respectful enough to keep crap like that to yourself.

  8. Happy Easter, Jim! It looks to be a nice day here in WI also. Thanks for your Easter message.

  9. Hey Gorges...
    Thank you, sir, for those very kind wishes!

    I'll take all the blessings that anyone gives me and be glad to have them!

    I do hope your day is filled with blessings as well.

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

    Hey Anon 6:14...
    You ask a question that I would never be able to answer.

    Why folks don't celebrate just being alive is a wonder to me. Being nice, or at least respectful, to others everyday should be automatic, in my opinion.

    I really do appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey BBC...
    Ya know, a long time ago, when I first started this blog, I made the decision to not moderate the comment section.

    I felt that everyone had the right to say whatever they please. However, along with the freedom of speech comes a certain amount of responsibility.

    Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can stand up and yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. It doesn't mean that you can deride or belittle others, and it certainly means that you, at the very least, afford the same respect to others here that you are afforded.

    I have very few rules about the comments and everyone is more than welcome to voice their opinion...but I would ask that you do so in a manner that is respectful of others!

    I am a Christian and I was personally offended by your comment today! I am not going to remove it, though, for the very reason stated above.

    I'm asking you very nicely to be respectful of the beliefs of others when making your comments. If you feel you must degrade other posters...or myself, then please refrain from commenting at all!

    I wish you peace and hope you have a glorious day! Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Thanks for the good wishes this holiday, sweetie!

    Enjoy the family and friends today, and be safe on the road!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Bring on those bunny cupcakes! I love anything sweet! But you can tell that by looking at my belt size!

    Happy Easter to you, my friend!

    Hey Anne...
    Thank you so much for the good wishes this morning!

    I hope you and yours have a very pleasant day today as well!

    I really appreciate the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I am certainly glad you are having some decent weather there today! Spring is certainly making making a grand entrance, don't you think?

    Happy Easter, and thanks for dropping by today!

  10. That comment from BBC should be removed, no one needs to see that kind of thing on here. He's the only one i've ever had to bar from my blog. Takes just 3 clicks to see my comments, and post them.
    Otherwise,,I am reflecting on the real meaning of Easter, and thanking God for giving us this.

  11. And Jesus died for people like BBC. Hard to fathom His great love.

  12. Hey Trouble...
    While we may not agree with what he says, he has the right to say it. As long as the remarks are fair and respectful of others, I won't block him.

    You have a great day! Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That's the truth, my friend, that's the truth!

    Have a Happy Easter and thanks for coming over this morning!

  13. His remarks WERE NOT respectful of others, HJ, that was my whole point.

  14. I wonder if one of your followers has ever consider professional help for his mental problem ,just thinking out loud!

  15. I have always tried to live up to an old saying I heard along time ago (IF YOU CAN NOT SAY ANY THING GOOD ABOUT SOMEONE DO NOT SAY ANY THING)
